Why Keto Doesn’t Work Anymore – Doctors Tells The Truth

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Why Keto Doesn't Work Anymore – Doctors Tells The Truth is a video that covers why the keto doesn't work anymore. The fact is that the keto diet has become lost in the mud of corporate opportunism and bad information. If you find yourself inn a situation where keto isn't working then you are going to want to evaluate how you can clean up your keto diet and do the keto diet right.
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Why keto doesn’t work? Not an accurate statement.
Watch the video.
That’s kinda the point of the video
Clickbait, everywhere, boring..
Proper Keto definitely does still work – it’s just that the whole concept has been corrupted.
Thank you for clarifying exactly what is going on with Keto. That s makes a lot of sense.
Thank you so much Dr. Z for sharing this vital information to everyone that’s on the Ketogenic diet and like me, now following a low carb diet! Really appreciate this! Will definitely be sharing!😄👍🏽
You are so spot on with this video. So many thoughts…Several years ago, I cut way back on carbs, especially refined carbs, processed foods, and seed oils among other things, while focusing on whole foods. I occasionally pick up a keto labeled product in the store, read the contents and frequently say, “Keto? What liars; this is crap.” You are right about companies/government wanting us to stay sick so they can control and profit off our maladies. My daughter eats at restaurants frequently and once in a while drags me to one, afterwards I feel terrible for a couple of days. Bottom line is: follow the money.
I love my clean keto way of eating
And IF basically 4/20
Niacin mag/gly d3/k2 are my standard
Sardines beef liver sauerkraut
Need to get more exercise
Keto for the win!
Keto never sounded right for me….I mean there is a reason God created Carbs…in ubundance…
😂😂😂 There’s a good reason God created cows and all other animals we consume in abundance. We could hunt and have food as nomads. Did they carry their carbs with them during this time? Or just magically come across some?
I’m kind of getting sick and tired of people like this spreading tons of misinformation by using buzzwords. My dad has been using the keto diet this past year, and it even saved his life. Maybe it’s not as popular anymore, but you can’t say it doesn’t work at all anymore.
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@@someoneyoudontknow7705 You would think this would be common sense… 🤔
He is telling WHY it may not be working for someone. If you eat all the processed “keto” foods, for example. And the SYSTEM began putting out negative misinformation about this diet!! They want to sell their crap, and do not want us healthy!! IF you do it right with real whole foods, it WILL WORK!!
Very subjective, brave, balanced, unbalanced, and holistic view of the subject. Thumbs 👍
There should be studies on keto diets for heart patients. People with heart failure, or other heart problems. Doctors who advocate the keto diet should bring evidence that it is beneficial for heart patients. There is a deafening silence on this one!
I have a theory here. Having keto, you need more of kalium and magnesium. Visibly more than usual. I suspect these whom got heart problems – arent quite aware of this fact. Because, afaik, lack of kalium may give heart problems…. Ps. a good source of kalium and magnesium is the so called low natrium salt – where instead of part of the natrium, they put in more kalium and magnesium. This salt is sometimes called for Minerale salt.
So you just go with flow. Keto is almost like Mediterranean diet and it’s working until now. I’m sad about you. I just unsubscribed on your channel. Delete all your videos that fooled us.
I tried strict keto back in 2020. It’s really horrible. In just 6 months I lost 16kg, from 58kg to 42.
I felt weak and tired 24/7, extremely lethargic, I could not exercise due to lack of energy, no libido at all and hair loss at an alarming rate. I looked very skeletal at 42kg & 173cm. People thought that I underwent a chemo..even my GP’ nurses thought that too !
And when I abandoned keto, I faced another problem : non stop diarrhoea for several months. NEVER AGAIN !!!
Why on earth did you continue to diet your way down to 42kg? I take it you’re a female?
I mean no offence.
thats not keto. you did something horribly wrong or there is something horribly wrong with you that needs addressing. my guess? you thought what you were eating was real food.
‘CLEAN keto’ worked well for me along with the one meal a day eating schedule.(I was never a three meal per day person.) It helped me to lose the last of my 100 lb goal without feeling hungry. It also taught me a healthier way to eat. I didn’t discover keto until a couple of years ago. l had been working on my eating plan for several years prior to trying keto. I never really did get on that keto bus when it was all the rage.
I’m all too aware of our toxic food problem. For the last 4 years or so I’ve been telling people that the government really doesn’t care about our health like they claim. Just look at our toxic food supply. It’s all about the money.
Nailed it
Keto was always a fad just like carnivore is i do intermittent fasting im doing OMAD(one meal a day) i just make sure i get my 2000 calories i need daily in that one meal.
fasting is the best way to lose weight.
not all calories are the same. losing weight has very little to do with being healthy. keto us not a fad, neither is carnivore. lemon juice and water is a fad diet.
Follow the money, then avoid anything along that path. simple as that.
Keto, carnivore, primal, these are all very good diets that just remove all the bad crap and processed garbage. Every single one relies on real whole foods from natural sources.
Nowadays, just about every new diet drives people towards real whole food because there’s no market at that point for processed packaged foods for that “diet”. go back even just a few years as an example, and Carnivores had to eat liver if they wanted all those vitamins. Now they have flash dried liver pills you can take. great advantage for people who still gross out on liver, but…do we know that it’s really giving us all we can get compared to a slice of natural liver cooked up decently?
And, of course, companies eventually pick up on the trend and start marketing their processed garbage for that diet, and it “looks” like the diet stops working when in reality people just started migrating back to the processed garbage, because were at heart a lazy species. that nature is something we have to fight, and the market feeds on it like vampires.