The Most Dangerous Symptom of a Magnesium Deficiency

Did you know that magnesium deficiency can lead to some of the most dangerous health issues? In this video, we reveal the most dangerous symptom of magnesium deficiency that you MUST watch out for! Magnesium is a crucial mineral for your body, affecting everything from heart health to your nervous system and muscle function. But if you're deficient, it can cause severe symptoms that often go unnoticed—until it's too late.
#magnesiumsupplement #magnesiumdeficiency #magnesium #drberg
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thank you. I have been taking D3 & K2 without Magnesium.
Now I am taking Mag Glycinate and my BP is normal.
Thank you so much doctor Berg, your informations about health are so good ,God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤👍
Most welcome!
Is there a supplement with mag and vitamin D or are those separate? Any recommendations for a brand? Thanks
Prior to your expert knowledge on the proper magnesium and amount along with co factors D3 and potassium, I was experiencing terrible muscle spasms at 2:00 am that required massaging for relief, but more importantly my blood pressure would go up to 180/70 at times when I was really low, I am in top physical condition, train daily, int faster for over a decade along with keto and good supplementation, so I must thank you Dr.Berg as I am in complete gratitude for your knowledge and now with your world class Nutritionals! Hat a blessing to humanity you are! May you continue to be blessed in all that you DO! Peace ~DaVidD~
Dr. Berg Hello! What is the best time time we should take Magnesium and Vit. D? Thanks!💕
Yup, very serious info. Amd if it’s not the Magnesium you’re lacking, it’s the Potassium.
Hello there! Symptoms of low potassium include fatigue, muscle cramps and weakness, insomnia, anxiety, and constipation. Here is some more information! 👉–a-m_9gofI
@@Drberg, my Dr says my body makes potassium, but I have every single one of these side effects you listed. I don’t know what I should do. My Dr warns me that if my potassium is high I could have another heart attack. What is your thought on this. I do take your Magnesium Glycinate with vitamin B6 & D.
I had sudden onset of chest pain, tachycardia & palpitations, I had 4 different types of arrhythmias, was put on forever changing beta blockers & dosages for 7 years under ‘care’ of cardiologist …
In 2021 I met a Health Researcher who immediately told me I had a magnesium deficiency!
I got a good multi magnesium & weaned myself off beta blocker early 2022 & never had any symptoms since!
The cardiologist made a lot of $$$ out of me & in the 7 years I saw him didn’t mention once about magnesium🙄 what a disgrace the medical system had become!!
@@Noneya605 Possibly too that he has no clue at all. Theory may not be sufficient to put into practice accordingly.😅
What was the good multi magnesium used?
That’s the west medical system it’s all about tablets doctors pharmaceutical companies and governments corruption
How did you find a medical researcher?
the best magnesium solution that I found is Himalayan salt. I just eat it everyday and I also put it on my food and it has pretty much got rid of my muscle cramps. before I discovered this I was taking a combination magnesium tablet but I no longer need it now I found the Himalayan salt. it’s natural and it contains other much needed minerals as well.
Thanks for this life saving advice
I had a heart issue & I was automatically put on heart medication
Before I actually swallowed one pill the irony of this clip came on & I went to our health food store & bought some Magnesium & D & guess what
After just 24 hours my irregular heartbeats have gone completely
Age 62, feeling awesome like 20. 360mg mag glycinate, 10,000iu D3(olive oil based), 100mcg K2, 50mg zinc, 1000mg C, Super Critical Norwegian Gold Fish Oil, 20ml CoQ10, and Super Beets(sugar free version/monk fruit). Thanks for the great info!
Can you pls share the brand of sugar free super beets that you are taking?
I take d3 with k2, magnesium, zinc, omega, and a b12 (Dr berg said it helps with memory). I have so much energy within 3 days. I don’t feel depressed anymore, and I’m bouncing off the walls 😂. Just what I needed to be honest. Glad you feel awesome too.
@@NansGlobalKitchen just google “Super Beets Sugar Free Gummies” made by Humann. Contains monk fruit instead of sugar. Much much better.
@@NansGlobalKitchen Humann. Super Beets Sugar Free Gummies
Brand of Vitamin C pls ?
I’m 57, and I had afib for 14 years and was put on warferin (blood thinner) plus high blood pressure meds. I was never told anything about magnesium and/or potassium deficiency up until I started Dr. Bergs healthy keto plan 3 years ago. I had a stroke 4 years ago when my health insurance stopped, and I couldn’t get my meds. I had a miracle happen to me while in the hospital and was very fortunate to pull through without any serious side effects. That’s when I realized I had to take control of my health by eating the right nutrition. I slowly but surely came off all my meds.
It’s good you got off warfarin. My partner has to take blood thinners for life due to Deep vein thrombosis. I recently read that warfarin can substantially lead to CVD and blocked arteries. I’ve got him on Magnesium G + Vit D+ zinc +Vit k2 + proteolytic enzymes. Probably going to add French maratime bark another blood thinner. I desperately want to get him off warfarin.
i saw videos of Dr Barbara O’neill recommending cayenne pepper as a safe substitute for blood thinner n also another saviour to prevent n cure heart attack, it strengthens blood arteries, clear blood clots, move blood n works with our body n even heal internal bleeding of gastric ulcer, n won’t over dose. Just 1/4 to half a teaspoon 3x per day for serious cases or daily or when heart doesn’t feel well n cramps or numbness in limbs. Also can be poured on open wounds to stop bleeding n seal up the cut faster. Hope anyone who needs this info finds it n helps.
Thank you for all your kindness and educationing everyone ❤❤❤
In the 1970’s at a teaching hospital, they did a study with every patient who presented in the ER with heart attack (myocardial infraction) were given high doses of intravenous magnesium. Every single person walked out of there within an hour of the injection with zero symptoms and no permanent damage.
They pulled the study when it was too successful!
Waaw! Incredible
Please teach this as a semester class for late teens . They remain healthy and remember early lessons so vital to becoming healthy adults .
This particular public service lesson is a life-saver!!
Thanks for your comment. How about you, no problem with your magnesium?
Take Potassium, it can reduce calcium blocks in your blood vessels. Magnesium tablets are a big yes, because it’s a life saver. To prevent calcium blockage, take calcium rich food items like milk, curd, not tablets.
@Drberg hello dr. I love your videos. I’m a 54 year old woman. I have heart-pounding palpitations all of the time. What brand of magnesium do you take or should I take?
Doctor, how do you know if you have magnesium deficiency? Is there a test I can take?
My doctor ordered blood work to determine my magnesium, Vitamin D & potassium levels.
Here you go:
Hope it helps answer your question!
@@Drberg The link cant b clicked on.
@@theresabutler4553 hunger for chocolate
@@Drbergcan’t click on link.
I’m magnesium deficient as I just found out. And I do have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. When I took Magnesium Glycinate I couldn’t stop sleeping and made my chronic fatigue much worse. I couldn’t function whatsoever.
What kind of magnesium are you using now ?
@SofieDhimertika none. After that episode I’m afraid to take any.
General Practitioners will not inform you , period. This is excellent advice.
I’m glad you liked this post.
@@Drberg yes we liked it. Thank you Dr.
Oh how I honestly PRAY 🙏🏻 that more people learn the importance of this video.
If you’re not subscribing to Dr. Berg you being misinformed. Dr. Berg is the absolute best.
My feet and legs used to swell terribly , until a naturopath friend of mine told me to take magnesium . I had this swelling for about 4 years . Meanwhile , regular doctors couldn’t figure out why I swelled . Sent for needless tests .
I am always interested in health…..
hearing these information; “I am all ears!”
I am 70; and I am hungry to learn; I share your information.Thanks again!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Dr. Berg! You are a great gift to us all saving lives every day!❤️
Thank you so much!
Hi Dr Eric Berg, I hope you are very well. So grateful for your support and guidance. Much love bernadette xoxox ❤
Very glad to be of help.
Dr. Berg, with your informative videos, I went from 260/Obese to 210 and healthy. With D3/K2, Magnesium, Zinc, Omega 3’s, methylfolate, and B vitamins, my blood pressure went from 160/90 to 127/80. Your advise works. And its cheaper than a doctor’s visit.