These Foods Are Basically Poison

These foods are promoted as healthy, but after watching this, you’ll never eat them again! Find out about the 7 foods you should never eat.
Check out Beating the Food Giants:
0:00 Introduction: 7 foods to never eat again
0:22 Granola bars
2:24 Agave syrup
3:44 Flavored yogurt
5:30 Non-dairy creamers
6:24 Soy milk
7:09 Fast food salad
8:10 Puffed cereals
1. Granola bars
Nature Valley granola bars contain bioengineered food ingredients, which means they’re GMO. GMO foods contain glyphosate, an herbicide linked to cancer. Granola bars also contain sugar (probably beet sugar), seed oils, and refined starches. One Nature Valley granola bar serving contains almost 7 teaspoons of sugar!
2. Agave syrup
This sweetener is often considered diabetic or keto-friendly because it’s low on the glycemic index. Agave is 85% fructose, which the liver must process. The liver treats fructose the same way as alcohol—like a toxin!
3. Flavored yogurt
You probably wouldn’t consider flavored yogurt as junk food because it’s marketed as a healthy, convenient probiotic rich in calcium and protein. At 30 grams of sugar per serving, most flavored yogurts have more sugar than a candy bar! Many probiotics in flavored yogurt won't even survive your stomach acid.
Look for whole-fat yogurt, Bulgarian yogurt, or Greek yogurt without the added sugar. Kefir is an even better option and has significantly more friendly bacteria.
4. Non-dairy creamers
Non-dairy creamers are often considered a healthy alternative to milk but contain unhealthy ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, glucose syrup, maltodextrin, and trans fats. Check the ingredients to ensure they don’t contain soy, corn, canola, or cottonseed oil. It’s best to just use regular cream or half-and-half.
5. Soy milk
Soy products like soy milk can cause estrogenic effects like the development of breast tissue in men. Soy milk is not really milk at all!
6. Fast-food lettuce
Dressings on fast-food salads contain seed oils, trans fats, hidden starches, and high fructose corn syrup. Fast-food lettuce is coated in a preservative called sodium bisulfite and rinsed in a chlorine wash.
7. Puffed cereals/rice cakes
A chemist who worked for Quaker studied rats and noticed they would die after being fed puffed cereal.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about these 7 unhealthy foods to avoid. I’ll see you in the next video.
1. Granola bars
Nature Valley granola bars contain bioengineered food ingredients, which means they’re GMO. GMO foods contain glyphosate, an herbicide linked to cancer. Granola bars also contain sugar (probably beet sugar), seed oils, and refined starches. One Nature Valley granola bar serving contains almost 7 teaspoons of sugar!
2. Agave syrup
This sweetener is often considered diabetic or keto-friendly because it’s low on the glycemic index. Agave is 85% fructose, which the liver must process. The liver treats fructose the same way as alcohol—like a toxin!
3. Flavored yogurt
You probably wouldn’t consider flavored yogurt as junk food because it’s marketed as a healthy, convenient probiotic rich in calcium and protein. At 30 grams of sugar per serving, most flavored yogurts have more sugar than a candy bar! Many probiotics in flavored yogurt won’t even survive your stomach acid.
Look for whole-fat yogurt, Bulgarian yogurt, or Greek yogurt without the added sugar. Kefir is an even better option and has significantly more friendly bacteria.
4. Non-dairy creamers
Non-dairy creamers are often considered a healthy alternative to milk but contain unhealthy ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, glucose syrup, maltodextrin, and trans fats. Check the ingredients to ensure they don’t contain soy, corn, canola, or cottonseed oil. It’s best to just use regular cream or half-and-half.
5. Soy milk
Soy products like soy milk can cause estrogenic effects like the development of breast tissue in men. Soy milk is not really milk at all!
6. Fast-food lettuce
Dressings on fast-food salads contain seed oils, trans fats, hidden starches, and high fructose corn syrup. Fast-food lettuce is coated in a preservative called sodium bisulfite and rinsed in a chlorine wash.
7. Puffed cereals/rice cakes
A chemist who worked for Quaker studied rats and noticed they would die after being fed puffed cereal.
Thank you for the notes Dr Berg!
Boy oh boy.. and that’s the very short list of garbage food sold in the store! Obesity and Type II (and types III, IV Diabetes) ARE ABSOLUTELY RAGING IN AMERICA. Tons of channels right here on YT… telling people how to make all these yummy foods… VASTLY THINGS LIKE BREADS/PIES, CAKES, SNACKS.. all horribly high in health destroying carbs/sugars.
You cant say anything to them or that audience..cause they get all wound up and tell you…. YOU DO YOU AND I’LL DO ME… stupid ignorant stuff like that… YUP!
Why do you post this? Please don’t discourage people from watching.
@@ddunning6207I don’t have time to watch so I appreciate these
@@ddunning6207I read all notes and watch the videos. Summaries and show notes make it comprehensive. People Learn and assimilate things differently. All channels would do well to do the same. ;0)
The food industrie’s “don’t ask, dont tell pact” that they are keeping from us who are dedicated to staying in good health, is disgusting! Why don’t they come out from behind their little brick masonry type of pay wall and stop suppressing the truth from people who refuse to be silent in public or in the comment sections 🤬 We see through it. Have a great day, y’all! 🙂
You need to look for the connection between the drug companies and big food’s pathology. Not saying there is one, but if ever there was one, then the first place to look would be shared top down ownership of large companies across the two sectors.
True, big food industry is exactly the same as tobacco industry –
That being said, just like smokers who wants to quit, people need to look at themselves in the miror and commit to a healthier life :
Eat unprocessed food
Eat less
Exercise daily
Get enough sleep
It’s not rocket science
Watch the scariest “doctor” on youtube … proves him wrong
There is a deportation agenda in place. This is only 1 of thousands of ways they are accomplishing their target numbers which is 550 million world wide.
The only ones silenced will be the ones telling the truth.
Unfortunately the most people that I know won’t give up these Foods because of the convenience of them and they are just in denial about how unhealthy they are😢
And that’s okay with me. I had a buddy and he thinks I’m crazy. That’s fine. One day he ate a 711 breakfast sandwich about 1-2 hours later he came down with terrible heart burn. I straight up ignored his cries. Lol he actually asked me for help. Like what the hell am I supposed to do. You just put garbage in your body and as a result you did it to yourself. No sympathy from me. Sorry not sorry.
I’ve been eating these granola bars almost every day for the entire summer. I also like the flavored Greek yogurt (won’t eat it plain). I’m the thinnest and healthiest I’ve been since highschool. I’m going to try to find an alternative for the granola bars but I won’t stop the flavored yogurt. Im sure they are still both healthier than eating fast food.
They food industry puts addictive chemicals in our food as well. Some people are addicted to the crap they eat.
Both of you should stop crying about what others eat. Smh. All of us doing things in life that isnt much healthy for us. So dont be a hypocrite.
Tell them Satan makes everything destructive “convenient and pleasurable”…
Thank you for all your vital information!! I used to work at a factory that produces nature valley bars. We were all asked to taste test some day. My stomach was so sore & I felt ill for 2 days. I refused when they asked again.
Our food, water, air, and soil are all practically poison now. The choices we have for food with listeria in so many different produce, challenges growing our foods due to strange weather events via droughts or floods is certainly making choices more difficult. I find it extremely difficult to grow food these last 3 summers it’s futile! It burns up or doesn’t produce!
That is why plasma therapy is the cheat code to get threw these times 🙂
@@rezamoradi4073 plasma therapy? Could you expound on that for us please?
@@SummerBreeze4022 shivambu kalpa aka orine therapy, the body makes it’s own free medicine full of stem cells from the golden elixir.
💯 agree..
Poor people in big cities have been fed with those chemicals since they were born 😢
Rich people in big cities eat these things also
I grew up on that stuff in the 90’s. Maybe it wasn’t as bad back then? In the early 2000’s I became part of the vegan group and heard some stories of so-and-so eating too many boca burgers and growing boobs. Apparently that’s actually true. I’m a meat eater now during the week, with homemade pizza on the weekend where I make the dough from King Arthur’s 11.7% protein. Oh and don’t forget 2-3 eggs a day with sauerkraut and malt vinegar lol
@@grievousmink3889i think he meant poor as in sad. Not as in people who live in poverty.
People outside also eating it
I grew up in rural areas, and Sevin dust was WAY over used in the gardens.
I have been keto 8 years I now am growing my own food/vegetables/pasture grass to feed to my animals. No chemicals.
Yes, no chemicals. I’ve been growing a lot of my food in the past few years and it’s definitely different..
Beef and eggs are food. Vegetables are not human food.
Good for you
@@BeefNEggs057we are omnivores not carnivores
@@journeysands2622Carnivores are healthier, test your soil if you’re going to continue what you’re doing. God Bless.
Being broke can save you from lots of problems…
Not. You’re eating garbage. Guaranteed. Your body likely hasn’t seen any real food in years.
Proteins, especially if organic meats … are the most expensive category of foods … but in the long run yr health is worth it.
So true,lol
I’m down to one meal a day and have rid myself of a lot of ailments. I basically consume teas to survive.
@@debraarning8593 omg are you serious…me too I do fasting one meal a day only.
This video is going to get deleted and Dr berg is going to get sued by those big companies 😢😢😢
Keep up the great work Doc. This video must be downloaded by users by third party websites
@@INDYEAH thank goodness i signed up for his email.. i never thought i’d be looking at ingredients the way i do now.. better late than never..
I sure hope he doesn’t get sued.
Took Dr. Bergs advice have healed myself.
Good for you!!! That’s great
Granola bars
Agave syrup
Flavoured yogurt
Non-dairy creamers
Soy milk
Fast food salad
Puffed cereals
Plain Greek yogurt with some frozen berries and real honey drizzle is delicious.
As people gave up eating Real grown food for the laboratory experiments kind for the sake of ” convenience” , a model of behaviour was created.
It has since been copied by Big tech Gov , convincing please to give up their personal data for free, for convenience AGAIN, bringing us to digital slavery and the current insanity.
across the collective West.
Distracted sheep unable to think for themselves or even wanting to !
Note that not all Non-Dairy Creamers are bad. More brands like Nutpods are using clean ingredients with fewer fillers. You can also buy pure coconut cream or cashew nut butter and mix them with a bit of monk fruit sweetener and vanilla extract / cocktail bitters to make a healthy alternative.
Creamers are for dingbats Nevada black i like coffee like my women hot thick and black 😍 extremely healthy for you if you drink it like this it also repairs stem cells in your body and can increase the amount in the blood black tea frees stem cells from bone marrow so definitely get some black tea as well
#1. Nature Valley Granola bars
#2 Agave syrup
#3 Flavored yogurt
#4 non dairy creamer
#5 soy milk
#6 pre packaged salads
#7 puffed cereal or rice cakes
Thanks for the list! I keep it for reference if needed👍
Puffed rice anything makes me gag…no worries there! Always knew soy milk was no good. Granola bars are like eating crunchy sawdust 😂 you hot me on Agave. In the garbage today. Thanks Dr Berg now if you could just convince my weight conscious daughter. 😮
I am a pest control technician. Years ago I went to a school where they said there were mouse droppings. I arrived at the classroom and was shown what looked like hundreds of rice kernels. And they were scattered on a window sill out in the open. I looked and said, “these don’t look like mouse droppings”. It was not only the color, but the number and how the kernels were presented. We looked around a little more, and then I found out I was wrong. They were mouse droppings. Right outside the window was a bird feeder. And someone had ripped up what looked like an entire loaf of sliced white bread and threw the pieces on the ground for the birds. Only birds weren’t the only ones eating the white bread.
Working for Kellogs over a high school break years ago, there was a new product “pop tarts” being produced. I saw a box of these fall in a warehouse, a few days later noticed that rats had eaten the cardboard packaging, but avoided the pop tarts.
Pop tarts have been around a very long time. I used to have them in the 1960’s.
Sure they did. Rats eat anything.
@@truthseeker3031 1968
@@BeefNEggs057 But not Kelloggs
I’m sure rat did eat the pop tarts, just a iny bit, maybe it just found it horrible
I just came back from a three month holiday in Spain. I was on a budget so I ate a lot in my airbnbs. I bought lots of tin food (meats and seafood) to make things easier. I also ate out. Every ingredient listed was either meat or seafood, vegetables if any were present and spices such as salt, paprika, parsley, etc. Not a single ingredient listed was a preservative or something else that I needed to look up. Just food! Why this can’t be done in the US? And everything was in olive oil!
It’s cheaper to feed us poison. Europe bans most things food manufacturers put in our food.
Lobbyists for the food industry own Congress.
RFK Jr is going to change all that
Greed. The movie, They Live, sums up every American industry and agency.
I live in Spain and wont eat tinned anything because of the preservatives and additives. Packaged meat is no different regarsing additives/preservatives/colourings/odors added. They may be different to those in the US, but they def have them listed. Food in glass jars rather than tins most often contains little to no preservatoves though.
Our food manufacturers, along with congress, are killing us.
At least they took the cocaine out of coca cola and baby teething products.
It’s all by design…. Think how long we’d be living if they weren’t poisoning most of us.
That’s exactly the plan.
Vote Trump
The fact these companies can use these deadly chemicals in our food just tells you all you need to know about our govt.
this is an issue in europe too
Everything that we were taught about nutrition and healthy foods during the 80’s and 90’s is exactly what’s killing us.
Yes you’re getting it. Take it a bit further. The red meat they demonize is actually the healthiest food along with eggs that they also demonize. Human food is meat and eggs. Try to get some daily. Avoid nonhuman food.
I don’t know where this statement comes from but everyone keeps saying it and it’s not even remotely the case. Sugar was getting justifiably vilified as far back as the 70’s. Parents were always railing against not eating sugar.
@@daves9355 Both statements can be true
90% of what we have been told is incorrect and harmful to us.
“First we overlook evil, Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil.” Fr. Dwight Longenecker
“In the Last Days, Good will be called Evil and Evil will be called Good.” Are We There YET ?
Oh, we passed that point several years ago.
@@ScarlettFire341 so perfectly put great quote!!
I’d say we’ve been there for a long time, already!
Yes, yes we are.
I met a 95yr man who said he only ate poor man’s food. Potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, avocado, onions, garlic, chicken, sardines, eggs, lemons, cheese, butter, sourdough bread.
Good choices.
Margerine is poor mans food. I grew up on that unfortunately because they said seed oils were healthier back then in the 70’s.