Yoga Power Flow to Feel Strong & Energized | Joanna Soh (Fio Series)

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Posted in Weight Loss Exercises
As an Indian feel good to see yoga on such a big international platform
Love from India💕❤️
Pozdrav iz Srbije 🇷🇸🥰
Oh boy! I want to give this a try! Thank you Joanna and Wendy!
I really really love doing yoga, 😁
Me too! 😅
Yeah, I like doing yoga in the morning after getting up , just around 20-30 minutes before going at work 🤭
Please make more yoga video, so I can practice it heee
I m the beginners till 16.16 was enough for me 😅
I am a beginner as well. And if I do up stopping I know for sure I’ll be back and continue on
For how many time a week should i complete
Thanks for the video! I am looking forward to do my yoga excercises and feel some stress relieve after i finished my work today.. ❤️
Feeling good after this♥️
Thank you, Wendy and Joanna! I went skiing two days ago and was feeling sore around the hips and thighs. I feel much better after this yoga routine. 😁