What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Sugar For 7 Days?

Get the Highest Quality Electrolyte: . Have you ever wondered about the impact on your body when you eat certain foods? I am a doctor who will tell you exactly what happens to your body if you stop eating sugar for 7 days.
🔴Blood Work Course
🔷 Top 10 Sweeteners – The Ultimate Guide
🔷 10 Signs Your Eating Too Much Sugar
🔷 What Happens If You Don't Eat For 30 Days?
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Welcome to What Really Happens In Your Body When by Dr. Sten Ekberg; a series where I try to tackle the most important health issues of the day in a natural and safe way including the What Really Happens In Your Body When you exercise, fast, eat certain foods, etc. If you have suggestion for the next topic leave your comment below. Remember to make your comments positive and uplifting even if you disagree with something that was said by me or others.
🔷 What Really Happens In Your Body When Series:
🌿 This is a Holistic Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Holistic Health and Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete and holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. Learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Doctor Ekberg covers and explains health in an easy to understand way. There will be health tips like how to lose weight, what to eat, best nutrition, low carb diet, cold hands & feet, holistic health tips, pain relief, lower blood pressure, reverse diabetes naturally, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, keto diet explained, brain health tips, stretches & more from a real doctor.
Dr Sten Ekberg
Wellness For Life
5920 Odell St
CummingGA 30040
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All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
Typical legal disclaimer (doctor occupational hazard): This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Sorry! Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor to obtain advice with respect to any particular health issue or condition. Nothing here should be construed to form an doctor patient relationship. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Wellness For Life and Dr. Sten Ekberg are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. But if you click, it really helps me make more of these videos!
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🔥Watch more life saving videos: 🔷 Top 10 Sweeteners – The Ultimate Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcnGmKi3xms&list=PLpTTF6wMDLR73fbhy9TdlSA65wvQyjP2
🔷 10 Signs Your Eating Too Much Sugar
🔷 What Happens If You Don’t Eat For 30 Days? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOxgJE6QR2o&list=PLpTTF6wMDLR73fbhy9TdlSA65wvQyjP2
It’s almost impossible to recover , especially if you work everyday as a bread delivery driver . That coffee calls me every morning
Thank you for sharing great information. I’ve been following you for a while, and lost 30 lbs. 😊
Your generosity towards my infection called Herpes virus is incomparable. You assured me of getting healed and surprisingly after 2 weeks of taking the medication I was tested for herpes Negative. Thanks Doc oromi I will keep letting the world know about your YouTube channel.❤❤
Doc, how can I get a hold of you for a professional appointment? You are about the only professional I trust for medical advice on my current health.
Thank you Doctor for educating us. We learn a lot from your videos
Я не понял много видео на русском сейчас на английском это кто озвучивает?
@@ld7179Dr. Sten Ekberg
Are we not going to eat low-sugar fruits?
I stopped sugar consumption over 20 years ago. Great. Now I am 81 yo and have an energy of 50 yo or less.
Are you Tony of I Am Longevity?
Fantastic! I quit sugar and went low carb in 2023. I’m now 63 yo and feel way better.
I started my journey towards the sugar-free country in 2009 and now I’m almost 67 and feel super healthy and energetic all day and I sleep really well and absolutely no night peeing.
I’m guessing you didn’t have an addiction to sugar. It’s a whole different challenge when you do,but respect !
I was addicted to sugar, lived on it during uni and most of my working life, to get me through the day, i believed it gave me energy!! but gave it up a few years back and never felt to good, and finally on an even keel energy wise. Just turned 60 and looking forward to a busy retirement with tonnes of energy. Sending this podcast out to many friends who are addicted.
I have stopped sugar exactly 7 days ago🎉 what timing..so good to get this! 🇦🇺
Well done. Treat yourself with a Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip Ice Cream. You deserve it! It’s the weekend!
Congrats! Any tips?
@@gungagalunga9040lmao horrible advice. That’s like telling a 7 day sober alcoholic to drink a pint bcuz they deserve it for quiting for 7 days.
Wow, perfect timing indeed! 🎉 Huge congrats on your 7-day sugar-free journey! How are you feeling so far? Keep going – your body will thank you! 💪😊
@@gungagalunga9040 Is this what you yourself do, take a break from keto every weekend with Ben & Jerry’s?
Good morning Dr. Ekberg! I love this video! I’ve been “off” sugar for 3 1/2 years now, and you mentioned that your energy will increase. I can attest to that! Growing up, I always wanted a nap after eating, and especially sugary foods and drinks! Without sugar, I wake up without hitting the snooze on the alarm, I don’t have an afternoon “slump” (craving a nap), and I just always feel so much better without eating sugar! Thank you for putting this out there! It’s so good to know what is going on in the body when you stop sugar! Hope you have a Fri-yay and a great weekend!😊
It’s ok, I’ve been on the keto diet for 3 months. I can’t imagine eating any other way. regards
Are we not going to eat low-sugar fruits?
@@Karhan5 At first I ate blueberries. I don’t eat any fruit now.
@@Dominik77776I was eating oatmeal with blueberries too, but apparently you shouldn’t eat these either..:-).
I eat about 1/4 cup of blueberries regularly. They are full of polyphenols, and are a super food for your brain! A 1/4 cup serving only has 4 carbs. I like getting 1 cup of grass fed Greek yogurt. I spit it in half… opposite sides of the bowl. And 1 side I shake lots of cayenne pepper…then mix it in. The other side I mix in turmeric and a bunch of black pepper. The cayenne pepper helps open your blood vessels, and promote blood flow to the brain. The turmeric helps fight inflammation…pepper helps the body absorb the turmeric. Next, sprinkle chia seeds on both sides, then put about 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds on, then sprinkle with pistachios…last but not least is the 1/4 cup of blueberries. The spices make it all taste AMAZING(!), and it is all ridiculously good for you!
Once a pain or discomfort is relieved, it’s amazing how quickly you tend to forget about it. I’ve found it helpful to compile a list of everything, from itchy eyes and scalp and runny nose to nerve and joint pain. It’s great to look back and see all those symptoms eliminated!
When we say we won’t eat sugar, does this include dried fruit and fresh fruit?
@jagoffCitizen – spot-on! The memory of the mental agitation and irritability plus gut discomfort that follows consumption of candies or chocolate, quickly fades. When the inevitable craving returns we can only think of the pleasure we feel when eating that sugar. Seems to me to be a strong characteristic of drug addiction…?
Thank you Dr. Ekberg. I have completely changed my outlook on life because of you. I started this journey 3 years ago to improve my weight, and since then I have learned how naiive I was for thinking weight was even close to the most important thing that would happen to me from this. I sleep better, am depression free and just have a better outlook on life in general. Thank you very much.
Are we not going to eat low-sugar fruits?
Best educator on You Tube. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. 👌
This video is a true eye-opener! The way you break down the effects of quitting sugar in just 7 days is so insightful and easy to understand. Really appreciate the effort and research behind this – great job!”
I stopped procesed sugar and artificial sweetners 4 weeks ago,weights down 3kgl sleep uninterrupted now and the binge eating stopped immediately and now feel alive and full of energy people at work think I’m on something because I’m so happy😃
Another thing I noticed: heartburn was gone! I brought a huge bottle of tums to work at the end of the year because it had gotten so bad. I blamed perimenopause. About that time I saw a video from Dr. Ekberg about sugar detox. After a few days of detox, I was laying in bed and told my husband that I haven’t had heartburn in a few days! One month in and still no heartburn!!
I stopped sugar and carbs a year ago and have noticed the same thing. No more nightly heartburn waking me up!!
Exactly the same for me. I suffered from heartburn, borderline severe, for many years. Six months of following Dr. Ekberg’s advice and no heartburn, none. My life is renewed! And I’ve lost 30 pounds!
Since I discovered Dr. Ekberg, it has changed my life. I live in Italy where they eat a lot of sugar and spaghetti, pizza etc. In September 2024 I was 94 kilograms, on December 31, 2024 I weighed 78 kilograms. I am continuing with the diet of only meat, pork fat, green leafy vegetables. I feel great. Thank you so much Dr. Ekberg. You have changed my life.
No carbs at all? Keto?
@@slavasss2189 Under around 30 G’s per day is the only way to enter ketosis.
I watched an old video in December and did the 30 day no sugar challenge, starting December 28th. I also cut out carbs and any processed foods. I have lost some weight, my flabby sides and do feel much better. I am 80, do not take any medications and walk 5 days a week. I do chart my progress, my meals and my weight
Brawo !
Pokaż to całemu światu;)
Ludzie w twoim wieku nie chcą uwierzyć że takie zmiany poprawiają życie
I stopped eating carbs, sugar, including sweet fruits and switched to meat,fish,vegetables in December, 2024 and I’ve lost 8lbs so far. No longer having headaches, insomnia, body aches
thank you Dr. Ekberg for not letting commercials/advertisments into your videos
– Three things that changed my life:
1. started watching health videos
2. I read the book called: Health Secrets Industry Hides
3. I stopped eating excess sugar
Thanks for sharing that
i heard many good things about that before
will read it for sure
thats by Heather Collisn if Im right
Lol is this a bot conversation
Because of you, I did the 30-day No Sugar Challenge. That was the end of last May, so 8 months ago. I lost 20 lbs, my blood work was perfect, my doctor was impressed, anxiety level went way down, chronic pain is way down, I sleep better and my skin feels smoother and less itchy/dry. Of course I gave up most refined carbs and manufactured food at the same time because it all has sugar in it. Never going back. Thank you.
The fact that we get free videos on YouTube by Dr. Ekberg is truly a gift; keeping education and knowledge alive. 👏🙏🏾🤷
My sister has stage 4 Breast cancer as diagnosis with mets to lymph nodes, diabetes and later developed a rare form call Medullary thyroid cancer,she have just 2 years to live and she never been this scared to die, she just 37, i cry everyday wishing for a miracle to happen. i don’t know why I’m saying this here. put me in your prayers.
im really sorry. i’ve was in such situation 15 months ago. i had just 2 months to live till a friend told me about a healer who helped me. She cured me, I don’t know how she did it. but i owe her my life. she’s the reason i’m alive today.
That’s wonderful, how do i get in touch with the healer?
Her name is Prophetess Regina Kuma,and she is a great healer who can heal you. you can look her name up online and you will find all you need.
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive
He’s right on the spot when he said it’s intimidating to do this forever.. so I’m accepting the challenge to do it for 7 days first.. you know what, I’ll be honest with myself, and just do it one day at a time.. and stay positive and decide to try to do it everyday. By watching these videos, I get motivated not only to lose weight but to aim to be healthy! I hope I can keep choosing to be healthy everyday for my own sake and for my loved ones.
Btw, here’s the summary of the benefits of no sugar for 7 days.
1. Improved energy
2. Mental clarity
3. Less bloating
4. Better sleep
5. Weight loss
6. No cravings
7. Clearer skin
8. Reduced joint pain
9. Better mood
10. Metabolic health
You are amazing Dr. Ekberg!
I’ll be doing it along with you 👍