What If You Could Completely Heal Yourself In 30 Days?

Ever wonder if you could be symptom and pain free in just 30 days? Watch this video to see if it possible.
🔴 Relax with HeartMath
🔴Blood Work Course
🔷 What If You Stop Eating Sugar For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Stop Eating Bread For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Ate Only Meat For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Only Ate Once A Day For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Eat Bacon For 30 Days?
🔷 What Happens If You Don't Eat For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Only Eat Fruit For 30 Days?
🔷 What Really Happens In Your Body When You Fast?
🔷 What Really Happens In Your Body When You Are In Ketosis?
🔷 What If You Quit Social Media For 30 Days?
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Welcome to What Really Happens In Your Body When by Dr. Sten Ekberg; a series where I try to tackle the most important health issues of the day in a natural and safe way including the What Really Happens In Your Body When you exercise, fast, eat certain foods, etc. If you have suggestion for the next topic leave your comment below. Remember to make your comments positive and uplifting even if you disagree with something that was said by me or others.
🔷 What Really Happens In Your Body When Series:
🌿 This is a Holistic Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Holistic Health and Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete and holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. Learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Doctor Ekberg covers and explains health in an easy to understand way. There will be health tips like how to lose weight, what to eat, best nutrition, low carb diet, cold hands & feet, holistic health tips, pain relief, lower blood pressure, reverse diabetes naturally, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, keto diet explained, brain health tips, stretches & more from a real doctor.
Dr Sten Ekberg
Wellness For Life
5920 Odell St
CummingGA 30040
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING & LIKING. Let us know if you have any health questions in the comment section below the video. The goal of this channel is to educate you in easy to understand terms on what true holistic health is.
All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
Typical legal disclaimer (doctor occupational hazard): This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Sorry! Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor to obtain advice with respect to any particular health issue or condition. Nothing here should be construed to form an doctor patient relationship. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Wellness For Life and Dr. Sten Ekberg are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. But if you click, it really helps me make more of these videos!
#WhatHappensWhen #YourBody #WellnessForLife #MasterHealth #DrEkberg #DrStenEkberg #HealthAndWellness #Doctor #HolisticDoctor #RealDoctor #HealthChampions #keto #ketodiet #weightloss
🔴 Relax with HeartMath https://www.drekberg.shop/products/inner-balance-coherence-plus-for-android-iphone
🔥Watch this video next:🔷 What If You Stop Eating Sugar For 30 Days?
🔷 What If You Stop Eating Bread For 30 Days?
stage 4 breast cancer?????
Yo, Doc. Your audio is getting worse. It sounds like a mic issue. Maybe justcpacement, but it is annoyingly scratchy. Thanks!
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? 🤔
Practice. Practice. Practice.
Check your audio, I don’t have that problem.
Another great video ! Thank you for all the work you do x
♥️♥️♥️💋💋💋Morning Dr Sten. It’s true emotional well being is for sure of utmost importance. It affects everything in our bodies. I know that from personal experience. Sending all my love ♥️♥️
I quit if and i suffer the consequences greatly. Hope i can get back on track and re-reverse my pre diabetes. Thank you for this video, i needed it 🙏🏼🌿
I saw in the news they made progress on reversing diabetes in China. I hope it gets peer review or studies in other countries and soon be available for the public. My dad also has diabetes.
Me toooooo! 😅 We’re in it together! Good luck to you! (and myself…🙃)
I did too. I did OMAD for a while but ofcourse I cheated and ate sugar. Since then it’s been so hard to do any kind of fasting. I pray we both get back on track today!!! God Bless you 😊
@@maryfolks9368 thank you so much, you too! Omad is relatively hard to do, mentally. I was doing omad just like you and lost 16 kgs, then i got married and gained 16+20 more kgs. Such a mess. I feel worst than ever before. And i am only 25. I really hope i can gain my confidence, body but most importantly my health back. Sometimes even getting up from bed is hard for me. And i definitely learned that quitting if -or any healthy habit brings you below zero, not even the starting point. I let down my body and mind horribly the minute i started eating sugar and having late night meals. Hope we can be the best versions of ourselves and keep it up like that! God bless 🌿🙏🏼❤️
@@hazecliff7173Dr. Ekberg here already has tons of videos on reversing diabetes. There’s no need to wait.
The Four F’s, lol!
No procreation.. 😂
More likely a four letter word!
Here’s what I cured on a clean carnivore diet in 12 months :
a) T2D
b) CDM
c) Coronary plaque
d) Diabetic retinopathy.
My body got stronger, my brain sharper, inflammatory markers optimal, removed body fat, don’t get sun burned and my skin is great. 2 years in now and I feel great. I’m never going back – Carnivore for life. Fatty red meat, salt, water, sunshine, fresh air, lifting heavy things and good sleep is all you have to do to get metabolically healthy. Your body will heal itself if you give it the right food.
Congratulations on your healing! What a blessing! Did you experience constipation when switching to carnivore? If so, what did you do to help reverse it?
@@Cosmo-Kramer Cardio-Myopathy. 99% caused by inflammation. Most cardiologists have got no clue.
@@TimothaLanae I had 3 weeks of transition where there was loose stools but I added more fat and things got better.
It’s just a GI tract biome adjustment.
I wish you good health and prosperity.
@@adelarsen9776 That’s not “CDM”, there’s not such thing as, “CDM”. What afflicted you was, “DCM”, which stands for Dilated Cardiomyopathy, the most common form of Cardiomyopathy. Having corrected you on that, let me congratulate you on licking it. I’m 167 days Carnivore, and while I’ve had good results thus far, I am not out of the woods yet, with respect to ascites, peripheral neuropathy, fatty pancreas, and CVS (Chronic Venous Insufficiency).
and an anxiety disorder makes this way more difficult than for your average Jo.. but the payoff through persistence is profoundly rewarding and even personality changing.
If you have an anxiety disorder, have your adrenal glands checked. Get your doctor to put in a standing order for blood work and when you have your next anxiety attack, get blood drawn… And don’t give up. They like to “treat” the individual symptoms rather than the cause. They love to tell us its all in our head and in a way it is. If your adrenals are malfunctioning, they send a signal to the brain that tells it you are in a fight/flight state and your pituitary gland sends signals to your heart and lungs to pump more blood and get more oxygen.
Thank you Dr., you give me life’s reminders to be healthy when i’m off track. ❤
The 4 F, all of the words don’t begin with F. Oh wait a second 😂
I like that line too.😊
If there was a switch that could heal my body, including my vision/eyes, and teeth I’d be so happy.
It is called carnivore lifestyle. 🙂 Works for most.
Like to slow down this aging process.
@@mp7925 yes. agreed. but lets not forget this ANS parasympathetic mode also. Ive been carnivore for more than two years but my healing is really slow. Probably this aspect of healing is missing for me
Good Morning Health Champions/ Good Afternoon from Holland Health Champions
Praying and Fasting are my goto
I don’t stress or worry, nor judge others, Negativity likes company
Wake up every day with positive thoughts
I pray for all my brothers and sisters out there, we may have never met in person but spiritly I’m always with you
A prayer for all who passed away, that our Farther may have mercy and grant them a safe passage
As Dr Ekberg said practice is really permanent
Have a Great and Safe weekend Health Champions
I Love You All
Bless you too. Verstaan jy as ek in Afrikaans skryf? They say it’s baby Dutch. Our language is very much alike.
O SEA, QUE eres tan inteligente…QUE LE DICES A DIOS LO QUE TIENE QUE HACER. Si no es por tus ruegos no se ocupa de los muertos. MENOS MAL QUE ESTÁS TÚ PARA DIRIGIRLO. 😂😂😂
Accept and surrender and be in present always
Our Autonomic Nervous System is another term for God, or the Intelligence of the Universe – whichever you like…..
@@deanpesci8484interesting concept
Unlike what this blob said; be bold, have a spine, question the wrong, never succumb and surrender to anything or anyone.
@@Interpid_Citizen That’s rude and uncalled for. Reality means we must all “succumb and surrender” at some stage. But fight-on while you can.
This will take a lot of work for me because I need to overcome childhood biases, etc. Starting from scratch is much better than not starting at all. I feel so fortunate because I know so many people who have been hit hard by life. They find it much more difficult to gain coping skills. It becomes a downward spiral for them. We need more people to see this video. 😀
“Practice makes permanent” perfect practice makes perfect
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? 🤔 Practice. Practice. Practice.
It’s actually the best explanation available on YouTube.
I have been practicing meditation and yoga every day for the last 5 years and my life has been totally transformed ❤
Müslüman ol ve namaz kil kendini daha iyi hissedeceksin😊
Tend the garden of your heart. Pull out the weeds of resentment, envy, anger . . .
Forgiveness, gratitude, looking for and perceiving beauty and goodness are the “weed-pullers”.
Wisdom, justice, temperance, and courage, plus faith, hope, and love are the flowers and fruit proceeding from your heart’s garden if you practice this.
Verdiğiniz değerli bilgiler için içten tşkler🙏 Sanırım bunun için devamlı olarak zihnimizin ve duygularımızın farkında olmamız gerekiyor🤔
Thank you my dear for this word of wisdom.
This is beautiful and so true.
Excellently written. Thank you.
So well written Sir !
I enjoy all your videos..but with all my being I believe this is the most important to every human.
Without peaceful mental wellbeing then nothing works..just my experience and opinion..
Stay well everyone..🙏❤️
Praying & reading the Bible help too. ✝️🙏🕊💕
@@WickedRavenOneWhy stop? Even Dr. Ekberg recommends meditation. Why diss someone for something they find beneficial? Or is it just Jesus you have a problem with?
I started fasting, quit sugar, exercise and lost 30 pounds. What I DIDN’T do was quit alcohol!! I’m now at 34 days without it and all I can say is WOW! I had to ask myself “why do all these healthy things but continue to poison my body?” Now I sleep better, my mind is sharper and I have more energy.