Worse than Sugar

Ultra-processed food contains toxic food additives and hidden sugar in the form of ultra-processed starch. Find out about the hidden dangers of starch, the ingredient that’s worse than sugar!
0:00 Introduction: Is starch bad for you?
1:26 Cornstarch and synthetic starch
2:03 The hidden dangers of starch
4:20 Hidden sugar
4:47 The health risks of starch
6:20 Why is corn starch added to food?
Today, we’re going to talk about the hidden dangers of starch. Some ultra-processed foods may not have sugar but are packed with synthetic starch. Many synthetic starches can potentially affect your blood sugar even more than sugar.
When you repeatedly raise your blood sugar, you will eventually develop insulin resistance. Over time, your fat cells can no longer store fat, and energy is stored inside the organs or as visceral fat. Ultimately, you lose the ability to control your blood sugar levels and can develop diabetes.
Starches are hidden sugar! Even products labeled sugar-free contain starches that can cause more damage than sugar.
Synthetic starches do not contain protein, fat, or fiber, all of which help buffer blood sugar spikes. Consuming starches can also deplete your body of essential nutrients such as vitamin D. This can cause significant inflammation, decreasing vitamin D’s ability to work in your cells.
Vitamin B1 is vital for your body to burn carbohydrates. Synthetic starches deplete vitamin B1 and zinc, leaving you tired and unable to create energy in the body.
Synthetic starches feed the pathogenic microbes in your gut. They can also contribute to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
Modified corn starch is added to food as a thickener or carrier of flavors. Maltodextrin is typically added to food as a filler. It’s also sometimes added to protein powders as an energy source. This is incredibly damaging to your cells and mitochondria.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about food ingredients to avoid and the hidden dangers of starch. I’ll see you in the next video.
Thank you Doc. Eric . God bless!
Welcome to the US Food Industry.
It’s not just in the USA 😮
And the fattest country on earth 🤢
Defund FDA
@@Coolidge2329Im with you!
@@vibekes2416 where else ??
I never realized that ultra-processed starches, like those in corn starch and maltodextrin, could be more harmful than sugar, even hidden in “sugar-free” foods. It’s shocking to learn how these fillers impact our blood sugar and gut health. Thanks for sharing this insight!
Maltodextrin in alot of “medicine” to.
And it’s in baby milk powder
@@lizmonteiro3904and vitamins
@@lizmonteiro3904just heard it’s in LMNT, what a disappointment
Jesus Christ is God and loves you dearly! Romans 10:9 states “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”.
Started wearing a CGM last week. Went to run errands & felt a little hungry. I grabbed a handful of Kettle potato chips & a handful of this spicy nut crunch mix from a party the night before. My blood glucose shot up from 80 to 165! Such a huge spike…& within an hour I was back below 100. The ingredient list on the crunchy nut snack was HALF the container! Words I couldn’t pronounce nor spell. I tossed it immediately. Thank you Dr. Berg! 👏🏻 👏🏻
If your glucose went back down within an hour, you’re pretty healthy. For me, homemade tomato soup with no added sugar shoots up my glucose to 165 and it stays up there for hours. I cannot afford to do any of these carbs
I also just started wearing a cgm. Seeing how fast things raise my blood sugar has me scared to eat anything. It is nice to see what’s doing what to my body in “real time”. Things I didn’t think were too bad are actually horrible for blood sugar.
Your best bet is to do your best to only eat real food as much as possible. A whole food without refined carbs was a game changer for me. Reversed my T2 diabetes 10 years ago. Stay away from food in boxes and cans when possible. That is the key…shop the outside perimeter of grocery stores. Real meat, real fruit, real veggies, etc.
When I was a kid through, sheer necessity we lived a completely, organic lifestyle off the land only, once ever hearing of anyone having had cancer. Everyone in the community supported, helped, bartered, shared and cared about each other where authentic & strong friendships & relationships were formed. The downfall was allowing oneself to be swayed, keeping a tv, giving away one’s powa and listening to those that did not have any1 other than their own best interests at heart – all of which created division. Rather, like today actually 🙏🏼💕🙏🏼
@@meloniestewart2940what country is this? I want to go there lol
And this poison is loaded into baby formula, along with seed oils. Please do a video on baby formula and non alcoholic fatty liver in babies along with the other problems. Maybe talk about when this change happened and compare to how it changed humans. Please also list alternatives for parents.
Absolutely! I used formula for my older 2 children because i didn’t know what was in it, but with my younger 3, I used goats milk and rice cereal with vitamin drops once a day. They are all very healthy and happy!
My premature baby born at 27 weeks was supplemented FMS formula with breastmilk. The first ingredient is maltodextrin! I was furious.
@@dkliberty6797unfortunately goat milk is UHT
He made at least one video on baby formula. And a few videos on what babies should eat.
Didn’t even consider baby formula…🤦🏼♂️. What a terrible food industry we have.
Thank you, Dr Berg! Appreciate all your work 💯
I planted a big variety of leafy greens, carrots, beets, radishes, and rutabagas in my fall/winter garden and I have 4 dwarf everbearing mulberry trees & 8 fig trees in the ground and a huge blackberry patch. I planted so many so there will be plenty for the wild birds too. I`ve harvested a lot of dried field peas for winter and I`m gonna try to grow ground cherries inside this winter.
Are you retired
@@nonmups9973 A car wreck messed me up with a brain injury, nerve damage, heart damage and spinal injuries and I`m on S.S.
@baneverything5580 sorry to hear that. Sounds like it was a bad one.
After many years I have realized that Sugar is giving me lots of pain in my joints. When I stop the sugar I feel much better after about a week or so .If I have any sugar after laying off of it my joints kill me once again! I have learned this from this channel!
Me too.
Very well done on your results! Keep up the good work!
Three years ago, I completely reversed 3 ailments by going keto.
My neighbor is a beekeeper and he gave us a quart sized jar of honey (me, knowing it’s 100% unadulterated).
What’s your opinion with having 1 teaspoon in my coffee on a Saturday morning?
Heated honey becomes poison.
Make America healthy again
Adopt European union rules for food production, problem solved .
O no, just trust CDC, FDA and Fauxi and Billy Smilly Gates. They will save us with vaxens all the time, even from diabetes.
@@ursulasmith6402nope, no “problem solved”. Europe allows a bunch of garbage too as do most other countries with better “health outcomes” than the US. It’d be a good start but far from being a “problem solved”.
Rfk jr will fix these bogus govt agencies
Although in small amounts, it pisses me off when reputable supplement companies use maltodextrin in their capsules
Came here to say this! I stopped taking certain supplements because they had maltodextrin in them. No bueno.
How do you know?
@@Candy_labra1111 the ingredients are listed on the back of the bottle.
@@Candy_labra1111one can also test this with a few drops of iodine. Dr Berg made a few videos on this, including this last days.
@ not in Australia
This Doctor needs to be cloned and put into every medical school to re-educate doctors with correct information about health.
He is brilliant, and a gem of a person to anyone with common sense about how to improve their health in a sustained way. I just love learning from his simple to understand videos.. I respect this man immensely. 🙏🙏🤷
Really appreciate your kind message. Very glad the information is helpful. Thanks for your support!
Definitely a contender for a major role if RFK,jnr gets the health project up and running.
I ❤ watching Dr Berg, he is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT and I TOTALLY agree with you I wish we could clone him for teaching other medical doctors throughout the world. Thank-you so very much Dr Berg for taking the time anddoing the trouble to educate those who want to understand more. I am undergoing cancer treatment, and can you believe it my integrative doctor perscribed some food supplement, they added maltodextrin in the pills to make these pills into nice shapes. 🙃🤔
😅 I like the ‘cloning this doctor….’!!!
Yeah, big pharma is not gonna like that idea.
We really need to get back in the kitchen to prep our own meals from scratch — the kitchen is our “healing” center.
People can’t afford to “get back in the kitchen”. That’s the problem. We don’t have the luxury of time anymore, which has been stolen from us by suppressed wages and corporate greed. Look up “social determinants of health”.
We don’t need to make videos demonizing starch and sugar in ultraprocessed foods. Just promote a balanced diet of nutrient dense foods, and consuming the appropriate kcal and protein for your body size and lifestyle.
@@Ntseim”demonizing” lol. He shared the information that no one else has given you. It’s up to you to justify it to yourself how you’re going to keep consuming it. his “job” is to tell us how it is/can be bad for us.
@@Ntseimeven when we had the time to be in the kitchen, in the 90’s for example, we were grossly misled. The food pyramid shunned the good fats, and promoted things like cereal as the flagship for great health. If someone doesnt explain exactly *how* a balanced meal/diet is supposed to look, we’ll no doubt end up following what these greedy heartless companies want us to eat. Like you said, no one has the time, so the creator of this video is doing phenomenal work putting it out there for us.
We do the best we can. All meals are cooked at home. We can’t afford grass fed beef or organic chicken. We’re trying our best to stay as well as we can.
Stop eating 1.Sugar 2.Starch 3.Seed oil – instead start eating 1. Protein 2. Fat 3. Fiber
no need for fiber
I started eating protein, fat and fiber about 5 months ago. Managed to get some mean gains and lost a good amount of fat in the process :).
@@truthonly7699 everyone is different. When I started eating fiber, my entire body changed, I felt so much better and more able to process everything else. I will never take fiber out of my diet again. I am 5 foot six, average weight 113 which is healthy for me and I’m 62 years old.
@@truthonly7699 yes you do, it cleans out your colon, gets things moving and prevents a host of illnesses.
First eat the fiber, next the protein and fat (Y) <3
Its sad how these companies can get away with being so nontransparent. Great video Berg!
It’s shameful.the garbage we’re being fed by corporate food suppliers…scary, actually.
I wonder what they & their families actually eat? Imagine knowing this & your kids are defiantly eating whatever they want. 😂
My meals are breakfast: Steel cut oatmeal, walnuts, natural peanut butter that I grind up from real peanuts. No oil, or added sugar or salt. A few cut up dates and bananas. Lunch: Bowl of quinoa, black beans, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, avocado and a grilled salmon or chicken. That’s it. Twice a day. Forget that food they make in factories. If I can’t see whatchu put in it, I don’t want it. No chips, cookies, little Debbie, twix Snickers, butterfinger. Etc. I ate enough of that junk in my 47 year’s. I’m on a different path now. Health wise. I’m trying to be like those older guys I use to see in the 70s and 80s still jogging around in downtown Austin. Thanks Doc. I appreciate the video. ❤
What is steel cut oatmeal?
Be sure not to eat farm raised salmon it is the most toxin fish protein on earth
@@janetfenwick4976cut in chunks not rolled
Not bad, but you need red meat to get the beneficial amino acids that isn’t in fish and chicken. I’d also would give up the oatmeal and eat eggs.
@pspenard correct
Thank you for clarifying that you are talking about ultra-processed, refined, synthetic starch. The late, great Dr. McDougall entitled his last major book “The Starch Solution”, but he was talking about natural foods such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and oats.
Thank you Doc. Whatever FDA says I try to avoid it. I found myself in this rabbit hole of so many industry lies when I read “The 23 Former Doctor Truths”. Its no wonder why Doctor left her career.
That book was banned by Amazon. Which makes me think there must be some pretty hot stuff in it!
@@itzakpoelzig330what the matter?
Can you tell me where you got the book from?
Thank for sharing
thank you. it seems like you need to be your own doctor these days. for everyone reading this i recommend the book the hidden herbs by anette ray
thanks for the information.
Anything the FDA recommends, I now do the opposite. Health and Beauty Mastery by Julian Bannett is a must-read if you want to uncover the shocking realities of the health industry. It opened my eyes, and I’ve completely changed my lifestyle since!
where can i get a copy?