What Happens If You Take High Dosages of Vitamin D3 for 14 Days

In this video, we dive deep into what happens when you take high dosages of Vitamin D3 for 14 days. Vitamin D3 plays a crucial role in boosting your immune system, reducing inflammation, and supporting the health of various organs. But what happens when you take high doses daily? Could it improve conditions like depression, high blood pressure, or even ease low back pain? We’ll explore these therapeutic effects and potential side effects you need to know.
#vitamind3 #vitaminddeficiency #vitamind
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book "The Healthy Keto Plan" and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
That’s a lot of vitamin d, my dr freaked out when I told him I was taking 10,000 iu. I got a 20 minute lecture. Yet he retired from full time practice to devote his time to studying vit d to cure cancer
He has no job if you’re not sick
Yes that’s the old understanding.. but they don’t understand with vit K2 it goes to the bones and not arteries.. my dr tells me if I’m studying something then she trusts me to know more than her as she has zero time to keep up with latest research!
Wait… you got 20 minutes with your doctor?
you were a good guinea pig to him without him asking you to be 🤣 because of you, he knows its safe, got over his fear of higher doses
@@scottfrench9267I’m sure only when they want to feel superior and lecture you to keep you sick so they aren’t out of a job
The high dose works , I ran 40,000 four weeks , inflammation stopped I couldn’t believe it.
hi. Did you take calsium also? and k2 and zink? tnx
Dr berg always says to NOT take calcium along with v D3 take v d 3 with zinc magnisium v k 2@@kimia.rahmati
Yes did you take Mg zinc and K with it?
@@kimia.rahmatino calcium just vitamin D 3, k2 and zinc and magnesium G
My Mother just turned 97. Her Dr told her she Does NOT need Any Vitamin D. I about Flipped Out.
😳😱 Are you kidding me? I would’ve flipped out right along with you!!! I can’t believe his ignorant butt told your mother that! 🤦♀️
I don’t have either of my parents my dad passed in 2007 at 79 and my mother in 2020at 82 and I’m trying to take as much vitamins as I can afford on limited income and my favorite uncle my dad’s older brother made it to 95 and he drove up until he was 94 and was sharp as a tac until he had his stroke which was at 94😔😭💔 it took him months later after taking his eyesight in his left eye and more of his hearing.
He was a walker and tried to get a little exercise every day 😊. I hope your mother does well and listens to you and continues to take her D3 &k2, magnesium etc…
God Bless her🙏❤
I’ve been taking, amongst others amazing Suplements, 50000ui D3
My grandmother is 104 years old and takes Vit D3 + K2 everyday. She is very well.
Wonderful ❤@@thekschannel8563
What was the measured level of D in her blood? If it was high enough — perhaps due to time spent outdoors in the sun — then the doctor was right.
How high is “high enough?” That’s controversial due to scarcity of well-designed clinical studies, but there’s a consensus that the optimal value is over 30 and probably less than 80.
After 3 weeks of high D3 dosing, my blood pressure dropped noticeably, lower than it has been in decades.
Do you mind sharing which brand you use and dosage?
But what if your blood pressure is already very close to low and then you do this?
Curious on those two comments posted
My mom has high pressure, what D3 she should use,how strong?
Dr. Berg…
PLEASE. Flesh out your recommendations so we can safely and responsibly take matters into our own hands. Much more info seems necessary! Thank you!
My cardiologist put me on 50k it’s per week and I healed from a pulmonary embolism and spinal injury!
You actually had a healing DOCTOR!!!😳 PRAISE THE LORD
50,000 per week? doesn’t sound like a lot every day if you divide 50,000 by 7 days.
@@pattiannepascual maybe it’s the flood of so much d at once that makes a difference?
I take 50,000 every evening before bed@@pattiannepascual
How i wish i could meet Dr. Berg and sit down and talk to him about my health conditions. that would be an answer to prayer. i believe him and my heart dr could seriously help cure patients one on one over time. my heart dr was so interested in learning more about natural therapeutic healing. i just wish my family dr was more open to it. It is sad that all drs. would stop disagreeing with one another and unite to heal.their patients. Thank you Dr Berg for all your knowledge.
There are incredible doctors offering telemedicine these days. 🙂 I bet you could find someone similar online.
A healed patient is a customer lost. Treating symptoms for decades is more profitable than curing the causes of the symptoms in a few months.
Lupus and SS here, and as someone deficient in vitamin D 3, i take those high doses every day
Hi,and how you feeling
I’m sorry what is SS? I have an old friend who has Lupus and says she can’t drive, um I knew a lady at an old chiropractor I used to see and she drove there to work every day and my ex-husband step mother had the worst kind of Lupus (God rest her soul ) I asked her which one and she couldn’t tell me 🤔.
I hope you’re doing well!!!
Go carnivore and you’ll recover from it. Tons of videos about it
❤❤❤❤…Your information saved my life about 6 months ago after a Very serious kidney infection complicated by impacted kidney stones. I am back to normal kidney function now. Could you do a specific video on the effects / results / cautions on higher than 10,000 IUs per day (I use your brand of D3/K2 as well as B1 and your electrolytes) on kidney and adrenal function and maintenance of kidneys? Thank you again for all that you do for humanity. Congrats and Good Luck on your speaking engagement in Baltimore!
I have low kidney function (around 30 filtration) and would love a reply to this question too. Right now I take around 10,000 units daily.
Oh man! Same story about 4 yrs ago. After learning about K2mk7 to accompany high doses of D3, it changed my life. The kidney stones don’t bother me so much anymore. Thank God!😮
OMG . I was told It is very dangerous! I take 25.000 every 3 weeks
Was given a combination of three different meds to combat essential hypertension – which my body decided to revolt against.
Started taking 30.000 IU of vit. D3 with 300mcg of vit. K2 (MK7 variant), magnesium glycinate, aged garlic, cod liver oil and zinc daily, instead – no more nasty side effects.
@@lena-mariaglouis-charles7036 what brands please
No vitamin c
I took high dose of d3 and it depleted my magnesium, (i developed, shortness of breath, weakness in hands, spasms, twitching) so for how long i should take magnesium Glycinate to fix deficiency?
@@AbsoluteUNIT000 Regularly. You need it daily.
@@WH2012 high quality supplements r expensive, is there any good food source that is rich magnesium ?
I just received your D3 /K2 bottle from Amazon. Starting with 1 in AM/1 in PM for 20,000 a day. Looking forward to the results. Thank you, Dr!
Is it cheaper on amazon?
Sorry, I have no idea… I added it to an order and I got it day before yesterday. Today is the start of my 2nd full day.
@@Motorcyclewindtherapy your order would show it. But I understand, have a nice day
@jeniferjohnson374 I paid $16.19 – as listed. Can’t compare that price to anything else.
I believe when he was having a sale it was still cheaper on Amazon. So ya.
He’s right, it changed my life!
Thank you for sharing!
I love hearing Dr. Berg’s info but wish he would answer some questions in the comments section.
He used to, but as he became more in demand, it was impossible to answer every question on every video. That’s a lot! Usually, someone on his team will answer the general questions posted.
You never tell the ratio for D3:K2:Zinc:Magnesium
it differs from person to person thats the thing, but his general rule of thumb is 100mg k2 every 10.000iu vit d3, the amgensium and zinc are kinda tricky and subjective
@overmind13 Magnesium? Please
You mean 100 mcg not 100 mg
Eat more meat, eggs and dairy and you’ll be fine.
Right don’t wanna pass helpful information onto others nooo
I listened to his vid about D3 for eyes, I went up to mega amounts, I started taking 260,000 IU D3, 2,600 mg K2 50 mg zinc, 600 mg Chelted Magnesium Glycenate, per day. I noticed that on day 3 my night vision was radically improved and my eyes sensitivity to sudden light changes was reduced
260k daily??? 😮
260,000? 😮 I take 50,000 every day
I was taking 50-T (5-pills) daily and my knees NEVER hurt. I kept feeling nauseous and sick like I had to throw-up after taking it. I googled the right amount to take and it said ONLY take one like the bottle says. so I’m taking only one a day and let me tell you……..MY KNEES HURT SO BAD. I NEVER had any pain in my knees like I do now. I’m going back from one a day to 3 or 4 a day. Thank You again Dr.Berg I was following Dr. Berg advice and I’m going right back to it. ❤🙏🏾👍🏽👏🏾
You should spread your dose out over the day, like with every meal, your body can’t absorb all that at once, you are losing a lot to urination etc
Eat more meat and animal fats. You’ll be fine without supplements
I’m currently on the Coimbra Protocol for my Lyme disease. Dr Coimbra is a neurologist from Brazil who developed a very high dose protocol of vitamin d for MS patients and other autoimmune diseases. It’s had such huge success that a clinic is being opened in Germany with Dr’s being trained in the protocol!
For those wondering about the dosage to take, whenever you see these shorts by Dr Berg, look at the text at the bottom of the short for a link to the related extended video. For this short, you will see “▶️ Vitamin D is Dangerous”. In that expanded video he mentions “For every 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 that you take, you’ll need 100 mcg of vitamin K2. MK7 is the best form.” And other ratios of the trace elements to take. Cheers to your health!
I was just left at the end of the video, asking myself “how much of the other vitamins & can you take it all at once. So, thank you! I will look for the long vid. Have a good day.
@@TH-xx9cnLOL, I had the exact same questions!
I thought it was k3 with mk7?
Dear Dr. Berg, I have recently increased D to 50,000 iu, and it’s working: depression ( although starting at every other day ritual, still testing). Sunlight helps a lot. I do take magnesium, K2, and zinc, too.
The last part is really important when taking high dose of vitamin D, dont forget to add in K2, Mag, and zinc!!!
I’ve been taking D3, K2, Zinc & Magnesium all together like you recommended, and my feet & legs are no longer numb! I was also taking Black walnut, Clove & Wormwood & eating a garlic clove to do a parasite cleanse & I can feel a major change. Feels really really good! Thank you so much Dr. Eric Berg for helping me improve my health!!!!
Hi, did you take all of them at the same time? I didn’t understand what “taking them together” mean? Take all them daily but at different times will be ok or they all must be taken at the same time? Thank you
@@phimbo-u5c I felt nauseated if I took them all at once. I took vitamin D3 & K2 every morning. Then I would take zinc & magnesium together later on in the day. Especially if I didn’t eat anything. It was better for me to take them with food.