Who Is Dr. Berg’s Doctor? Metabolomics Discussion

Check out this incredible interview with an expert in the area of metabolomics—the future of medicine!
0:00 Metabolomics explained
0:33 Welcome, Dr. Tsoukalas
1:18 What is metabolomics?
2:10 What is the difference between a metabolomic test and a blood test?
8:55 How it relates to diet and lifestyle
16:40 What are the normal values, and how are they determined?
24:30 How often do you need this test?
26:40 How to get this test done
Please help me welcome a very special guest, Dr. Tsoukalas.
We’re going to discuss a new topic that I’m very interested in—we’re talking about metabolomics.
I haven’t shared my thoughts on this topic yet, but I believe it’s the future of medicine.
Dr. Tsoukalas is my trusted doctor, and he has evaluated my family and myself. He is very knowledgeable on the topic of metabolomics and trains doctors in this area.
Today, he’s going to share some of his knowledge with us and help us understand this new, incredible wave of the future.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed this fascinating interview. I’ll see you in the next video.
Dr Berg is the most trustworthy Doctor
Thank you very much for your kind message. Appreciate it!
In the World! 😊❤
@@DrEricBergDCyoure the most incredible researcher of our times and the way you present health info to us consumers is mind blowing, May God bless you Sir Berg!
Yes ✌️as well as good human being..may be someone cheated or insulted or back stabbing by himm he is trustworthy ❤❤❤
Agreed 🙏❤️🇬🇧🇳🇵
Wow! This is game-changing science for health! Thanks so much for sharing this with us Doc. Great interview. I’ll definitely be trying to learn this.
Yeah it’s even more mind blowing that we reach out to our doctors and none of them care and reach out and help us like this. I love how we’re all sick and messed up.
In the US, it’s about “repeat customers”,
And how many/much a Dr can get with the “billable hours” method/system.
The patient’s health really has nothing to do with it.
Follows the pharmaceutical pathway of to drain us of all our finances….
@@MzladyGrinnYes, and it’s sick!
This is wonderful! It’s so hard to trust any doctor in Western Medicine. I’m actually afraid to go to the hospital…fearing that they would cause more harm to me! Western doctors think we are deficient in Pharmaceuticals…
Thankful for Doctors like this!!🙏🙏
You sound just like me! I’m 70, and I’d like to find a GOOD Doctor. S. Michigan here.
Who controls one’s diet, controls their health. That’s why Pharms own the farms/seeds. E.g. Bayer Monsanto.
Yes!!exactly correct. I’m afraid of being jabbed, not being tested ever ( contaminated PPE). THIS IS EXCITING
I hate going to regular Drs. I don’t trust that they know enough about how to treat with out medicine and I’m basically holistic! So far I’m good and don’t go to the Des except maybe once year or 2.
@@G-gnome 👌💯
Yep! Dr Tsoukalas is also my doctor and he saved my life 6 years ago. I am so lucky to have found him and I will never see anyone else!
I found the information…$1300 for the consult and diagnosis and plan of treatment…
@@flamingpieherman9822how to get hold of Dr Tsoukalas.
@@flamingpieherman9822does insurance cover him! I mean he is an MD. Did you have to fly to Greece to see himself?
Would you share with us, What happened to you.
@@flamingpieherman9822well worth it to regain your health, trust me. Once you loose your health you realise that there is no price for it.
Proud to be Greek for doctors like him!
I’d love to live there and eat all the fish salads and olive oil I can handle ❤
This is Dr. Tsoukalas website: https://www.drtsoukalas.com/new_patient-lp-2.html
Thanks Eric. I have also passed this to my Greek sister-in-law who lives in The Hague and my own friends also.🍀🍀🇮🇪🇮🇪🍀🍀
Oh this is amazing! Thank you again!❤
Thank you Dr. Berg
I was married to a Greek and our name was changed to English version Chucales and was pronounced the same as this Drs.
Excuse me, Dr Berg, is covid getting worse or are they secretly releasing new strains in miniscule amounts to look “natural” or both, i.e symptoms that make you feel not thirsty, not hungry or weird mood swings (not wash throat of bacteria, not have strength to recover, not want to take medicine)
What a great interview! Very interesting information and takaways. I’ll definitely be looking into this further. Thank you very much, Dr Berg and Dr Tsaukalas! 🌷
Hello Doc Berg! I have changed a lot since I started watching your videos. And I even explained your videos in my language to my community and changing my relatives and friends and family. Thank you doctor!
So happy that you are sharing all these valuable information. It surely give us the heads up. Thanks to both of you.
Metobolomics molecules with similar components, biology and medicine malfunctions of deseases . Thank you @Dr. Eric Berg DC unfortunately my education stopped at a high school level and no college or further education but you both made my brain snap and makes me understand more about my physical being thank you my friend I’ve learned that I’ve learned more than I can comprehend
I love this, thank you for introducing. I am, at this very moment, cobbling together an amateur protocol addressing these same concepts…addressing symptoms, stopping progression, increasing function. It is so complicated when there are multiple issues and figuring how to balance so one thing does not negatively impact another.
I’ll be looking into metabolomics!!
Impressive information and insights as usual, thank you both!
I am 80 years old and I have never, never been treated that I was not injured by modern medicine. I started in my teens to read Adel Davis. Have practiced healthy life style as best I could. My 5 children were born naturally. The few times that a medical doctor was required has returned injury. So, happy to have reached this age mostly free of modern, drug pushers.
Really? My first bit of this type of knowledge was from Adele and she was a nutritionist! I had a book titled, ‘Let’s Get Well” that was written by her. My best friend called it my Bible, (but I know the difference). I had tonsils that would get infected and bleed in the winter. Sometimes I couldn’t eat for a week or more. I decided from her writing to take 2k mg of vitamin C daily and more if I started getting any pain. In the winter, if I get a sore throat at all I would take 1k every couple of hours and drink warm beverages. I no longer have the really bad infections with only 1k mg per day– but more if I get a germ!
She said when you think a disease runs in your family, it very probably is a need for a certain nutrient that runs in your family! You have to find out what that is.
@@donnagarner6007the great singer?
Adele Davis had the pep up drink (as you probably know). It cured my traumatized stomach that had stopped digesting food. And I had a friend who cured me of “doctor worship” after which I could start seeing for myself what medical doctors were worth to me. All those years of my employer paying $6,000 every year for my medical insurance, and I only used a few dollars of it for allergy tests. I had a doctor laugh at me when she saw my severe case of shingles. Other doctors laughed when I tried to explain my environmental sensitivities. I can’t face a medical doctor. I have to fix what’s wrong…. everything from IBS to dry eyes to blood sugar to migraines to vertigo. No drugs. No doctors.
@@johnbroot5628no, it was Adele Davis, the nutritionist. I thought she was brilliant! And if there was an internet I didn’t know anything about it. I had to buy books to learn about nutrition/vitamins. 😊
I love you Dr Berg, but this is a load of nonsense.
Dr. Eric Berg inspired me to become a doctor. After I graduate I am planning to take medical admission test. Thank you, Doc🧡
He is a chiropractor not a MD as far as his credentials last showed (DC)
@@maryannel2962 I know. But what he had to share boosted my interest being an MD.
Well done. Dr Berg is wonderful. I’m sure as long as you have his attitude about medicine and helping people then you’ll be a brilliant Dr.❤
@@LizCosgrove-dd7gp Thank you🧡
@@maryannel2962- Yes, and he hasn’t even practiced Chiropractic medicine for many years. However, I trust chiropractors more than medical doctors, these days…he does lots of research, has helped hundreds, if not thousands, but gets most of his income from his overpriced supplements.
Wonderful information!
Thank you, Dr. Berg!!
I feel like I’ve been neglected by the healthcare ‘Sick Care’ system. This talk put tears in my eyes, hoping I may actually get the help I need one day.
Dr. Berg is a gift that keeps giving. Thank you for all you do Dr. Berg👑🏆
Cousin Eddie would agree. Couldn’t help myself, thought it was appropriate since I just watched Christmas Vacation. TY Doc Berg.
I trust Dr. Berg more than anyone else. You are down to earth and speak the truth. Thank you.
Apart from being an excellent Dr. and person, he is also an excellent interviewer
More people like Dr.Berg needed on this planet 🙏🏻
Two Doctors that are representing modern day medicine, health and wellness in the most humanitarian way!
Thank you so much
Dr. Berg and
Dr. Tsoukalas for this educating and eye/mind opening medically innovating information!
I’m very intrigued by this new area of medicine! An avenue I’m considering for myself! Thank you, Dr. Berg, thank you for bringing this new area of medicine to light.
My pleasure!