This Has Gone Too Far!

Following the food pyramid may have you unknowingly eating like a cow. Find out what to ditch and how to choose the right foods to fuel your body. Your body deserves real nutrition, not an animal diet designed to fatten cattle.
0:00 Introduction: Eating like a cow
0:38 High-starch diet
1:53 Refined starch and cornstarch
3:15 2 types of corn
4:47 What happens if I eat like a cow?
4:59 Grain-fed cows
6:37 How can I stop eating like a cow?
Today, we’re going to look at the average American diet and determine what may happen if you start eating like a cow. For the last 200 days of a cow’s life, it’s fed a high-starch diet and given minimal exercise.
According to the food pyramid, most of our diet should come from starch. The average American consumes 65% to 70% of their calories from starches. Starches are actually hidden sugars. In fact, ultra-processed starch is worse than sugar and will raise your blood sugar more than glucose.
There are 2 types of corn: field corn (dent corn) and edible sweet corn. Dent corn is used to fatten cattle and to make products such as ethanol, corn flour, modified food starch, modified corn starch, and maltodextrin. It’s also used to make corn oil, one of the seed oils.
Not only do the refined starches act like sugar in the body, but they’re also GMO. This means they contain traces of glyphosate.
The average American has been eating like a cow for quite some time. This is why we see obesity, fatty liver, heart disease, and more.
Cows are meant to digest grass, not grains. Grass is fermented with bacteria in a cow's stomach, and the fiber feeds its microbes. When a cow is fed grains, the microbes produce an excess amount of acid, causing acidosis. This can lead to infection and isn’t very healthy for the cow, so they’re fed antibiotics to compensate.
Stop eating like a cow! Avoid ultra-processed starch and choose grass-fed, grass-finished beef.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the problems with a high-starch diet. I’ll see you in the next video.
Dr. Berg, You’re awesome.❤
Truth is grim. 🙈
Do not be an average consumer.
Right? I’m always hearing “we consume this everyday” and I’m like “who? I sure don’t.”
I eat meat, eggs, bone broth, cheese, butter and fruit. And some cacao/honey.
Most satisfying diet.😊
This pyramid is CRAAAAZY!!!
It’s upside down.😮
RFK will change it. It is outdated.
Right!? My doctor told me to eat that way during pregnancy and I ended up gaining 100lbs! I so wish I knew this information back then.
“They’re fattening us up” – Anyone else’s thoughts go to Soylent Green?
I’ve honestly thought about this movie so much lately. And we thought it was science fiction at the time…
We’re all tasty sausages
There was an episode on Supernatural were they were adding stuff to food to make people lazy, mindless, and fat to make us easy food.
Dear goodness it’s terrifying what’s in our food. Keep showing us the way out Dr. Berg!
I have been doing mostly keto and have been feeling pretty good. My situation changed and have been helping my elderly relatives out. My diet is now 75% carbs (“good carbs”). It’s been a week and I’m not feeling very well.
Thank you to standing strong Dr!
Not meeeee!!! 💁🏽♀️ only because my body was at the brink of collapse before I realized I was being POISONED!!! I literally fasted and healed my gut, I have gone back and tried what I suspected to be bad food and boy did my body tell me! Wake up guys before it’s too late! I am so grateful of my hyper awareness! 🤍🙏🏽 Gods gift of discernment has saved my life! 🤍
I’m carnivore. 135 days no sugar, carbohydrates, processed foods, or starches. Never going back 💯
Well done!
Hi, please may i ask , how long did you fast for to heal your gut ?
after antibiotics years ago , i have a damaged gut and colitis now ,
many thanks , linda .
Amen! People do need to wake and make some healthy changes. No one can do it for us. It’s our choice!
A doctor’s job is to help the patient get back their health, but I SEE TOTALLY OPPOSITE
I think they just aren’t caught up yet. Last I saw my doctor she was still pushing to lower my total cholesterol with the usual speel….
I haven’t been back. I’m trying to find a more progressive? Dr, but the best ones are only on YouTube, lol
It has nothing to do with being caught up, if they are actually cared they’d educate themselves. Most of them stop educating themselves once theyre done with med school and only care about being paid and just doing their job and could actually care less of being up to date and taking care of people properly.@@SurfahSistah
That definitely should be their job, unfortunately they get paid more to peddle poisons
Because the doctors are trained by the pharmaceutical companies… who do you think sponsors the AMA?
It’s a racket.
What most people don’t know is.. starch in the form of pasta, crackers, bread, etc. is sugar! Sometimes higher glycemic than sugar! Not to mention all the hidden garbage they put in these “foods”.. I think every packaged food/drink should have the glycemic index level on the label! Clear and concise, bold on the front! Australia does it! That is how I learned about it 20 years ago from someone I met a long time ago, Logitech, if you’re reading this… THANK YOU! .. it served me well when I stayed at 30 and below on the glycemic index level chart.. I went from a size 14 down to a healthy size 3, but I was also weight training along with eating right and drinking the right amount of water.
im australian and didnt know they rate glycemic index specifically
If you refrigerate pasta, rice, and bread it lowers the glycemic index, a lot. And if you freeze it, even more. And if you toast bread that’s been frozen, even more
I call it Carb Sludge.
Starch, Oil, Sugar; plus whatever flavors etc are needed to make it look like what it’s supposed to be (muffin, bread, snack bar etc).
The tragedy of Carb Sludge based foods is that they are very low in good quality protein. Likely Soy Protein will be added to make it less abysmally deficient, but the Vegan proteins will not nourish you sufficiently to be strong and vital.
It’s unbelievable how those people are not behind bars..
Gold bars.
Well when your a part of the club…what do you expect. I’m the members have organic farms on their property’s.
People still think that our governments were more powerful than companies. And that the system was there to serve the people. We are being served unless we actively say no.
The system is designed to fail us!
My foreign relative always laughed when she came to visit me in the US and saw corn on the menu: “That’s what they use to feed the pigs!!!”
Most Americans are……
As an American adult, I should have been taught that mammals don’t require carbohydrates AT ALL. I learned that while researching nutrition for my sick dog. Sad. Thanks, Dr. Berg.
I’ve heard my doctor, Dr. Jack Stockwell, say many times, “There are No essential carbohydrates.” I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve tried to get that point across to my lovely wife, who is oh so happy to trade health and nutrition for convenience. I appreciate your comment!
Not true.
There are “essential sugars”.
It depends on what kind of mammal you are. I think you’d be hard pressed to make that argument for grazing animals.
@@Angelface11 Ummm, no. Humans live and thrive much healthier without them. Can we survive eating some carbs? For most of us the answer is yes, but there isn’t a single dietary carbohydrate that make humans healthier.
Thank you to Dr. Berg, I quit that process food lifestyle 4 years ago. Healthy keto forever.
1921: “Ketogenic diet” is coined!
On July 27, the Mayo Clinic’s Russell Wilder, M.D., first uses the term “ketogenic diet” to describe and propose a nutritional treatment for epilepsy that tricks the body into believing it is fasting.
Timeline: Ketogenic Diet Therapy for Epilepsy
I’m supporting your cause. I have only consumed grass fed beef from my local farmer where I notice cows grazing in the field when I go to purchase it. Anyone else want to join in?
Not as healthy as it should be as the grass is sprayed by airplanes.
I have been buying from my local farmer, including eggs and dairy.
Yes but I can’t afford to eat like that.
Me too since 2024 since march.
May God protect you,dear dr Berg.with love n respect
It’s shocking how much refined corn we consume unknowingly. We need to rethink our food choices for a healthier future. Thanks for shedding light on this critical issue!
I eliminated all corn products about 9 years ago and all of my joint inflamation, sore feet and immobility left me.
Baby formula, the first thing in the ingredients is corn. 🌽
Please fight this , our babies deserve better…
I’m voting for you to make a change in our food industry.
Seriously?! Corn???
Please check out Barbara o’neill for best way to feed babies,,she has many healing videos.
@@dob8240 baby formula is a disgrace. The best formulas are made out of the country but generally not allowed to be sold here. It’s quite the racket.
@soapgirl64 wow!! I Did not know this. 😮
They’re putting canola oil in baby formula, too! Toxic stuff. Please, mommies, nurse your babies.