This Can Be DEADLY!

There is so much misinformation about vitamin D. Will too much vitamin D lead to vitamin D toxicity? In this video, I’ll explain the truth about vitamin D and help you understand vitamin D dosage. Should you worry about vitamin D overdose? Find out now!
0:00 Introduction: The truth about vitamin D
1:46 Vitamin D supplements, food, and the sun
4:13 Vitamin D deficiency causes
5:37 Vitamin D dosage
7:27 Vitamin D toxicity
Dr. Med. Harald Schelle Book: (Vitamin D3 High Dosage – The Alternative to Previous Therapy of Glaucoma)
Vitamin D Toxicity:
Bruce Hollis Interview: ▶️
Today, we’re going to talk about the most important vitamin: vitamin D! There is a lot of misinformation about vitamin D.
Vitamin D blood levels are not very well correlated with the vitamin D inside your cells. It’s also virtually impossible to get enough vitamin D from food.
There are 2 different systems for vitamin D: one for calcium and bone and one for all the non-calcium functions of vitamin D, including the immune system, prostate, skin, gut, brain, and muscles. Hardly any of the vitamin D in your blood goes into this second system!
Most research on vitamin D involves the calcium system of vitamin D and only 600 to 800 IU. This amount may be sufficient for bone health but not for the other functions of vitamin D.
Barriers to vitamin D absorption that can lead to low vitamin D include the following:
•Air pollution
•Sunscreen/Avoiding the sun
•Gut inflammation
•Magnesium deficiency
•Insulin resistance
•Low cholesterol
•No gallbladder
A healthy person needs around 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 each day. If you have health concerns, you may need more.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about vitamin D toxicity. I’ll see you in the next video.
The reason I’m healthy is because of Dr Berg thank u so much🙏🏽❤️
You’re welcome!
Were you sick before?
@@captaincoconut457 Had symptoms and Immune problems, Dr Berg’s videos helped me.
I started taking 10000 IUs per day andni guess two weeks after, I’m totally a new person. And i kid you not, i was dying from pains and insomnia and depression and whatnot.
Now i feel much less tired and im able to study at least.
After I started taking high doses of vitamin D my back pain vanished.
Get Magnesium Glycate and youll feel a lot better it help you absorb the Vitamin D
I have a book about the D3 and how the doctor has basically treated any disease by prescribing high doses of D3. We have D3 receptors all over our body and it also directly supports our immune system. Most of the population of the world is D3 deficient that’s why the Covid was such a success. Most peoples immunity couldn’t handle it well.
Vit D doesnt work that fast regardless of dosage
Eat sardin, stir fry beef liver and stay under the morning Sun for better Vit D intake. Vit D is ” the Light Bulb” in our body. It is like Switch On/Off. That is why, you are switched on now! 👍
I take 10,000 iu vitd daily with k2mk7 and also a magnesium citrate supplement…been doing this since the start of the pandemic…no colds,no covid, happy with the results
Zinc is another important one
Yup. Same. It’s really helped me level out.
Any side effects?
How old are you if i may ask
Take Magnesium Glycinate, it’s the best one. Take a look at video Dr. Berg did on best forms of Magnesium.
I guess I oughta be grateful for the big pharma doctor who recommended 50,000 IU 3 times a week to me and my ol’ lady way back in 2015! 💯 She also never recommended it in a powder form. Bless her heart! Have a great day, y’all! 🙂
As I am the Vitamin D Deficiency channel – BLESS HER HEART INDEED!
This is what I now take, but it’s powder form. It was life changing!! I used to see bright yellow liquid capsules for sale, but haven’t in years. Is this the kind you take?
😮 Is ur ol’ lady ur mother ?😉I’m happy for u on the Vit D3.
@@adm6785 yes the gel caps with liquid. There are a lot of them.
@@adm6785Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin so it usually comes in an oil form (golden color capsules). The powder form is usually synthetic & not as easy for the body to assimilate & use.
A doctor for the People!!! We are in the great awakening and we know who the doctors are that are for the people! We love and appreciate you doctor for everything you do❤ 🏆 Telling the truth isn’t always easy but it’s the right thing to do. I don’t trust the medical field anymore since 2020 but I do trust you! Thank you sir!!! Much love from Palm Coast Florida 🌴🇺🇲✌️ A Doctor for the People 🏆
Amen! 👏🏼🌻🙏🏼🌻👏🏼
Dr.Berg, thanks for being so open and transparent without expecting anything back by posting on YouTube… Our sincere appreciations from India…
Protect this man at all costs!!!!!
We know that
From what?
gimme a break.
@@mimetypeBig Pharma Hitmen
@@mimetype From getting his content and his channel erased from existence from big pharma
Make vitamin D safe again.
Love this slogan.
Because Brandon&Kamala said D for Donald 😂😂😂😂
Take it Positive or Negative
I give 50,000IU of D3/K2 to my husband who has pancreatic cancer daily. I then started taking the same amount and my PTSD, fibromyalgia and depression have decreased. We also take magnesium daily. Thank you so much Dr. Berg! You are saving lives.
I pray that your husband heals. 💕
Excellent. Lugols iodine can also help with Fibromyalgia (muscle pain). Check out Dr Jorge Flechas or Dr David Brownstein on YT.
reaserch also about joe tippen and his protocol but there are fake ones, be careful, his blog is mycancerrock srtory
How much magnesium do you take?
Never ever take over 5k iu per day of Vit D3 without having levels tested. Not safe of smart.
hard to find real vitamin D3/K2 in stores … Love morning sun , I stopped eating sugar for over a year and I lost 130 lbs. I walked a lot … fasting 18/6
@@barbarabrooks-f4l local Health food stores and Walmart, others are selling the hidden sugar and oils in the vitamin
There’s a company called “Micro Ingredients” they have a 10,000IU D3 with K2 MK7. Awesome products.
Oh, you have the blueprint. I did the same, got the same results I do fast sometimes or skip meals but not all the time just some times.
Dr Berg has a vitamin D supplement. Check it out ❤
I take Dr. Bergs bit d and K2 supplements along with magnesium everyday. I never felt better. Dr. Bergs have plenty of supplements in his Amazon store
Dr Berg keeps giving us Christmas gifts free videos
Back in 2020, I was taking 15,000 units of vit d3/day. I had a lot of issues that started before my wellness exam. Dr did advise a vit d test due to fatigue and the results showed too much at a “toxic” level. Dr said to decrease it. I asked what are symptoms of too much vit d and he said there isn’t research on high levels only low levels. So, how are lab resluts able to analyze the high spectrum if no research or conclusive evidence?
Poisoning humans purposely with toxic doses of a vitamin isn’t right.
Excessive Vit D, damages your Liver.
This is the question I have. I was told I have too high level? How can I be sure?
What was the lab result, the 25hydroxy?
You can’t be taking high doses of D3 without the cofactors. Your symptoms are not from D3 but from the depleted Magnesium. K2 directs the Calcium into your bones. Zinc helps the absorption of D3.
Here are the D3 cofactors:
After binge watching Dr. Berg’s videos I now take vit D3, K2, Magnesium, B1 (Benfotiamine), B3 (Niacinamide), B12 and Folate daily. And Dr. Berg’s electrolytes ocassionally. My brain is SO clear now, I suffered from chronic severe dark cloud- like brain fog for 30 YEARS.
I feel like I’m on cloud 9 every day now and its just because my mind is clear. All THANKS to Dr. Eric Berg.🎉 And I havent even started the keto diet (yet). Slowly swapping keto meals for normal meals and observing the difference in energy levels. Carbs make me drowsy/fall asleep/hungrier, MEAT keeps me on an even keel and full for half the day.
But the vitamins and minerals are helping me for sure. Vitamin D saved me a few months ago from a semi flu-like debilitating illness. And I know that keto is gonna help me lose the weight also. I put my faith in this man!
You’ll live for ever .we’ll done.👍
Did all the same stuff. Also added cod liver oil last week. Doesn’t taste bad at all. Just the name kept me from getting it before. Dr. Berg is the man.🫡
I take the same plus Lugols iodine.
Ditto for me! Haven’t been sick in years and sailed thru covid without a sniffle or a cough! At 70 I have more strength and stamina and motivation!
That’s great. Try keto vore. That is a combo of fasting and ketosis and more carnivore. Super low carb. Fatty Meat meat , meat , salmon, sardines ,eggs ,bacon, and butter . And checkout Dr Berry and Dr Chaffee. Saturated fat demonized. Does not clog arteries. many supplements not needed. But vitamin D3 K2 and iodine good.
Medical doctors belong in the same category as lawyers and politicians. Learn to be you own doctor.
Yes! Politicians, lawyers and traditional doctors are not trying to help us. We have to learn to help ourselves.
For health/healing learn about essential oils and herbs. You’ll need to buy the oils, but you can grow & process your own herbs.
100%. Thank you. Many doctors are some of the most dangerous and least wise people you will ever meet. So yes…bottom feeders like politicians and lawyers.
I think you overestimate the intelligence of our population.
This man saved my life Dr Berg Thank you.
Dr. Berg needs a food taster and a body guard squad to protect him from the incoming attacks by the pharmaceutical industrial complex. They must HATE him.
Not Dept of Agri=monsunto
Dr Berg… as a doctor of public health myslef, I can say one more time – you are doing fantastic work. I do not think you are good – you are GREAT! RESPECT. Finally, someone who is involved in helping others… greetings from Poland!
Interesting that you are a doctor from Poland. We will never see a response like yours from a doctor in the US, UK, Australia, Canada or any other Western country. They’re way too busy trying to tell us not to take supplements because they increase the cost of our urine.
@@TruthIsHardToTakepoland is pretty based. They learned a thing or 2 about not trusting anyone but their own
We live in Florida and are ALWAYS outside. My husband and I are in our early 60’s and haven’t been sick in 6-7 yrs. We never had Covid either. We also TAKE Vit D….
Must be corelate right?
I took a lot of vit D and zinc for a long time, I’m 47 and have a healthy lifestyle and BMI. I got covid twice and was really sick. Felt absolutely awful for two weeks. Vit D didn’t help me at all.
Yes, that’s awesome. Don’t listen to the hater comments below. lol.
@@DestinBeachImages what are we talking about here
Great info.
“First Do No Pharm”–Check it out.
Watched it brilliant
If the government and those that work closely with the government. Say something is bad do the opposite. Worked well for me since 2020.
@@novr0nthegreat454 abdolutely