THIS Is How Fasting Fights Dementia

Don't want to get Dementia? Learn how you can hold off dementia by doing simple lifestyle changes like intermittent fasting to fight dementia.
🔴Blood Work Course
🔴 Join this channel to get access to perks:
🔷 15 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes:
🔷 Top 10 Foods That Cause Dementia
🔷 10 Warning Signs You Already Have Dementia
🔷 Amazing New Study Reveals Miracle Benefits Of Fasting:
🔷 What To Eat On One Meal A Day (OMAD):
🔷 What Is Autophagy?
Welcome to Benefits Of Fasting by Dr. Sten Ekberg; a series where I try to tackle the most important health issues of the day in a natural and safe way including the benefits of intermittent fasting, fasting and autophagy. If you have suggestion for the next topic leave your comment below. Remember to make your comments positive and uplifting even if you disagree with something that was said by me or others.
🔷 Benefits Of Fasting Series:
🌿 This is a Holistic Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Holistic Health and Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete and holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. Learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Doctor Ekberg covers and explains health in an easy to understand way. There will be health tips like how to lose weight, what to eat, best nutrition, low carb diet, cold hands & feet, holistic health tips, pain relief, lower blood pressure, reverse diabetes naturally, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, keto diet explained, brain health tips, stretches & more from a real doctor.
Dr Sten Ekberg
Wellness For Life
5920 Odell St
CummingGA 30040
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING & LIKING. Let us know if you have any health questions in the comment section below the video. The goal of this channel is to educate you in easy to understand terms on what true holistic health is.
All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
Typical legal disclaimer (doctor occupational hazard): This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Sorry! Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor to obtain advice with respect to any particular health issue or condition. Nothing here should be construed to form an doctor patient relationship. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Wellness For Life and Dr. Sten Ekberg are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. But if you click, it really helps me make more of these videos!
#Fasting #IF #WellnessForLife #MasterHealth #DrEkberg #DrStenEkberg #HealthAndWellness #Doctor #HolisticDoctor #RealDoctor #HealthChampions #keto #ketodiet #weightloss
🔥Watch one of these videos next:🔷 15 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes:
🔷 Top 10 Foods That Cause Dementia
🔷 10 Warning Signs You Already Have Dementia
It`s Friday folks, dr Ekberg is here 🙂
Hello Dr Ekberg, thank you for what you doing and thank you for helping many of us.
You are welcome @ballkans. I hope it was helpful. Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great weekend Dr. Ekberg! Thanks for the information…I just started brisk walking, and am fasting more. Such a great motivator to keep going, so thank you! 😊
Thank you @angelfriend3710. Keep it up. 😄
Thank you Dr Ekberg for being the Fountain of necessary information explained without any nonsense and I appreciate the fact that you’re not trying to sell a bunch of medicine or vitamins
If you only eat the right food, you don’t need any vitamin supplements.
Thank you @loveistruth5713. I really appreciate your feedback and so glad that you liked it. The purpose of my channel is to explain the principles and mechanisms of health in such a way that you start gaining an understanding and respect for the miracle that is the human body. I spend so much time on it because when we get “the why” and start owning the mechanisms we become empowered for life . Comments like yours makes it all worthwhile. 😄
If you eat proper food, there is zero need for any vitamins (written a second time).
@@boink800Some people are in such dreadful condition, that they must continue medication and whatever supplement they need in spite of dietary change.
@@KismetWLS Why don’t you make any effort to reverse those conditions?
Tack Sten för alla goda råd. Följer dig med stort intresse. 63 år och har aldrig mått bättre!
Tack så mycket @hakangustafsson4842. Jag uppskattar verkligen din feedback och är så glad att du mår bättre än någonsin. Syftet med min kanal är att förklara principerna och mekanismerna för hälsa på ett sådant sätt att du börjar få en förståelse och respekt för det mirakel som kroppen är. Anledningen till att jag lägger så mycket tid på mina videos är att när vi förstår helheten blir vi motiverade resten av livet. Kommentarer som din gör det hela värt det. 😄
I’m in my third month of one meal a day Monday to Friday three kilos lighter and feel better than ever . 61 year Young
Thanks 👍
Thank you @greger589 for sharing your great results and helping inspire others. That is so awesome. I am thrilled that you have seen such great results. Keep it up! 😄
1. Amyloid Plaques 00:20
2. Cognitive Function 01:31
3. Ketone Production 03:14
4. Mitochondrial Health 05:04
5. Increased BDNF 07:37
6. Insulin Sensitivity 17:11
7. Inflammation 19:15
8. Autophagy Activation 20:34
Fasting: Longer is Better? 24:46
Watch full video to know more in detail.
You did a great job. GOD bless you.
Very appreciated and always benefits for me, thank you Dr. 🙏😊🌷
I believe that part of the problem is brain activity.
The western society is programed to retire from all work at a certain age.
I have been self employed most of my working life as an engineer.
I still continue my interest in technology and design at 76.
I think maintaining the function of being needed and working in some way keeps your body and brain functioning as we were designed to do.
At 60 yrs. old, nine years ago I bought a GUITAR…learning a new musical instrument is a GREAT way to engage the brain. I also still paint some old cars here and there. Gardening was also great, but now don’t do that as I no longer eat plants…but thinking of doing it for fun anyway next year. Stay active…learn new things…always.
Keto + OMAD changed my live. Thank you for laying out a clear path to follow.
Have a great weekend. ☑
Thank you @SpamMouse for sharing your great results and helping inspire others. That is so awesome. Keep it up! 😄
‘Bhikkhus, I partake a single meal for the day, and on account of it experience few afflictions, few ailments, lightness, strength, and a pleasant abiding.’
–Buddha, Bhaddali Sutta
Thank you @jbricklin1. Beautiful. 😄
Late 30s here! I eat only wholefoods, low carb, almost no sugar (a little chocolate and some fruit here and there) walk 6-10km each day, weight lift, play tennis 2-3 times a week, don’t drink alcohol anymore since last year! Sleep 7-8h each night, live in a sunny country. Already investing in my current and future healthspan! Love @drekberg ‘s channel!
Low carbing is spiking cortisol levels which isn’t good for your future healthspan..
Go for it! You’re on track for a happier life. I’m age 82, on zero meds which my doctor can’t believe. I look at others my age and the long list of meds that they are on, and realize how much misery I don’t have. It’s really about staying functional with aging so you can keep doing what you love.❤
@@FrankieZG low carb, not zero carbs 😉 and above all, good quality carbs!
@@deepost2604 I’m struggling to get my parents to eat better and get off their meds, they are in their late 60s, but it’s so hard to convince boomers! Congrats on being meds-free! :)))
@@FrankieZGHow does low carb/ meat only diets affect animal predators?
75 and been health aware for 6 yrs, now have great health and enjoy my life travel . your work has given me tools to be make life worth living…..
Thank you @henrysponsel853. I really appreciate your feedback and so glad that you find value here. The purpose of my channel is to explain the principles and mechanisms of health in such a way that you start gaining an understanding and respect for the miracle that is the human body. I spend so much time on it because when we get “the why” and start owning the mechanisms we become empowered for life . Comments like yours makes it all worthwhile. 😄
2024 We getting Dr. Ekberg YouTube Videos is priceless Thank you Sir
Thank you @barbarabrooks-f4l for letting me know. I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks for watching.😄
I’m OMAD, but I’ve recently learnt about Earthing (contact with the ground – walking barefoot where possible) and eating by the moon phases. Both seem to help reduce inflation. After the New Moon, I eat for nourishment – keto-vore, eggs, meat, dairy. At the FULL Moon, I switch to cleansing (onions, garlic, turmeric, milk thistle, dandelion tea, avocados, mackrell, and salmon with fasting for longer – 48 to 72 periods. It seems to work for me. I feel stronger and fitter. I never feel hungry or overstuffed.
Listening as I do my weight lifting at hour 21 of my fast.
My mom just passed away from dementia so I appreciate this message.
Sorry for your loss. I care for my mom with dementia right now. It is awful. I’m terrified it will happen to me next. Caregiving is stressful
@@jenniferwhitley4872It is, but I always felt that it was an honor to care for a parent. Full circle of life. All the best to you!
@@Gigi-nv5ev yes, well said
Oglądam apana filmy od jakiegoś czasu, wprowadziłam post przerywany bez większego wysiłku ograniczyłam węglowodany. Spacer szybkim krokiem i ćwiczenia rozciągające. Efekt: w ciągu 2 miesięcy schudłam 4,5 kg a post przerywany stał się moim sposobem na życie. Czekam jeszcze na dalsze efekty, czyli obniżenie cholesterolu. Mam 73 lata. Dziękuję Panu!
Is so easy doing fasting 16/8, and our body will thank us.
If you want to keep your brain function healthy, then you will get through this type of fast. Just do it!
I’m 28 and am following your advice Dr Ekberg! I have been fasting as you reccomend for months now, and have actually come to the same conclusion that you have here, two high intensity workouts a week, so I don’t overwork my body and have time to rest. I came into that idea listening to mike mentzer videos as well. you’re the best, thank you so much for all that I’ve learned about being healthy.
Spread the word to your friends! ❤
“Do not make it difficult” to yourself. So I do 16-18 hour IF 5 days a week, very doable, no cravings. I am a active senior just turned 71 but nobody believes it LOL!
I do pilates 5-6 days a week 50 mins a day sometimes 2 sessions a day. Enjoy life experiences by traveling when I can. I retired at 62 and it is best time of my life! We are 4 seasons residences right now for a week to chill ❤
U can do it too.