You’ve Been Lied To…

Some doctors give the worst diet advice! In this video, we’ll discuss the dangerous health advice that out-of-touch doctors still give their patients. Avoid these health tips and find out what to do instead.
0:00 Introduction: The worst health advice
0:16 Supplements
2:11 Calcium supplements
4:05 Sun exposure and cancer
5:03 Snack frequently to avoid overeating
5:40 Sugar in moderation
6:33 Avoid saturated fats
7:08 Whole grains are heart-healthy
7:42 Avoid red meat
8:39 Salt and high blood pressure
9:04 The worst advice ever
The worst health advice:
1. People can get all their nutrition from food.
Getting enough nutrients such as vitamin D, potassium, and magnesium from food is almost impossible. Many people consume refined carbs and sugar, which deplete them of vital nutrients. Supplements are often the only way to compensate.
2. Take more calcium to prevent osteoporosis.
Normal blood calcium levels do not prevent bone loss. Osteoporosis usually occurs when you age and hormones like estrogen and testosterone decrease.
3. Always use sunblock.
Sunblock became very popular when sun exposure was linked to cancer. But you need sun to get enough vitamin D, which is vital for your immune system.
4. Snack frequently to avoid overeating.
Snacking raises insulin, creating a high blood sugar situation. This keeps you hungry and will not prevent overeating.
5. Sugar in moderation is fine.
Sugar and carb consumption, even in moderation, stops you from tapping into your fat reserve.
6. Avoid saturated fats.
Saturated fat does not clog your arteries. High-carb diets create a much more significant risk for heart problems.
7. Whole grains are heart-healthy.
Whole grains trigger blood sugar. Most products that contain whole grains also contain refined grains and fillers like maltodextrin and modified food starch. Whole grains contain phytates, which block the absorption of key nutrients, and gluten, which irritates the gut.
8. Avoid red meat
Grass-fed, grass-finished red meat is the healthiest food you can eat!
9. Our brains need sugar and carbs.
Your brain can also run on ketones, which will prevent brain fog and increase cognitive function.
10. Restrict salt for high blood pressure.
Rather than avoiding salt, focus on eliminating junk food from the diet and increasing vitamin D and potassium.
11. All calories are equal.
The body does not treat all calories equally. Instead of creating a calorie deficit to lose weight, create a carbohydrate calorie deficit. This forces the body to burn fat as an alternative fuel source.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#health #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle #intermittentfasting
Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the worst health advice. I’ll see you in the next video.
Grateful for Dr. Berg!
Ditto 🧘🏽
💯👌 my GP don’t even look me in the eyes. Thank you❤
Thankfully we have people like yourself telling us the truth that we can follow and learn how to look after ourselves
Man doing the lords work. I found this channel after I found out my A1c was 6.1. In December. Started cutting out carbs and sugar. While intermittent fasting.
My brain fog has gone down and I am recalling information a bit better. I also lost the stubborn belly fat that i struggled with for years to get rid of.
So grateful for everything thing he does.
Same here but there are a couple of other doctors in addition to Dr. Berg. It makes me so mad that I had to go to YouTube to improve my health instead of an appointment every 6 months from my PCP.
@ I agree! I am still trying to see a doctor about it. When I asked they were like just diet and exercise. I am like okay can you be a little more specific. I spend like on average 90 minutes at the gym 5 days a week. I was eating low calorie foods.
I always thought it was just calories in vs calories out and avoiding sugary drinks and you would be fine. I had no idea carbs were that basically just as bad.
Is 6.1 good?
@ its considered pre-diabetes so i would say no.
A1C results
The following ranges are used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes: Normal: below 5.7% Prediabetes: 5.7% to 6.4% Diabetes: 6.5% or above.
Once I got past the, “keto sickness,” I started feeling amazing. I really wish I knew 20 years ago what I know now, but getting a late start is better than never getting started at all.
Thanks, Dr. Berg!
My last two visits to doctors were so horrible. They were so ignorant about what they were dismissive of.
Oh yeah I wanted to run out screaming at my last visit!!! I was seriously afraid they were going to hold me down and force vaccines and invasive cancer tests and claim me as mental for refusing all those things!! Aaaaaaaaack
@@randombear5353 yes its best to not say much at all beyond the minimal necessities
@@randombear5353 😕yikes. Time to find a better place maybe?
My doctor told me that I was too overweight. That I needed many meds to help and diet is not enough. Threatened me with extreme peril if I didn’t start on all the meds asap. I left that doctor in 2020 and now at my goal weight and feel amazing and I did this by keto and fasting. Such a disgrace what the medical industry has turned into.
Well done!
No, the medical industry is the same as it always has been. Allopathic medicine is medical care or disease management as it’s called. It is not health care. You can get a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition, 1 or more Masters of Science in Nutrition, and 1 or more Ph.D’s of Science in Nutrition.
Medical doctors don’t get a unit in nutrition.
I’m a nurse and I haven’t had those clot shots and I’m no longer taking any vaccines of any kind even flu.
I’ve been a nurse for 30 years and I was a medic in the Air Force Reserves for 26 years My faith in the health system is zilch.
My wife tried Keto recipe by Dr Berg, and trust me she rarely workout, still lost allot of waight.
Good for you ❤!!!!
Doctors are always quick to prescribe a drug, rather than consider nutrition.
I’m am thrilled with some of the ideas I’ve heard from the MAHA crowd. Can you imagine an America where insurance covered Vitamin D supplements if a patient chooses that over meds?
That’s why I call them overpaid drug salesmen. And I don’t go to them.
Insurance does cover Vitamin D, they are available in prescription form- BUT- many doctors still aren’t educated on all the deep nutritional aspects such as these dr. Berg speaks on. My cousin was severely low on D- she was Prescribed (paid by her Insurance) 50,000 IU once a week- But! D2 form, not D3 so she got worse!!! The D2 did nothing for a person already so severely depleted in D. … so- be sure to do your research
@@helgafellay4352. Spot on! Same thing with dental hygienist telling me to get constant x rays, when I never get cavities and brush and floss after every meal
Only way I’ll see a doctor or take their advice is in an emergency like broken bones or surgery’s. Never NEVER take a doctors advice on health care and diet
They only receive about a days worth of training on nutrition in med school.
Find one that is open to Dr Berg’s and Mark Hyman and others.
Yep! I recently went to my chiropractor to order and review some blood work, and I called him today about a knee injury.
Even if I do go to the doctor, I get the info I need and rarely follow his advice.
@@Rosie_C yep lol, I smile and nod, yes doc I am applying those gels of course
The best way to stay healthy is to NOT have a PCP (primary care physician). And more than 1 doc in your life is disastrous!
I told my Doctor I was doing Carnivore and the doctor said that was very unhealthy. She the best diet was to take a 8 ounce cup and put whatever you want in it 5 times a day. So I said, so I can shove Snickers bars in the cup 5 times a day and lose weight? She said be sensible, so I stayed on carnivore!
Snickers satisfies lol
Just get your minerals too on carni. Look at your water see ewg tap water.
Oh. My. Goodness. 😶
I’ve been doing modified carnivore and I get lots of push-back, but it’s just temporary and I cannot believe how amazing I feel.
@@Rosie_C What does modified mean?
@@MOAB-UT that’s what I was wondering. I’m thinking modified carnivore probably isn’t carnivore
I’ve been explaining this to my clients for years, but it is still a hard cell. The bad advice is so ingrained they just can not see the sense in changing. Fortunately, there are some who do see the truth and they do wonderfully well.
I can’t sleep post child birth 1.5 years ago. Do you know what I can do besides magnesium and vitamin D?
My mother, a retired RN taught the moderation diet. She’s obese, sick, pre diabetic, and has an autoimmune disease. To this day at 80 she swears that is what is best for people. Frustrating what doctors teach people!
Remember when they told us all to take the clot-shot?
I mean she did make it to 80 at least lol
I used to go with my stepdad to his many hospital appointments and I was shocked to see that most of the doctors and nurses were obese. Scary scene. I thought, “these people are experts in health?!”
@@verseau8360 no, they are expert in medicine which in nowadays terms: drugs.
Challenge her: show her the fall risk data on low D3, then measure D3 levels, supplement K2 and get D3 up to 100, CoQ10 200/day, psyllium and chia , coconut oil, and whole grains, and allulose sweetener. Add fish oil 1200+ and turmeric 1500.
Ask her to try for 2 weeks and see how she feels.
If you grew up on a farm it’s clear as day on the soil. We no longer farm but we added the supplements to the dirt where grass was grown for the cattle. Also the hayfields were supplied with the nutritional value to raise the cattle during winter months. It breaks my heart to see what the fields and cattle look like today.
I wish I had grown up on a farm. My large backyard was nothing but red clay with sod on top. Day after day I kept mulching, adding in my kitchen compost, raising earth worms etc etc. Now, I have the most beautiful smelling black soil ever. And huge numbers of earth worms:) We grow as much veggies as we can with limited sunlight due to huge canopies of oak trees. If each person took care of their little or large sections – we could do it again!
Thanks Doc!
-Three things that changed my life:
1. started watching your videos
2. I read the book called: Health Secrets Industry Hides
3. I stopped eating excess sugar
Thanks for sharing that
totally agree with you I love watching Eric berg
I will check that book out, I think I heard about it before
must read it
I finished that book 3 weeks ago
The saturated fat/cholesterol nonsense is something I fear will never get through to most people, it will take years to change this belief.
Thank you for making this video. It’s so hard for my elderly parents to understand these concepts, as they blindly believe everything their doctors tell them, and if they get off statins that they’re gonna have a heart attack the next day. Doctors simply dont care about functional medicine like they should.
A cured patient is another lost customer.
Wow. It’s so true.
100 percent true
My wife works at a cancer treatment center. I kid you not. They hung a banner up in the hallway for the patients to see. It read, ” Welcome customers, we’re here for you”. When she told me that I almost fell out of my chair. They want repeats for cancer patients?
Thank you Dr. Berg. I started watching you in 2023.
You cured my autoimmune issues.
Too much to get into, but you saved my life. Other medical advice only wanted to treat my symptoms.
I could barely walk, couldn’t open a jar, had horrible rashes, and my hair was falling out.
Fasting, healthy keto, raising my vitamin D intake, and daily physical workouts, and walking in the sunshine have given me a new lease on life. I’m a 54 menopausal woman, and I really appreciate you.
Congrats to your health! I, too, had a long haul to health, similar to yours with Dr. Berg help.
My Dr. dropped me because I wasn’t compliant with his annual procedures and vaccinations. I was 230 @ 5’2″ and on 7 meds. I got off meds and now I’m 120. Haven’t seen a Dr. in 5yrs.🎉
These” drs need to be named
May I ask what diet or way of eating did you do to lose the weight. I struggle with my weight and my Doctor wants me to take a shot daily like Ozempic and I refuse. She sounds like the Dr. you had always telling me to vaccinate up. No thank you. I want to lose weight on my own but it’s so hard. I need to lose 60 lbs.
@@Bedbug1962Grass fed meat, some pastured eggs, salmon, mackerel, veggies, and maybe some berries. It’s amazing what can happen jf you simply cut out anything with sugar, grains, and dairy.
Doctors are supposed to give you the facts…it’s up to you what actually to do….I’m always asked if I want a flu shot, or other ones as well…I say no…..period
Also I will not do a colonosphy
@ekd5213and shamed. Heavily. Although to be fair, it sounds like losing him was a big win for this guy.
Mother goes to 8 different professionals in the course of a year. Not a single person asked her what she eats, if she takes a supplement or how she sleeps