Why Do People in India Have Protruding Bellies?

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
S not only that
I reckon ice cream after a meal and regular consumption of soft drinks and chips
All contributing to obesity in western countries
Yes, and when doctors tell us the truth about unhealthy Western diets, we don’t start whining about it and trying to change the subject matter as you are doing. Grow up!
And the iconic breakfast “aloo ka paratha” (which is fucking delicious) is literally carbs stuffed inside of carbs and a lot of oil.
This is about awareness. We already know about western countries.
He’s talking about India.
I have spent time in India and many other Asian countries.
@@utarian7 ask your grandfather no common man in older times had a belly.
The thing is people have to be CAREFUL WITH A VEGETARIAN DIET AND PEOPLE ARE NOT. Why are you making fish a necessity go to villages you will see. We are vegetarian for around centuries now Why has this increased in past 50 years??
I am not telling you to eat a vegan diet not at all but you cannot blame a vegetarian diet. Yes no one was eating a aloo ka paratha 100 years ago they eating something real
Other name for that fermentation is Sibo?
Protruding belly you see every person from every nation who has unhealthy lifestyle.
I only have protruding dicC , and it is massive.
But it’s over the top in India.
India is way over the top and worse than any other nation.
It’s more common in South Asian countries. Almost every man has a protruding belly. Some men are even very skinny but they will somehow have a protruding belly. (It’s called skinny fat)
People here being defensive, aren’t thinking logically. You didn’t even get Dr.Berg’s point.
Vegetarian don’t wanna hear any bad think about there food 🤣 they just pure hate on non veg foods
Please stop putting vegans and vegetarians in the same sentence. We are worlds apart. Vegans are closer to paleo/carnivore. If you don’t get that you’re dumb. I was carnivore before vegan. Vegetarian is not healthy . Indians have dramatically become more unhealthy in modern times. They have a vast and hideously cruel dairy system and they have adopted the high sugar/cheap carb western diet. They have the highest rate of diabetes in the world. Not vegan. Stop using veganism as a weapon.
@@ankitkashyap272 The thing is not about vegetarianism we are vegetarian for centuries now even 50 years ago no common person had belly. (Ask your grandfather)
Now it is common because there is an addition of what is called junk food (sugary drinks, donuts, snacks, alcohol increased starch what dr berg mentioned in the video). there is a common risk of a belly with a vegetarian diet + junk food YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL WITH A VEGETARIAN DIET, you cannot be careless simple the thing is go to small villages which follow the traditional method no one is having a belly.
Love from India ❤
As an indian i agree to dr. Berg 😁
@@GeorgeBederzon ok ok with 😁👍
As an indian, I’m not at all offended but glad to see this amazing doctor spreading awareness. Indian cuisine is full of carbs and it’s so difficult to get protein. That’s why women and men here big bellies and flabby bodies.
It’s also related to quantity. If we look at Christian Orthodox monks, they only eat vegetarian with strictly plant based for about 3 months total in a year. But they also limit how much they eat. Of course, we could all do without sugar at all.
So what can be done to lessen the fermentation ??
@@janetmeegan5906Eat less foods that cause fermentation and more meat.
@@bushra02khan As a Muslim (khan) you have lot of high protein options like Beef, chicken, mutton, eggs and fish. Include veggies for Fibre and Curd for Probiotics. Eat a low carb Diet and Intermittent Fasting is also a must. No snacking, No Highly processed seed oils, no highly refined carbs and do any type of exercise you love.
Indians these days consuming lots of sugary drinks, lots of chocolates, street food ( deep fried ), almost regularly, And not doing exercise
Thanks to Doctor Berg aa an Indian learnt to eat right and in moderation and to exercise the body now is in good health and shape.
God Bless you for creating so much awareness.
Respect to Dr. Berg for showing the right map of India.
You mean exaggerated & unrealistic map of India? It’s showing parts of Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan as if they were part of Indian territory. 😂
Diabetes capital of the world.
And you can walk on the river is there because they are so full of garbage. There is actually no escape from the garbage. And the people lineup in a row on the edge of the street and drop their pants and do a number two.
@@Boyhowdy875 Yep, not really a good place to live. No hate to Indians though, just not the best country.
You did that Indian guy dirty 😂
wellll if the shoe fits….
He was just walking around now he’s in a dr berg video 😭
@@Ghost_emoji haha yessss
This is because change in lifestyle and eating habits. I am from village background, this wasn’t the case few decades ago. This is because of bad food and zero exercise and zero walking. People hardly walk here anymore. 😅
Yeah absolutely ask your grandfather no common man in older times had a belly.
The thing is people have to be CAREFUL WITH A VEGETARIAN DIET AND PEOPLE ARE NOT. Why are you making fish a necessity go to villages you will see. We are vegan for around centuries now Why has this increased in 50 years think about that??
My grandma was from India she came here in 1953, but never gave up her nuts, ghee, fresh vegetables and a lot of Ayurvedic way of living and lived until she was 98 years old ❤
He’s talking about their stomachs, not a threat of early death.
@@jeniferjohnson374of course it is related with the age! Big belly is related with metabolic syndrome and illness. So, if you live to 98 years old and in good health, what do you comment mean?
@@jeniferjohnson374 very funny l am aware of what he is saying but isn’t it obvious that if you keep healthy you look after your stomach it helps , you have totally missed the point also are these not the same foods Dr Berg recommends, also isn’t American the fastest nation an l am born and bread in England what about the beer bellies here, and just in case you get confused I’m not racist 🤷♀️😂
@@jeniferjohnson374 very funny l am aware of what he is saying but isn’t it obvious that if you keep healthy you look after your stomach it helps , you have totally missed the point also are these not the same foods Dr Berg recommends, also isn’t American the fastest nation an l am born and bread in England what about the beer bellies here, and just in case you get confused I’m not racist 🤷♀️😂
I’m not Indian but I can attest to being vegan and having major bloating issues. I remember one night, I had just eaten a very small ‘healthy’ meal and the inside of my belly button felt like it was about to tear apart. I had never felt anything like that before. It happened a couple more times and I finally decided I needed to go back to my old way of eating to get back to my baseline. Once I did that I found KETO and haven’t looked back since.
I am an Indian, and I agree about Mr Bergs point about Indian food being full of carbs and that aspect of lack of nutrition that leads to protruding belly.
But it is an adaptation we have evolved with thanks to your kind!
Experts have agreed centuries of not having food security (under the British and the mess thereafter they left) ‘evolved’ us to have extra energy storage as fat for the months of famine.
And this phenomenon is still engrained to our food palate and our psychology.
Even though we have more deaths related to metabolic syndrome day after day, our archaic society considers having a little belly fat is ‘healthy’.
Only better education will free us from this rut.
That’s not evolution, that’s anxiety.
It’s because you worship your cows so you never eat meat, that’s why your diet is unhealthy with high carbs because you refuse to make changes and put the blame on someone else!
@@ObnyrAgreed. That’s why I used the quotation mark.
A little belly fat is fine
Just as anywhere else tho, central obesity is literally deadly
If the Brits were responsible for this type of obesity phenomenon in India, then Brits would have the same issue (and worse) because their access to food and their level of inactivity is even higher. Westerners have their own unique obesity issues, but it is nothing compared to India. So, trying to blame Westerners for India’s obesity epidemic isn’t going to work. Instead of trying to signal or point elesewhere, be responsible, accountable, and own it.
I’m Indian and I was literally just thinking about all of this two days ago. I was sharing all of this with my husband (who is white).
I grew up with the veggies… rice everyday.. lots of sugar… etc
Now I’m on the carnivore diet and I feel so good!
@@rexxbailey2764 all 4 children eat what we eat … we teach them to be thankful for the food that is in front of us and grateful for what God has provided. If I do not have a clear conscious eating food that I know is bad for my body then there’s no reason I would feed it to my children.
@@rexxbailey2764…Because anyone who regularly eats meat is eventually going to eat their own children? Okay, got it.
Looks like too much veganism has affected your brain and you cannot think logically. The body actually NEEDS cholesterol. Cholesterol is stored in the brain, and it is vital to healthy brain function. Most vegetarians (and especially vegans) are deficient in cholesterol as their body becomes solely reliant on their liver to produce cholesterol for them. The only ways to ensure adequate healthy cholesterol is to eat meat, fish, eggs, and shellfish.
ask your grandfather no common man in older times had a belly.
The thing is people have to be CAREFUL WITH A VEGETARIAN DIET AND PEOPLE ARE NOT. go to villages you will see. We are vegetarian for around centuries now Why has this increased in past 50 years??
I am not telling you to eat a vegan diet not at all but you cannot blame a vegetarian diet.
At 3x the population of the US, producers absolutely love these customers. Highly addictive products that are super cheap to make is the hallmark of drug dealers. Pretty easily payoff regulators without as much scrutiny
You are so right Doctor!!! So excited to share this video with my father back in India 😅
Glad to know that you liked this post!
My indian wife wants to travel overseas to get gastric bypass surgery or lipo. She isn’t overweight by much for her height, only around 10kg. She isn’t changing her diet and exercise regime as I recommend. Some of these woman aren’t willing to do the work to get the results that they want. This s@#$t ain’t Youtube shorts, you have to put in effort to get the desired results.
Some of these women? This topic is for Both men and women and it’s a man in the video with a perturbing belly.