What Would Happen If You Ate Plant-Based Meat for 2 Weeks

What if you ate plant-based meat for 2 weeks? Discover the truth about fake meat.
0:00 Introduction: Is plant-based meat “clean meat”?
0:45 Updated evaluation of red meat and cancer
1:50 The True Health Initiative
3:07 Plant-based meat
5:15 Check out my video on the benefits of real meat!
In this video, we’re going to talk about plant-based meat. Plant-based meat is marketed as clean meat. People are gravitating to these fake meats because of claims that real meat causes cancer and other chronic diseases.
The studies that were used to draw these conclusions were food questionnaires and observational studies. Out of 800 studies on the topic, researchers claiming that meat was bad only focused on 17.
An evaluation of the studies linking red meat to cancer by the Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that the evidence linking red meat consumption to cancer and cardiovascular disease is too weak to recommend that we eat less of it.
New guidelines say we don't need to change our meat habits. No significant link between meat consumption and heart disease, diabetes, or cancer has been found.
Plant-based meat is full of ultra-processed ingredients like seed oils, soy, modified food starches, and GMO ingredients. Claims that plant-based meat is identical to real meat are completely false. Metabolomic studies have shown key differences in 171 out of 190 compounds in fake meat compared to real meat.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this explains some of the problems with plant-based meat so you can better determine the right dietary choices for you. I’ll see you in the next video.
We’d turn into literal vegetables. Say no to fake meat. Say no to eating ze bugs.
arent bugs good though
@@PbcvlUrine contains vitamin C, is that good?
NO. They contain Chitin, which our bodies cannot break downIF we were burds or lizards, we could bemreak it down. However, chitin soes destroy our microbiome and also feeds benign cancer cells in our bodies. Therefore causing cancer to explosively take over our systems.
Let greedy Gates and company eat the bugs and deadly fake meat.@Pbcvl
@@Pbcvl we could experiment, or we could stick with what we have done locally for thousands of generations.
Dr Berg has the best thumbnails lol
I didn’t know if I should laugh or be frightened . 😂
@@NCrdwlfbe aware
…… and some very attractive models 😂
@@24k__J I’ll tell you my favorite I’ve seen on this channel over time is the pretty blonde girl eating what appears to be an egg roll
It’s not meat if it’s a plant.
And that’s the best part
@@elyen1151Sorry but I can’t survive off of soy and a bunch of oil for the rest of my life.
What’s the best part ? Eating plant ? Buhahahaha.
Humans are not meant to eat plant only, I’ve seen pigeons, deers, horses, squirrels kill and eat meat, you can’t get all your nutrients from plant
@@KronikMathsDebater33Please post a link, I wanna see meat eatting deer or horse!! Think of the memes!! 😮😂
@@elyen1151 Good luck, you’ll need it if thats your opinion and you actually uphold it – which many ‘vegan’ mouthpieces of course don’t because its not a healthy and balanced diet which gives humans what they need. Anyway try it for a couple of years and report back.
We should only eat food in it’s original and whole form. Plants are plants and meat is meat.
Meat and sugar is the issue and not clearing out intestines then it is stuck there and starts changing to something very bad. As always sugar still a big culpret and poison to the body.
Vegans kill way more animals than a carnivore.
All the cute mice and frogs and bugs that get sprayed with poison and crushed by tractor.
But a carnivore only needs to eat one cow. Vegan diet kills animals way more than carnivore
Yes but Silly Gates thinks he’s God and needs to change nature! 😢
@@mitziburnett975sugar, grains, even the so called healthy whole grains and seed oils are the big issues.
that Zombie Berg thumbnail tho 😂
Just another among the millions of walking-dead… 🤣
This is the moment Eric Berg became Zombieberg
@@OneGodPlus ..because he ate too many bergerrrrs
Keep it up Dr. Berg!
I think vegetarians and vegans need to see this. I’m vegan, but I was eating processed foods for years. Now I mainly eat whole foods that I prepare myself. Reading packages (regardless of what you’re eating) is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Vegans kill more animals than a carnivores. To grow plants means to kill THOUSANDS OF ANIMALS. all the cute mice, cute frogs, cute bugs. THE tractor kills all the fuzzy animals. But a carnivore only needs one cow living in its natural grassland habitat. Eating a vegan diet means the direct cause of animal deaths way more than carnivore. Fact
So if you care about animals be a carnivore because vegans kill way more animals. This is truth.
I sent this to my niece , I expect to get ignored for a week or two.
Vegans kill many more animals in less humane ways than a carnivore eating only meat 🍖
Vegans harm more animals than carnivore. Fact
Dr. Berg’s thumbnail looking like he pulled an all nighter at a Berlin rave.
Health occurs the way nature requires ,
Not the way mankind desires …
Oooo I like this. Simple & spot on.
Well said
Awesome comment.
thats brillaint, may i use it?
Scary stuff 🥺 to some of my colleagues this is a staple diet and their health is not great but they will not hear otherwise. Thanks doc 🙏⭐️
It is not that they don’t want to hear otherwise. It is that their believe/body wouldn’t allow them too. Also, I no longer can eat meat, but I Crave it and I know I need the nutrients from it, but because I can’t eat it. I eat this junk to substitute because there is not a lot of things better. 😢 in our fast pace world being a vegetarian is so not healthy when you have a busy life and don’t have time to prepare meals ahead of time due to living conditions or situations.
For some people it is a choice to not eat something. For others it is just because their body is different and they cannot eat what others can
@Astral106 , they can also be made from scratch, chemichal free with natural, organic, and healthy ingredients.
@Natureoutdoorsyquest thanks😊 I know. Eating healthy is expensive. Lol because you need time to prep and then the ingredients itself are more expensive or harder to find.
The thumbnail picture says it all. Love it, Dr Berg 😅. Your content is always spot on and straight on point. Cheers 👍🏻🌞
He didn’t actually mention what would happen if you ate the fake meat for two weeks, like the title says!!
Eating Chemicals is NEVER good.
I think you know that low quality ingredients slapped together to produce “imitations” of the real thing often isnt good, lol… And THEY love to cut corners in the vegan world with a lot of filler non-absorbable/highly inflammatory ingredients
How did our ancestors survive the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age? Why people in 2024 think they are in different bodies then their ancestors lol…
You rock Dr. Eric Berg, bringing your knowledge and wisdom to a public platform is very generous and appreciated of you.
Blessings to you brother, you’re a good one.
I believe they lived off Doritos and dips back in those days
Good point & I’ve often wondered the same. For starters “most” our ancient ancestors ate “garden to table” and also ate a lot more organ meats a/k/a they ate “nose to tail.” Plus, they got a lot more daily exercise & direct sunlight. Agricultural soils were also less depleted of nutrients & toxins were nowhere as prevalent as they are today.
But we do need to change our consumption of plant based meat! Just don’t 😮☣️🤢🤮
Most North American Indians… The VAST longevity vs the farmers.🤔😳
Their meat wasn’t tainted by the government!
This didn’t answer your question, what happens if you eat it fir 2 weeks
I was scratching my head too. Watched it over and saw nothing that answered the question.
His thumbnail picture answers the question.
I thought the same thing, and yet so far from what I’m seeing in the comments, you’re the only one that pointed it out.
@@MrsRildaReads No it doesn’t, it just looks like he didn’t get any sleep before he made the video 😂😂😂
Eat moderately, don’t deprive yourself. In my opinion
I’m an extreme outlier in that I am a natural born vegetarian, my mother could not be around meat, eat it or cook it, when she was pregnant with me. I don’t eat ‘fake meat’ either and subscribe to the belief the less processed the better. I tried keto for 6 months and my cholesterol went from 192 to 311 in that time as my body can’t handle animal products. Moral of the story, while there are many similarities among us, we are also unique and need a diet that is individualized. Thanks for your work and great video’s!
We’ve been lied to. Those high cholesterol levels are healthy not unhealthy!
@@ianstuart5660cholesterol isn’t found in plants, so what you’re saying is plants are unhealthy 😂🖐
@@ianstuart5660 You’re right. The brain is mostly cholesterol and it would seem that lowering it would cause serious brain problems like dementias, metabolic problems, etc.
Correct, plants are trying to kill you!
@@djuanaberuk9908 cholesterol from food doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier though, the brain makes it’s own cholesterol so diet is irrelevant with regard to those diseases.
Dr Berg, your thumbnail images are spot on! Great content. Thank you so much for raising awareness 🙏🏻
Thanks for keeping it real doc. The older I get the more I realize that things in their natural, unaltered form are healthier, regardless of what the media or big companies are saying.
Thank you for keeping us informed! Your knowledge has changed the trajectory of my physical health, for the better!
Therapy could only do so much, I couldn’t love myself without having access to information about what is happening in my body, what to avoid and why and how it all works!
Bless you, Dr!
Thank you!!! This is what I’ve been saying. “Plant based meat” is full of fillers and oils. You’re better off eating plant based than trying to eat fake meat.