The Single Food with Almost Every Nutrient Your Body Needs

What if you ate eggs every single day for 14 days? In this video, we explore the incredible effects of eating 4 eggs a day and how it can transform your health. Packed with protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients like Vitamin D, B12, and choline, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse!
#eggs #eggsbenefits #eggsnutrition #eggs #nutrition #nutritiontips
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thank you once again Dr Berg…YOU ARE BRILLIANT…
I used to eat a lot of processed food and needed to change. I have 6 boiled eggs per day and 1 large avocado for lunch. No breakfast and a healthy evening meal that’s it.
Make sure you get the organic, free range eggs. Slightly more expensive but so much better for you. Bring pan to a boil and add the eggs and put a timer for 10mins. I eat mine sprinkled with proper sea salt.
I’ve not eaten anything processed for a year and I’ve cut out sugar massivelyand I feel amazing. I also follow a guy on YouTube called Eddie ebbew. He’s truly inspirational as well as berg
What about cholesterol
It’s good cholesterol. He also talks about this and don’t trust the gp.. they just want you on meds!!! @@MaryGarcia-ec8el
@@MaryGarcia-ec8el Look into the difference between good and bad cholesterol. Eating eggs (good ch.) does not develop bad ch. in the body.
Buying organic pasture raised eggs is key
That is the kind I have been eating for 4 months now and my LDL jumped up from 58 to 179
I am not going to give up on the eggs just cutting down to 2 a day ❤Dr.berg videos ❤
@@DonJohnson-t2b cholesterol is good !!! your brain is made of cholesterol
@@DonJohnson-t2boh my. Do you eat the whole egg? I try to stick to the white or use 1 white and 1 whole
@@DonJohnson-t2bnot all LDL is bad but it’s a case by case basis
The ratio of HDL/LDL is key with this issue. BUT consult with your Doctor about it. Always.
I am blessed to have a neighbor that has chickens and hens and we get our eggs from him. He sells us a carton of his organic eggs for 2 bucks a dozen. Thank you for blessing us with this info
That’s amazing! Good for you!
@bnatural0415 – $2 a dozen for organic eggs is a great deal!😮
I’m pay about $6.99 for a dozen of organic eggs. Glad you have a local source.
Lucky you ! Pasture raised eggs is $9.99 where I live and hard to get .
@punkinpie2 Oh wow!! That’s crazy!! Hopefully, there’s a farmers market close where you can purchase some. Best of luck to you.
Replaced my protein shake with eggs (boiled them all the times) i was in my best shape. Can’t wait to get back in the gym again ❤️
How many eggs a day? Thank you
@@lileeali Work up to 36 eggs a day. Vince Gironda used that as a special diet. You only do it for maybe 6 weeks and you have to take hcl and enzyme tablets, otherwise you might be pooping eggs into the toilet. 😄😹
I read a article about a woman that was over one hundred years old. She said her secret to longevity was three eggs a day.
and having amazing longevity genetics.
PERFECT: I eat 3 (small to medium size) organic eggs every day :))
The last time I saw my doctor I asked him about eating eggs. He told me that two or three eggs a week would be ok. I told him that I eat three eggs a day and they are usually cooked in lard.
I am 78, take no medication, and all blood work is perfect.
Thank you, Lord.
Western medicine is designed to keep you sick @@incognito-yj4gu
> knew a bunch of older women who followed the 1970’s advice. They gave up eggs or egg yolks. They gave up meat. They ate only rice, bread pasta, cereal.All of them died promptly. I still hear the older women brag that they don’t eat meat.
I have been preaching eggs as a therapist for years. A great way to boost your serotonin also 🙌 thanks Dr. Berg. A wonderful reminder to pick back up my daily egg intake.
Amazing. Keep preaching about it. Stay safe!
Wow that’s good news
@@Drberg Thank you!
How many per day?
@@Spartan13372 to 4 I think he said on a other video about eggs
Dr Berg – could you do more videos like this where you recommend foods we should eat every day? Currently I eat foods like eggs, ground beef, and Greek yogurt every single day.
Hi there. Thank you for the video suggestion. Glad you like this kind of topic.
How many eggs per day? How should they be prepared to get the most benefits ? Should I discard the whites and just consume the yolks?
Never discard the yolk, it contains most of the nutrition value!
Eating 4 eggs a day is great for your health. Get organic, pastured raised from a local farm, if possible! Eat the entire egg, make sure yolks are runny! 👉
@@Drbergthank you Sir.
@@Drbergwhy do the yolks need to be runny?
@@nr1785heat destroys lots of the nutrients. Plus runny texture is best for some recipes
Blessings and appreciation from Sydney Australia .
Thank you for the support!!
I’ve been eating at least 3 eggs every single day for the past….8 years.
But within the last 2 years, on some days I’ve had 6 eggs (3 in the morning, 3 in the evening). I feel phenomenal in terms of my heath. No health issues, haven’t gained any fat, I still feel like I’m 20 when I’m almost 30, and I always have energy. Eggs seem to help with my mood too. Some days I get a little depressed. I just eat an egg sandwich and I feel better.
Eggs are one of the best foods you can eat. I will continue to eat them every single day.
Wonderful! Really appreciate you sharing. Keep up the good work!
@@Drberg Dr, is it good for Cholesterol though?
@@DD-nl7rv The cholesterol you eat from eggs does not affect the amount in your arteries. Even eating several eggs a day your body still needs to create several times more just to meet its needs.
@@DD-nl7rvyour brain needs cholesterol, your body needs it to make hormones.
If there is too much in the body, it’s because it’s needed to solve an issue in the body. We always see firefighters when there is a fire, but we never assume they caused it right? They came to put out the fire.
Doctors have been speaking out lately and many books have been written about the cholesterol lie we have been told.
Is with polysistic kidney disease can eat egg everyday?
I own my own hens which we free range on our half acre. They eat all the bugs, and we grow cabbage and other leafy greens for them, and as our result they lay beautiful delicious eggs for us everyday.
Eggs are one of the main events in our diet! We love, love, LOVE eggs!
Sunny side up! 🍳😋
Do you cook the cabbage before feeding it to them? I don’t think my chickens would eat a raw cabbage.
@ No, my chickens will eat raw cabbage. It is probably one of their favorite treats.
I’m glad you made this video cause back in the 80s my dad had to have a double bi-pass surgery because of the info we had then he never ate another egg. Then I heard they were good then bad again it was confusing to me Thanks to you I can eat them again without worries. Much Love to all 💜😇
No problem. Glad to share this info. Make sure to get pasture-raised eggs.
I haven’t had eggs for 6 months and my cholesterol went down 120 points ! I eat meats of all kinds , vegs and melons
I so enjoy your helpful information. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer (no cancer on either side of my family going back several generations), resisting the hurry up push for surgery , radiation, and Chemo. Talking time for 2nd opinions and other options. Thank you and Barbara O Neill for being there with great information
Please may I suggest looking into the Iodine Protocol: Dr Brownstein, Lynne Farrow have done work on this. And high dose vitamin D3, vitamin k2, magnesium, Selenium, Tocotrienols. Dr Berg has videos on these.
Check out Dr. Berg’s video today about the benefits of Vit. D and cancer. God bless!
50 to 60 % of breast cancer diagnoses are incorrect!!!!!!!!
Resolve your inner conflicts and the cancer will disappear!
Best wishes, lady . Challenges ahead for sure .
Gonna pray for you. Our words are powerful.
I do suggest researching the Carnivore diet (and cross referencing with cancer). Sugar will feed tumors. You should avoid.
I took your recommendation several years ago. My sight may be slightly better. My memory seems to have improved, since I started eating eggs almost every day. I am 68 years-old and my memory seems to be significantly better than 10 years ago.
It’s the perfect protein and you don’t have to kill the source. God is brilliant.
Yes, it is a very good source of protein.
Mother Earth put the medicine in the food.
@@DrbergBUT which brand of egg can be trusted?
What do you mean they kill the baby bird inside the egg ?
@@Drberg Wouldn’t high consumption of eggs increase inflammation?
I raise ducks and goats, so duck eggs and goats milk/yogurt/cheese is pretty much my daily fare. Just turning 70 and stronger and more fit than I was in my 40’s, praise Yah.
Hi, madam, what kind of goats do you milk?
I’m looking into getting a couple females for I can milk them .
Amen… I Am hitting 64 years young: I Am in my Prime. Praise YAH!
I don’t see this and I eat 5-6 every morning
@@Gary-iy4oh maybe decrease your carbs. People of your age who have switched to no carb diets have changed their health completely.
@@Gary-iy4oh Sorry to hear that, though that is something for us to consider. What else are you eating that is not good for you or not eating that is good in vitamins and minerals, You could be lacking?
It could also be hereditary: I don’t really know you or the many things about you, your body structure, your person, and age, though as we become older we become the professional and expert of self; no one should know more about us except for GOD: know thy self and know GOD.
GOD Bless You Gary.
My mother had eggs for breakfast every day and lived to 103 years old. 🙏
That’s wonderful!
It’s crazy that growing up back then they told us eggs were linked to high cholesterol.
Need to increase my egg intake
I wish that was true for everyone, the only thing that cured my migraines and joint pain were eliminating Eggs and dairy, Still occasionally have a bit if it’s in a muffin or desert but won’t have them as a meal anymore…4 years headache and joint pain free after eliminating eggs..