Why Can’t I Talk About This?

Did you know there are forbidden topics on YouTube? Find out about the connection between high amounts of vitamin D and autoimmune diseases, as well as some of the other topics I can’t talk about on YouTube!
0:00 Introduction: Autoimmune disease
1:24 High doses of vitamin D and autoimmune diseases
2:02 Dr. Bruce Hollis on the benefits of vitamin D
2:38 Autoimmune disease in the United States
3:41 Celiac disease and genetics
4:58 Vaccines and autoimmunity
Dr. Bruce Hollis Full Interview:
Today, I’m going to share some fascinating data on autoimmune diseases. First, let’s examine some before-and-after images of people who used high doses of vitamin D for autoimmune diseases.
Dr. Bruce Hollis explains that there are many studies on the positive benefits of vitamin D, but many of them have been discarded and are not included in the literature. If many people with autoimmune diseases see their problem go into remission with vitamin D, does this mean the conditions are related to vitamin D deficiency?
There has been a massive spike in autoimmune diseases; they now surpass cancer and heart disease. It is currently our top health problem. Could the cause be related to glyphosate or genetics? Let’s take a look.
Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks one's own tissues, creating inflammation. Specific genes can make us more susceptible to autoimmune diseases, but because of heightened immune surveillance, they also have protective factors against viruses and parasites.
“Vaccines and Autoimmunity” presents data about specific vaccines and the autoimmune diseases they might trigger. For example, the vaccine for Lyme disease can trigger arthritis in hamsters genetically susceptible to arthritis.
In 1950, 5 vaccines were given to children. Today, children receive over 30 vaccines. The CDC recommends 69 doses of 16 vaccines from birth to age 18 months. Could these vaccines overstimulate an already fragile immune system? Is it possible to overdo it?
If you have to take a vaccine, taking vitamin D could be a good idea to add some protection.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#health #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle #intermittentfasting #lowcarb
Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about vaccines, vitamin D, and autoimmune diseases. I’ll see you in the next video.
Dr Berg do not ever stop, youre doing ana amazing job! Very rare to have people like you on board
I’ve been using high doses of D3 for almost 2 months and have essentially cleared my back pain. I also eat healthy keto intermittent fast avoid seed oils gluten and choose organic. Which has helped so many other parts of my health! Including the loss of 100 lbs since April. Thank you for telling the truth!!!!
Me too on 10 000 IU per D + 50 mg Zing + Keto diet. My chronic 24 years long neck pain has disappeared. Now I don’t need hydromorphone or any other pain killers anymore.
Can you please tell us what brand of Vitamin D3 you take?
How much vitamin d? 10,000? Or more?
@@ThereIsAlwaysaWay2how much vitamin k do you take? 100 mg? I can’t remember for sure but I thought Dr Berg said 50 mg per 5,000 IU vitamin D
@@lakerfan0243 The leading Vitamin D Deficiency channel here 🖐🏼- For every 10kIUS of vitamin d you take 100mcg of k2 – so you are also correct – 5000IUS = 50mcg k2
This chronic gaslighting of ‘the powers that be’ is galling. Thank you, Dr. Berg, for giving us options for healing naturally!
The “powers that be”? Oh boy, that sounds very “antisemitic”!
@@jelijones4205 WHAT ⁉
@@jelijones4205 Wahahahahaha
Why was Dr Fauci pardoned back to 2014?
Dr Berg dares to talk about subjects that put his channel with 13M at risk, you don’t see that from almost anyone else. I only want him to know that I appreciate that.
I’ve listening to you for around a decade now, keep up the amazing work doc!
I don’t trust any rockefeller medical system professional, but I will listen to Dr Berg.
What do I think? I think all forms of censorship should end immediately.
so meta platforms are now letting you speak freely but google and YT are the only ones left suppressing speech and censoring people
We hear you loud and clear. My seven year old has never been poked and he never gets sick. It’s crazy. Never!
We have 5 kids ages 2-13. The first one had the vitamin k shot – we were tricked by the hospital into thinking it was safe. The next 4 have never had a needle.
Our kids do get sick.
@CalabriaDreaming – hopefully your children aren’t allowed around others.
Make sure you get your children out into nature as much and as often as possible; for children who do tend to have very few allergies.
Please everyone, research childhood vaccination schedules over the decades. You will be shocked at what ‘they think’ is necessary.
@@dpstrialI’ve been sharing that for over 2o years! The dishwasher sanitizing everything contributed to asthma as well. Sedentary children who do not go out and get dirty developed more allergies and asthma during the 90’s. 🎉
The fact that we’re not allowed to talk about it tells you all you need to know. What are they so afraid of? The truth!
@@skipperluna11 : Or maybe they’re being responsible by fighting misinformation? Try using Occam’s Razor.
Big pharma does not want you to know about Vit D
Losing their profits.
The intellectual class thinks that the general public is a bunch of morons so they would prefer that you just listen to what they say and don’t ask questions .
@@dpstrial Exactly right! It’s profit over people! It’s disgusting and we all must take the time educate ourselves as well listen to competent doctors such as Dr. Berg who puts our livelihoods first.
If WHO or Bill Gates have anything to do with it, I’m out
Well, enjoy the current administration with “operation stargate”. Can you say “warpspeed 2.0”?
Trump is a God-send but I could do without Elon
Trump is a treat to the WORLD!!!
I am a medical professional in the state of Texas and I have used a lot of your health information to help keep my own auto immune disorders in submission. I also teach people how to do it for themselves. I agree and have seen the outcomes with myself and clients the results of high vitamin D
How much vitamin D do you reccomend
@@cherylwillman752I would like to know this too. Is there a ratio of mg/IU’s to weight?
@@cherylwillman752 it depends on the auto immune disorder if it’s lupus I recommend 20,000 units arthritis at the bare minimum 10,000 units. Dr. Berg is amazing he has more videos on this subject. Also do your research so you will then know he does know what he is talking about. He has videos on how to take the vitamin D as well
@@cherylwillman752He says in one of his video is min 500 mg but not IU. which they intentionally are using to keep the dosage low such 1000iu which is like 10 mg. What will do 10 mg in your body ? Nothing!
So? How much?
Great information. Thank you. I’m 64 years old. I traveled overseas at the age of 17. I was required to get all my vacations again before traveling. I have multiple autoimmune and parasitic issues, including cancer. I am proud to report that all is managed or alevated without buying into the pharmaceutical web of treatments and indoctrination. Thanks to your shared knowledge. Stay strong power on!
I joined the USN age 19 and had all shots over again, didn’t know anything about injury til last 4 yr but looking back on life I have been healthy, but I follow a new way of life in last 13 years reading Dr Wm Davis, Steven Gunry and Dr Berg 2 years!
I’m amazed I made it to 61 after all the vaccinations I had in the military. They lined us up for multiple shots in both arms every week through boot camp.
Bubble wrap this man please! We must protect him at all costs!!! ❤ Thank you Dr.Berg
Say no to plastic
@afisanaa LOL 😆
Just take some Vitamin D with that bubble wrap.
lol 😂
@@clariceelizabeth ❤
Don’t let them silence you Dr, you’re a blessing to all of us!
How he will don’t let? We need to support him somehow
He has to be wise about it though …
So knowledgeable with the infant formulas and the Vax … How we are all told otherwise about the importance of Vaccines
My concern about the Vitamin D3 is many folks will be buying them from vitamins Made in China. Folks, please read the labels where all of your vitamins come from. Yes, it’s more expensive to buy quality vitamins, but it’s your body and your health.
thank you soo much! Nothing Chinese is for real
Praying that RFK is confirmed as director of HHS. It would be a huge breakthrough to make America Healthy Again and should give us more freedom to talk about this. Thank you Dr Berg!
Prayers don’t work.
Thanks to 2 years of endless smear attacks he has a slim chance.
Yes, prayers do work. We are creators and we create with our intentions.
Thanks to 2 years of endless smear attacks he has a slim chance.
Thanks to 2 years of endless smear attacks he has a slim chance.
«In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act» – Orwell
I have chronic lyme disease. It is a HORRIBLE disease, but one of the benefits: I’ve learned how corrupt our medical system is from beginning to end. I’ve learned to eat better. Take better care of myself. To seek holistic medicine. I’ve learned that government is not here to take care of us. I’ve learned that many doctors are not that well educated. I’ve learned to seek out and apprecciate good doctors (like Dr. Berg) who are here educating us on the important stuff. Thank you for all that you are doing Dr. Berg!!! You have been so very helpful!
Lymes disease is also created by the use of federal govt
Much like the hiv & the cv19 virus …
Look it up.
I too am also chronic Lyme. Interested in what you do to manage the joint pain. Yesterday was rough
I couldn’t agree more. Very well said!
On the contrary, docs are very well educated. Big farm-ah has taught them how to push their products extremely well.
Wasnt there something about bee stings that helped lyme disease. BVT
Thank you for bringing this topic to the forefront. 17 years ago my husband passed away. I decided to go to nursing school so I was able to support myself. With that being said…I suffered a loss and had to get multiple vaccines to enter the nursing program. Fast forward to 1 year later, I was diagnosed with lupus, vitiligo, sjogren’s and deficient in vitamin D. After 12 years without relief from medications and help from the medical community, I decided to research autoimmune diseases and causes. Adding vitamin D and changing my diet has put my autoimmune diseases into remission. Keep spreading the word.
12 years of hell
The ama fda approved drs did not help
This is my life story, too… different issues different names different places different faces different diseases etc…
Same Story.
Except mine started when I was in my mid 20s & I’m 60 now… most of my life was literally ruined.
although I can control my nerve pain flares by limiting my movements to virtually nothing & eliminating stress of any kind, extreme diet restrictions including fasting both intermittent and long term fasting & skads of supplements every day.
Basically as long as I’m alone & doing nothing eating nothing etc…? I can live without extreme crippling pain & sleep deprivation. Try to eat anything besides organic grass fed beef? or skip a day of supplements ? or take on a project? have house guests?
Really appreciate your sharing this. Very well done on all your progress! Would like to learn more about your health journey. Please share your success story with me by using this link! 👉 https://www.drberg.com/add-client-success-story
@@kimberlykay130Bless you!
@@kimberlykay130 and @jy Sorry you’ve both had to go through all that, this knowledge is worth more than gold, and will help many people
thank you for sharing your story with us !
My 1st pregnancy, my body did in fact attack my baby. According to my OBGYN. I had pre-eclampsia, hospitalized at 24 weeks, magnesium drip to prevent seizures due to EXTREMELY high blood pressure. My Drs did everything to get me to the 25 week mark, to be able to give life saving treatments to my baby, Drs did it, and decided at 26 weeks to deliver my baby via Cesarean section.. He had a fight when he got here. NEC at 2 weeks old , 65% oxygen, thankfully no damage from either. He was born at a teaching hospital, Cooper Green in Birmingham under the direction of University of Alabama.
My “boy” is 37 now!
@@jessiefrye3045 praise God 🙌🏻
I think you should never stop posting, you are one of the few doctors I trust now. Thank you.
Really appreciate your support and encouragement. Lots more information coming your way!
I woke up to the medical complex when I had my first child at 21 years old. After his traumatic birth experience and a nurse administering the vit. k injection without permission, I chose home birth for the rest of my children. They have grown up without antibiotics or vaccines. We take D3 in the winter, get a lot of sunshine in the summer, eat a lot of backyard eggs, drink raw milk, and as of recently make L. Reuteri yogurt. We’re healthy and strong. My kids overcome illness without trouble, even “serious” childhood ailments like whooping cough. Thank you for speaking up Dr. Berg, we appreciate you!
Love it! You are part of humanity’s recovery. Thank you for being so conscious and careful.
A family member went on anti-parisitic treatment for several weeks. ALL autoimmune issues literally disappeared after 3 different types of anti-parasite medications & a low sugar diet. He had a parasitic worm infestation for years & didn’t know. The tiny worms caused numerous problems & months of medication to cleanse organs from. Now, he feels wonderful ! Depression gone, skin problems gone, swelling/bloating gone, mild cough gone, diabetes gone, allergies gone, hair grew back, joint pain gone, sleep pattern returned to normal (he was a ‘night owl’), & he lost over 20 lbs. without trying. It was wonderful to see his energy & positivity return. He had watched one of your parasite videos Dr. Berg… we thank you abundantly! : )
curious what treatment your family member used.. What a beautiful story of healing
PLEASE HELP ME DO THE SAME✨🙏✨🙏✨Can you’ll be so kind send me privately more information about it, thank you kindly
PLEASE HELP ME DO THE SAME✨🙏✨🙏✨Can you’ll be so kind send me privately more information about it, thank you kindly💜
I’d like to know what they used as well.
@@mariannadomokos1104 I’m not the original poster, but there are FB froups with parasite protocols. Dirt Road 2.0 or Parasite Cleansing and Natural Healing