The REAL Benefit of Ginger

Find out when to take ginger and when NOT to take ginger.
0:00 Introduction: Ginger health benefits
1:40 When not to eat ginger
3:04 Check out my other video on apple cider vinegar and lemon!
In this video, we’ll discuss some of ginger’s health benefits and when it may not be an appropriate remedy.
For thousands of years, ginger has been used as a powerful remedy for many conditions.
Some of the amazing benefits of ginger include:
• Antimicrobial properties
• Anti-inflammatory properties
• Anti-diabetic properties
• Anti-cancer properties
• Helping with menstrual pain
• Helping with arthritis
• Increasing HDL
• Improving heartburn
One of the most well-known uses of ginger is its ability to relieve nausea. Ginger can help with nausea associated with chemotherapy, pregnancy, menstruation, and surgery.
Ginger has some contraindications, so it may not always be the best remedy for you. Don’t take ginger if you’re on Warfarin or other blood thinners like aspirin. Ginger helps thin the blood, so you also won’t want to take it if you have a bleeding disorder.
Ginger inhibits insulin, so don’t take it if you’re on insulin. Ginger can lower blood pressure, so avoid it if you’re taking blood pressure medication. Ginger also stimulates the gallbladder, so don’t consume it if you have gallstones.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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Thanks for watching! I hope this explains when and when not to consume ginger. I’ll see you in the next video.
Not new, we have been using ginger in India since time immemorial. Whenever I get a cold I don’t have pharmaceutical pills, I have ginger tea
Exactly, ginger with black pepper tea s given to that person suffering from cold or stomach upset in India
Not new in America either my family has used it everyday my whole life
Thanks for sharing another usage of ginger.
@@Drberg wow! My comment was read by the legendary dr.berg himself!
Love you, you’re doing god’s work educating the masses on how to heal ourselves! Thank you for everything that you do!
You are very welcome, thanks for watching and for the kind acknowledgement!
I juice a big piece of ginger every day with lemon or celery. I am 62 and I have no problem. Thank God
Wish everyone watching the video always have fun and good luck
Lucky you.
Ginger also have negative sise
Buy ginger at the grocery store, cut off 3-4 thing slices and steep in hot water for about 5-10 minutes. Delicious. Thanks for another great vid Doc!
Thank you
You are welcome, thanks for sharing your recipe.
Just make sure it’s organic though and comes from reliable countries.
Ginger shots and lemon every morning..❤❤❤ is great
Every morning is a bit much no?
@@irvingp6859not if it’s a medicinal replacement
@@Pattistar23 ahh kk
My drink of choice is fresh ginger, turmeric mixed with boiling water flavored with lemon and honey to taste.
Thanks for sharing!
That sounds so tasty 😊
@@Drberg thank You for All you do👍💪🏽
same, but, I add black pepper, cloves and cinnamon
Make a pot keep it refrigerated all week
@@maryfolks9368 I dilute and mix to taste. Ginger can be a bit spicy.
Ginger may positively impact testosterone production.
Testosterone is essential for male health, and diet can play a role in its regulation.
Oh, I’m not talking ginger snaps. 😐 Have a great day, everyone! From the United States of America! 👊
Since the time of covid i started to take ginger tea three times a day and it helped me in many ways. I live in India.
Lucky you, I’m sure it’s easy to find many dishes with ginger in your country!
Tea 3 times. Is that good ? Black tea or with milk.
@@vanitagomes3794 yeah three times, early morning after wake up one hot tea with very small amount of cow milk mixed in it. This makes me refreshing and triggers bowel movement. Then after breakfast and again in evening 5 pm with few biscuits. All three times with good amount of ginger in tea. It mainly helps me active and can control hunger too for long time. Helps me in diabetes by not binge eating.
@@MissesWitch yes mam, even in wheat made snacks we eat and in other dishes too.
Yes you can cook mixed vegetables with green chilli+ ginger paste with turmeric bayleaf , cumin . All adds up to a tasty dish@@MissesWitch
Im just recovering from pneumonia and having a slice of ginger in my tea every day has made a difference.
Thank you DR.Berg
ginger and garlic in the food processor.
Mix with a little bit of olive oil
A tablespoon every day
is addictive. Lol
Blood pressure is down.
I do this too. I sometimes also add some lemons (with a little bit of peel) and olive oil and salt. Delicious healthy dressing that goes with almost everything. You can make a bigger portion and store part of it in a freezer.
@@ewa5803 I squeeze a half of the lemon with a glass of water and drink this every day.
For many years.
Stay healthy!
Do you use equal parts of ginger and garlic? Adding lemon & peel sounds really good too. I would like to try this. I recently learned about freezing ginger to grate as needed. Can garlic be frozen too?
@@Rooster-zv8nf You can freeze almost everything☺️ As to the mixture, just experiment – you can add what you want, last time I used: garlic 4 heads, ginger ( half of garlic cause I prefer less gingery taste, 2 lemons ( just peel them a little, remove the seeds and cut them to small pieces), fresh rosmary, olive oil, salt, you can add water or freshly squezed lemon juice so it blends easier. Experiment, after 3 times you will knkw what taste you like☺️
@@ewa5803 That sounds delicious. Thank you so much!
I dehydrate ginger and lemons and turn them into powder that I mix with apple cider vinegar and warm water and a bit of honey
I drink this once a day 😊
Sounds delicious 😋
I almost do the same thing
A tall glass spring water apple cider vinegar and organic ginger powder with honey to taste, very delicious! My summertime drink.⛱️🫚🍹🏖🌝🌈
Good morning Dr Berg, I’m drinking Ginger,Lemon and ACV every morning for years. You are saving lives.Thank You Sir.
what is ACV… cider vinegar?
@@herbie4u2009 Yes Apple Cider Vinegar
@@herbie4u2009 yes dear
@@herbie4u2009. Yep😊
I drink ginger teas everyday. Not only it’s good for you, but ginger has also been used to make gingerbread cookies.
Ginger and Flax seeds are where I started my natural remedy journey. Ginger was very eye opening.
Thank you always!
Flax seeds drop testosterone, be cautious
Could you share your remedy and what was the problem. I need to fix my health
I keep my ginger in the freezer to prolong freshness. I then just use a cheese grater to use what I need. I also dehydrate grated ginger and store in jars. Love it! Thanks Dr. Berg! ❤️
That’s what I do. Freeze & grate
I have been drinking ginger tea on a daily basis for years. I first fell in love with the root when I was pregnant in 2007. I swear by this tea as part of my health routine.
Ginger and turmeric are the ultimate superfoods ever!
Tumeric with black pepper
Yes I drink it every day with raw honey
Thank you DR.Bergrn ginger and garlic in the food processor.rnMix with a little bit of olive oil rnA tablespoon every dayrn is addictive. LolrnDelicious! rnBlood pressure is down
Fantastic, thanks for sharing this tip.
What is r/n/mix
My daily tea is fresh ginger, lemon juice, and honey. Sometimes with turmeric if I’m inflamed. Makes me feel like a million bucks 😊
I juice 1-2 Lbs of fresh ginger using my Aeitto slow juicer. Then make ice cubes from it and use whenever I want. Sometimes in tea. Sometimes in just water
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
Growing up in Jamaica, 30 years ago, when we go on road trips and you get nauseous, my grandmother used to give us ginger candy. It was like magic to us kids, eating candy and feeling better!!