What If You Stop Eating Bread For 30 Days?

White, Wheat, Rye, Ezekiel bread and more… What if you stopped eating bread for 30 days? What happens to your body when you eat wheat and is eating an organic type of wheat better than the store bought white bread? Find out in this video.
🔷 What If You Stop Eating Sugar For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Stop Eating Bread For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Ate Only Meat For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Only Eat Fruit For 30 Days?
🔷 What Really Happens In Your Body When You Fast?
🔷 What Really Happens In Your Body When You Are In Ketosis?
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Welcome to What Really Happens In Your Body When by Dr. Sten Ekberg; a series where I try to tackle the most important health issues of the day in a natural and safe way including the What Really Happens In Your Body When you exercise, fast, eat certain foods, etc. If you have suggestion for the next topic leave your comment below. Remember to make your comments positive and uplifting even if you disagree with something that was said by me or others.
🔷 What Really Happens In Your Body When Series:
🌿 This is a Holistic Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Holistic Health and Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete and holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. Learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Doctor Ekberg covers and explains health in an easy to understand way. There will be health tips like how to lose weight, what to eat, best nutrition, low carb diet, cold hands & feet, holistic health tips, pain relief, lower blood pressure, reverse diabetes naturally, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, keto diet explained, brain health tips, stretches & more from a real doctor.
Dr Sten Ekberg
Wellness For Life
5920 Odell St
CummingGA 30040
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Watch this next>> What If You Stop Eating Sugar For 30 Days? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS_kjTAnpP0&list=PLpTTF6wMDLR7jgylgzCHKgvS7prb8eqPT
Dr Ekberg if you don’t mind, what do you think of tapioca bread? It’s really nice for gluten free, 14 of the 15 grams of carbs are fibre, nice & light, but I wonder if it raises insulin? Mind you I’m switching to low carb this week, no grains, no sugar, but it would be nice to know your opinion.
@Larry Tischler Possibly try digestive enzymes that work on fats, like bile salts, lipase, pancreatic enzymes. There’s one called Bile Force by Prairie Naturals.
It’s impossible not go eat sugar even if a product says it has no sugar there’s some way it produces it in the grocery store there’s a organic isle where they have these jacked up priced products then all the rest of the isles are pure sugar there’s an isle just for junk food an isle for baking cakes and other baked goods that’s where theg keel the sugar and other ingredients
🧊@Charles Siqueira Vaz / Globe Studios and o 🧊😀o 🔥🧊😀 and
So weird, stopping bread is my New Years resolution. Thanks for this. Huge motivation. You’ve got me IF and I’m slowly moving over to keto. 👍
@DoomStomper 🤣🤣
@Dr. Sten Ekberg is what ur saying also applicable to other carbs? Potatoes Rice etc …?!
@Hubie Maddox it doesnt taste great because its not the species specific diet including your veg, all plants dont want to be eaten, go carnivore
@maries vilmy go carnivore, you wont look back, just make sure you have plenty of fat, and no caffeine
@Ironmanix how’s it going??
I’m over weight, have ibs, and blood sugar used to tank on and off all the time. Husband and I started portion control and keto living ( not super strict keto, lowering carbs/starch and no sugar). It’s amazing how much better I feel. Little to no stomach issues, down 30lbs, and haven’t had a single sugar issue. I always avoided salad bc I thought I couldn’t tolerate it, cut out the junk foods, now I have zero issues with salads and leafy greens
@Amin Abdullah please do not ever give bread to birds. It does terrible things to them too!!
@Jester 60 I can do keto for breakfast but I struggle for my other meal, wanting carbs! What is a relaxed keto diet, it sounds interesting! I would love more information if you have a moment. Namaste 🙏
@Tumbleweed UK We did a regular keto diet but, if I decided I wanted the bun with the burger (occasionally) I’d get it. If I wanted chocolate, I would only take a small piece, not the whole bar. What I call relaxed keto is Keto with MINOR cheats.
@Yolanda isYolanda Trust No One YOU GOT THIS!
You stopped eating completely?
just want to say that I have followed your advice and you honestly may have saved my life…
I was 287 pounds with a 90 resting heartbeat and a average of 165 / 90 blood pressure WITH medications.
I was just recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I saw one of your videos and starting to put your methods into practice. It has been 3 and a 1/2 months and I am down in weight from 287 pounds to 228 pounds! My resting heart rate has gone down to 77 beats a minute! My blood pressure has gone down to 120 / 70 and my blood sugar never goes past 100 even when i eat! (Says around 80 while fasting).
I cannot express my gratitude enough Sir, you have My respect and I truly believe in your truth because I live it!
(My apologies but I am going to post this same comment on your other videos in the hope you will see it or that it may inspire someone else).
@creatingpeacenlove the simplest way to lose fat and get healthy is the carnivore diet. If it has a face it is food, if it is from the soil, it should be avoided. I do bend a bit on this and allow myself to have coffee, I personally eat one or two meals per day, about 1-2 lbs (.5-1kg) of meat, eggs, cheese, butter. I season my food with salt, a bit of pepper occasionally, and have lost 104# since mid November of 2020. Dr Ekberg is a great resource for a more keto type approach and may be a great way to make changes to your diet that are more “sustainable” for people with less need for restrictions in their diets. Personally, I love eating steak and eggs, hamburger patties, shrimp, tuna, and lamb breast, I feel great, look younger, and truly feel healthier than I have in years. Have a look at Dr Ken Berry’s videos for more information on the carnivore way of eating, he has many good videos, as does his wife Neisha on her channel Neisha loves it.
Super! I’m prediabetic. But lately my blood sugar stays above 100. Cutting out carbs, sugar.
@BE PREPARED Nonsense unfortunately for you
Keep up the good work. I cut out the bread and almost all carbs as well and had same results, blood pressure fell 20 points to 120/80 . Heart rate down to 70 and lost 12 pounds in 2 months.
I found his channel after my diet was corrected. Great job, keep going. I went low carb in 2005, and to my surprise, the fat melted away so easy. In 2012, I was introduced to IF. And the plateau was conquered. I didn’t know why, I just knew it worked. And I knew all the nutrition information I was told like the food pyramid wasn’t just wrong, it was backwards. Now from this guy and Dr Berg, I know why.
Thank you nickma71. I really appreciate your feedback and so glad that you liked it. The purpose of my channel is to explain things better than other channels and help people understand the principles. I spend so much time on it because when we get “the why” and the mechanism we become empowered for life . Comments like yours makes it all worthwhile. 😄
Can you yell me what IF is? I’ve recently hit a plateau in my keto. Don’t think I’m eating enough fat and protein.
@Glen Garbera Intermittent fasting. Meaning I eat every day, but prolong my fast and don’t break my fast (breakfast) in the morning. Insulin blocks fat burning and is the fat storage hormone. It’s not debatable. It’s what insulin does.
@nickma71 thanks
We haven’t eaten bread, pasta and sugar for 4 years now – both aged 73, all medical vitals doing well, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, vitamins/minerals etc. We exercise every day. Thanks Dr Ekberg.
So what do you eat instead? All fruits have sugar! Even some vegetables have sugar like carrots and beets etc, I don’t know what to eat these days ?!😌
Shorten life!
@Denise Hadfield try tinklyada brand…
@A DP why do people hate carbs so much its so annoying, ik im still young but its not like bread does more bad than good. Energizes you, can taste good, these doctors are trying to make glucose seem like a drug.
Still alive?
I’ve been off bread now for six weeks for weight loss reasons. What I didn’t expect was the lowering of my blood pressure, which went down from 150/90 to about 120/80. It was too high for years and I just gave up trying to lower it. What a nice side effect!
Good work bro. I’ve done it for just over 2 months and having same results. Doc want me to go on blood pressure meds. Cut out carbs and BP is now 120/80.
@Janice Paul thanks for opening my eyes to these recipes, tried it today. Awesome 👌
@Glen Garbera thank you. I wish I would’ve known this earlier
@Burt the Man me as well
I am off bread now for one week bcse of weight reasons hopelly will down also my blood pressure to 120/8. But i am already feeling much better thanks God
Sadly, I found out I had Celiac disease about 10 yrs ago. The transition from a wheat gluten diet to a non gluten diet was extraordinarily difficult. Celiac also causes various sensitivities to other types of gluten and just some other foods in general. If you eat in restaurants there is no way to avoid accidental gluten no matter how hard you try. It takes me about a week to recover from eating hidden gluten and it is not pleasant.
Thank You Jeff Scott. What makes it difficult is that we have a culture based on grain. It shows up at every turn. It simplifies things if food is just “meat and veggies” like humans have always eaten. 😄
Similar story. Coeliac is unique, as diseases go, in that once you stop eating the poison that triggers its symptoms (gluten), recovery from the damage is rapid, with even the gut fully self-repairing in less than 2 years. I wish I’d discovered I was coeliac decades ago. The damage is systemic and the symptoms so varied it can be difficult to make the necessary connections. And coeliac often occurs with other immune system related diseases, which further muddies the waters
How do test for celiac disease
Giving up bread was probably the single best decision of my life ever, it was also one of the hardest tho, I spent almost 30 years eating at least 2 slices of bread every single day; the first 2 weeks after giving it up, I felt the worst withdrawal I’ve ever felt in my life, I was very anxious, but those two weeks were the most substantial to my weight loss & health path (I lost like 9kg in those two weeks, just by giving up bread), all my life I was convinced that bread was a staple and I would feel weakness if I gave it up because “I would not have carbs”, now that I see this video I’m 100% that it’s the best decision I’ve ever made and after 2 years without bread I feel great and don’t miss it at all…
It’s the hardest thing to give up. I’ve happily given up pasta, rice and potatoes for 9 months but still struggling with bread.
@Radical Cartoons please take my exciting advice try making chaffles they’re on YouTube for keto you can add whatever you want that’s not carbs basis is eggs and cheddar cheese or any cheese that works for you The recipe say half a cup of cheese but we modify what we like it’s my replacement for bread and I never crave bread because this is great and light so you don’t get tired after we eat it
@Radical Cartoons Yes all those foods are super easy for me to give up but bread is hard. My dad gave me a salad from Panera but of course it came with bread and the smell of it I was just struggling. I gave it to my son for his dinner side.
I stopped eating bread a few months ago and have gradually honed my diet to almost perfection-ish, I will never eat bread again, the difference is incredible at 50! I have always been interested in diet but have learned so much from this dude. Sadly it’s not easy to eat well if you are stuck in a rat race; and governments should not allow poisons in our foods! Allowing cheap chemical enhanced food allows those at the top to get even wealthier, it is madness. And what we teach kids in school books needs updating!!!
Did you hear about the chaffles that are on YouTube I am so excited about my new found Bread replacement if you like eggs and cheese on a mini waffle maker which is called a chaffle maker
It reminds me of angel food cake I just wanted to share it with others maybe they never knew about it
I love this doctor. His videos are soooo detailed, unbiased and informative
Simply fabulous way of explaining. I tried years ago, first few days are hard, but it does get easier and the results were quick. 6 weeks off bread, 9 kg down. No other restrictions. I even had a bit of chocolate now and then. But now I finally understand the whole mystery behind it. Amazing lecture!!!
Thanks for the encouragement 👍
I’m on my way with revamping my diet due to overweight and intermittent digestive issues. I definitely have had leaky gut, probably most of my life without being able to recognize it. Dr. Ekberg’s lectures keep me tuned in to myself and motivate me to keep going. I am currently giving up grains as a staple (just about totally despite cultural immersion) and reducing all sugars. I am also actually enjoying intermittent fasting. One’s body really gets used to it and it feels quite empowering. I think I just moved into more effective satiety, now that Dr. Sten named it for me. I am excited to see what happens next as I have about 35 – 40 pounds to lose, age 66.
Hi Dr, thanks for the great video. As a vegetarian who has also given up alcohol and tobacco, I have yet to fully give up bread as it has been the hardest thing to ever give up. I’ve started to eat gluten free (sometimes pizza and breakfast bars almost daily) bread items more often and I’ve noticed a huge difference. My question is, will I reap the same benefits as giving up all breads or am I missing some benefits by still consuming breads, albeit gluten free? Thanks for your time.
I can’t believe your lectures are free. They are very educational.
I have just discovered your channel so going to be interesting following it
What a great video. I gonna break this down in a video! 🍭🍭🍭
There is more testimonials and positive comments on this way of life than anything else. I’m carb free and sugar free going on a year and a half doing this. I have amazing results. My doctor is impressed.
I can live without bread, but pasta?!!!😢
I’m going to cut out bread after the Christmas holidays, I feel awful, and that’s me eating well and training
I’m actually excited about starting it!