The Protein That Spikes Insulin More than White Bread

Check out the pros and cons of whey protein powder!
0:00 Introduction: Is whey protein healthy?
0:23 Understanding whey protein
1:35 Is whey protein keto-friendly?
1:48 Whey protein for weight loss
2:25 Will whey protein create insulin resistance?
3:20 Is whey protein powder bad for you?
4:32 Learn more about dairy on keto!
There is one type of protein that can raise your insulin even more than white bread or glucose: whey protein.
White bread can increase your insulin by 87%. But whey protein can increase your insulin by a whopping 139%.
However, whey protein has an interesting effect because even though it raises insulin, it doesn’t spike your blood sugar level. Some studies have even shown that consuming whey protein after a meal could help lower your blood sugar.
Whey protein also increases glucagon, which helps neutralize some of the bad effects of insulin. But will whey protein knock you out of ketosis? Yes. Anything that increases insulin will kick you out of ketosis. Will whey protein powder increase weight gain? I don’t think it does.
It’s unknown whether or not whey protein can lead to insulin resistance. While whey protein stimulates muscle growth, it also creates a hormonal effect and stimulates other organs. There has also been data that it’s beneficial for the liver, but other data says that it can damage the liver.
There are a lot of mixed opinions on whey protein powder right now. Personally, I don’t take it. I consume higher-quality protein sources, like eggs, meat, and fish, which also have additional nutrients. But, for certain people, whey protein can create some positive effects.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand the pros and cons of whey protein powder. I’ll see you in the next video.
Sharing Dr Bergs Notes on this video:
White bread can increase your insulin by 87%. But whey protein can increase your insulin by a whopping 139%.
However, whey protein has an interesting effect because even though it raises insulin, it doesn’t spike your blood sugar level. Some studies have even shown that consuming whey protein after a meal could help lower your blood sugar.
Whey protein also increases glucagon, which helps neutralize some of the bad effects of insulin. But will whey protein knock you out of ketosis? Yes. Anything that increases insulin will kick you out of ketosis. Will whey protein powder increase weight gain? I don’t think it does.
It’s unknown whether or not whey protein can lead to insulin resistance. While whey protein stimulates muscle growth, it also creates a hormonal effect and stimulates other organs. There has also been data that it’s beneficial for the liver, but other data says that it can damage the liver.
There are a lot of mixed opinions on whey protein powder right now. Personally, I don’t take it. I consume higher-quality protein sources, like eggs, meat, and fish, which also have additional nutrients. But, for certain people, whey protein can create some positive effects.
Thank you Dr Berg!
Wow.. you watched the whole video and wrote 4 paragraphs of summary within first 5 minutes. It would take me 2 days to write this much.😂 Good job 👍👍
High insulin spike eventually lead to insulin resistance.
Thanks for your summary!
@Avadhut Bapat He copied and pasted what Dr Berg wrote in the description.🙄
Good one, also include it’s impact on prostate health to make it complete.❤
Thank you so much Doctor Berg, very good information
Thanks. Glad you like the video. Have a nice day!
Thanks for your informative videos, Doctor Berg.
Thank you very much, I’m glad you enjoy them!
Dr. Berg’s Support Team
I stopped taking that years ago because it always makes me bloated. For muscle building it is effective in concentrate but not the only way to do that. Thanks for the information.
It is better to take creatin to build muscle
Can tell when people have it around here by the stank fart cloud.
Whey protein isn’t a staple with my daily workouts, though I’m not opposed to occasionally having it blended in a shake with other healthy ingredients. I agree that activity levels should be relatively high if using it.
Could u have an episode exploring the safest protein powders in the market and what exactly we should look for an avoid? Thank u
I would love to see that video too!
I second this, i don’t know what to pick
Just get eggs and boil them. They’re easy to carry, cheap and one of the absolute best protein sources there is.
@Oscar Stenberg I agree but an egg has 7 grams of protein on average. Most whey proteins have 24 grams or more per serving.
That’s a lot of eggs….
What about making your own sourdough bread from organic flour? I’ve heard it doesn’t affect your glucose like regular white flour because it’s soured?? Thank you!
Whole foods are always the way to go! Great video again Dr. Berg!
Gesamtes Essen … Lol.
Englisch ist dermaßen behindert😂
Interesting and helpful information. I have been using Whey powder as a supplement for many years and it helps me get the extra protein I need for muscle growth. I guess I am of the opinion that since I haven’t had any ill effects from it, I’ll continue to use it.
Me too😊
Hi! Thanks for all the videos! I know it’s not the topic of this video but since I’m new to your videos I’ve watched dozens of them over the past few days and realized that we’ve been feeding our child oh so many too many carbs and sugar. Any idea how to motivate kids and what to give them so it’s more healthy? Thank you!
Please talk about PMS. Also, how to gain weight with gut issues and high ESR. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you AGAIN! DR.BERG! Your research and effort to try and help people (ME) is greatly appreciated .❤️🙂
In my opinion. The best kind of whey protein to consume is the stuff that is unflavoured and unsweetened (as it keeps the ingredients to a minimal) if you’re going to get a protein powder that’s flavoured, get one sweetened with stevia and or monk fruit. ALSO avoid the ones with maltodextrin, soy proteins, seed oils and artificial sweeteners like Sucralose and Ace-K
I love your short videos. Straight to the point 👍
Hey Doc.. It’s great that you recommended ‘juicing whole lemons’ it’s powerful against eating sugary things. Like an ‘antidote’ of sorts.
I swear these videos come at the right time. No lie I was experimenting with my whey shake today.
I have been feeling tired after my breakfast + shake.
I normally take 2 scoops but today took 1 scoop and I don’t feel nearly as tired.
Am I being tracked? 😅
I think the more natural your food is, the better. I did wonder whether whey was good for you after watching a Zoe video on ultra processed foods and the conclusion I came to was that it wouldn’t be good for you so I found this video interesting. I am definitely trying to eat in a way similar to my Grandparents ate, home cooked as much as possible with better more natural fats etc. and more local and seasonal foods
Thank you for all the knowledge you so kindly bestow. This channel has saved my life. Lost around 20 pounds so far. Wishing you all the best Dr Berg.
I usually do OMAD so I am not always able to meet my protein requirements (I like to go a little extra on it), especially because I’m looking to build muscle so I do ingest some whey powder often. Never noticed anything weird, of course I take one that’s the most natural I can find and without added carbs. Tastes good mixed with coconut milk, cinnamon, 100% organic chocolate powder and propolis.
Dr. Berg, I thank you so much for your videos. I’m 71 years old. I went to the eye doctor yesterday and she (the Dr.) went on and on about the state of the vessels in my eyes and what amazing shape they are in. I have listened to and then put into practice so many of your health suggestions as I did with one I watched on the health of your eyes. You’re videos are amazing and I’m very grateful!