The Dark Side of The Fast Food Industry

Fast food meals seem cheap and convenient, but they come at a higher price than you might think. Find out about the dark side of the fast food industry.
0:00 Introduction: Fast food industry secrets
1:32 Fast food marketing strategies
3:58 McDonald’s and the beef industry
5:16 Fast food ingredients
7:12 The truth about the fast food industry
In this video, we’re going to talk about some of the fast food industry’s secrets that can keep you wanting more but are detrimental to your health.
The average American consumes between 2 and 3 fast food meals per week, which adds up to 150 to 200 meals per year. Even if you order value meals or make choices from the dollar menu, most people spend around $1500 to $2000 per year on fast food.
The fast food industry uses all sorts of marketing tactics to keep you wanting more. Mcdonald’s uses yellow and red, which stimulate impulsivity, increase serotonin, and even encourage you to eat faster.
The fast food industry also targets children, hence the playgrounds and happy meals at fast food restaurants. They use upselling techniques by offering fries or a combo, which can increase profits by more than 22%. Prices containing the number 9 can increase the likelihood of making a purchase!
McDonald’s is one of the largest beef buyers in the U.S. They use low-quality factory-farmed beef fattened with grains and treated with antibiotics.
Fast food meals also contain poor-quality ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, corn oil, soy oil, corn flour, corn starch, and fillers like maltodextrin. These ingredients are highly processed and highly inflammatory. Although fast food may seem cheaper and more convenient in the short term, it can cause massive health consequences in the long term.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the fast food industry. I’ll see you in the next video.
No surprises but so good to reinforce why I don’t do it
I haven’t touched fast food in a decade or more but MILLIONS do and at their peril. Thank you for your good work in sharing truth.
Been about that many years for me too! And yet when I drive by my local McDonald’s the line is around the block?
I can’t figure it out, other than to say some have discernment and most don’t in these end days!
“Eyes to see, and ears to hear with” ?
McDonald’s is super expensive now and im happy about that because it definitely keeps me away from that place.
“Hurr durr just use the app that harvests your data and sells it so you can get good deals”.
-Every McDonald’s addict
@@anomaly864 Are you on medication??
The quality has also taken a major drop since the great hysteria of 2021-22.
Hell no can’t stand any food fast
I have not eaten in any restaurant or fast food place since New Year’s Eve. I don’t miss it, mainly because the food has become so BAD in the past few years.
I started eating grass fed beef with arugula or cabbage every day felt so much better my gut and bowel movement improved 100 % I ate at a restaurant last week and it tore my gut up the food now days is poison
Besides it does not taste good. it is way to expensive.
True. I can cook anything way more delicious than any restaurant in my town. Love my cooking. Only eat out on work emergencies or if out socializing with family or friends.
Only thing edible are the burgers. Even then, go with biggest ones. But, I prefer spending a bit more for a steakburger. Or getting one at a local diner that makes their own bread.
How can I convince you that I don’t know what’s fast food?? And I don’t eat everything just egg milk potato that’s it
I used to consume a thousand fast food meals per year, but had to cut way back due to my blood pressure being dangerous high.
That’s three meals a day
I’m surprised u didn’t end up with more than just that, most ppl would have ended up with obesity and diabetes or heart disease
@@curiositycloset2359 Some people do take their three meals a day in fast food restaurants. For real.
@@weylandyutani9622what about cancer?
Do you want a cookie??
My biggest benefit from Dr Berg’s advice is once I stopped eating bread, my joints stopped age 63 next week
… stopped aching?
@@d.tr6176 Yes stopped aching. Did this myself and concluded America`s bread is poison.
@@d.tr6176 Yes for me
@@d.tr6176 “my joints pain stopped …my age will be 63 next week”
McDonald’s used to cook it’s fries in beef tallow, until the late 80’s (early 90’s in some regions). They used to taste so good, even when cold. Now they taste like something found at the bottom of a dumpster, even when fresh.
Buffalo wild wings uses beef tallow to deep fry
It’s sad that fast food used to be about cooking simple pleasure food for your convenience but was turned into cooking cheap, artificial, GMO foods for cheap…. And now… It has somehow become expensive for the latter quality of food
There is a good podcast episode about that, Malcolm Gladwell – Revisionist History „McDonalds broke my heart“ about the story behind. One man ruined it for everybody
I wouldn’t know…..I’ve never eaten out of a dumpster…..let alone the bottom of one. 😂
Industrial farming is so evil.
Explain industrial farming, I’m an Iowa farmer and every farmer I know is a family farmer.
@@briannave7326 Any of those clips he was showing would do, you know the ones where the animals can barely move.
Every sector of the industrialized world is idolatrous, corrupt and marketing the supply of conventional products to mindless consumers/ The supply is the demand/ Corporations are federally licensed drug cartels/
@@briannave7326 familie farming can be beautyfull. If your land is full of Worms, your Catle gets it natural good. If your not in a system like monsanto. If you don’t use anti-biotics but lets Say bacterio fagen. If kalfs can stay with there mothers longer. So on so forth
most people already know these health issues but they can’t quit, not for long if they do. cause these fast foods alter your emotional balance and you become sadder than usual. these “tasty” foods become your rescue again and it’s a vicious cycle of momentary pleasure and all kinda pain…
I think it has more to do with convenience. People are too lazy to prepare and take a lunch to work and who feels like cooking after work. Fast food joints are terrible for your health but they are fast and convenient so people give in unfortunately
We live in a society where a mother will scold a teenage child for smoking cigarettes but take them through a fast food drive thru not understanding they are creating the same damages as the cigarettes do.
These day EVERBODY has microplastics in their body ,in your lungs, brain liver etc ,baby s are born with it😢 everything is contaminated with it the air you breath the food you eat( also biological) food.
Sounds like you’re a smoker
@@user-mx5vr5ce7mabsolutely not. I lost my father to lung cancer so I hate cigarettes.
One difference; innocent bystanders do not suffer damage from “second-hand Fast Food”. (I too lost my father due to lung/heart conditions brought on primarily from cigarettes, though his consumption of the SAD surely didn’t help matters.)
@@user-mx5vr5ce7m Sounds like you assume a lot about things you have no idea about.
Whenever I cave in and buy some fast food, even though I eat it I feel like I just ruined my day.
Same. I’m raging with myself afterwards. The guilt …
well, you did 🙂
My sympathies are for the poor animals in the factory farms not the idiots that eat fast food. The animals have no choice, the junk eaters do.
Hear‼️Hear‼️ So disgustingly inhumane. In addition, the frankenfood DNA merges with our own – hence the health epidemic and resultant karmic implications‼️
Finally someone who also understands how much the animals suffer! The injections they give those poor animals to make them bigger than what their bones can handle and the treatment is another reason why I stopped eating fast food and especially Pork in the USA.
@@midnightkitty7 It’s heartbreaking 💔😢😢 Totally inhumane. Animals deserve to be kindly treated and live naturally in dignity.💔😢🐄🐂🐑🐷🐖🐄
The McDonald’s near me closed. Never thought I’d see that happen.
They likely opened one half mile away?
399 days Carnivore. 645 days quit smoking. 682 days quit drinking. 93 pounds weight loss. Lean muscle gain. A massive reduction in inflamation, depression and brain fog. I have been reborn in many ways. My cognitive abilities have improved. My hormone levels are massively improved. I could go on and on but you get the picture. BTW I did this with a Hashimoto’s autoimmune diagnosis to boot. Shout out to Dr Berg for being a classy human being. 51-year-old fella here from the north of the UK.
Congratulations 🎉
Well done you.. Hi from Yorkshire.. 🙂
I was about to comment about carnivore as well, but you beat me to it. 😅
I’m only like a couple weeks full blown carnivore because I eased my way into it for like a month and a half.
Well done, what an inspiration.
I have a McDonald’s oce every 10 years
I work at a McDonald’s years ago and once I seen the oil was black and the food would come out dark in color
Yup I worked there for 4 year back in 2009-2013 and they BARELY changed the oil and when it was changed the fries were fresh and white. Not to mention the pickles and that come in a package 🤢
Growing up getting fast food use to be a treat, it’s become a staple in so many households now. So many families think they need their kids involved in so many activities that sitting down at home to a home cooked meal isn’t a thing anymore. Then they complain about how busy they are. You’re choosing to be “busy “. I can go months without eating fast food. I’d rather go home and eat an apple with peanut butter then eat fast food. If I do eat fast food it’s a salad.
The peanuts usually have mold and fruits and vegetables are not needed to be healthy. Grass-fed beef is waaaay healthier
I am from europe, and i feel sorry for the people of USA. 😢 the food, the drugs, the weapons. Expensive healthcare. Cows need grass, nothing else. What a horror.
I agree with the food in North America. There is something definitely wrong with it. When I am in Europe. I literally eat everything and anything with zero regard in ‘counting calories’. And I lose weight. When I come home and eat even just modestly. I bloat and gain weight. My conclusion is not how much we eat. But what the food is made of. Fast food and anything North American wreaks havoc on me.
so true
it’s so appalling
But the salary standards are generally higher and the taxes are lower than the ones in Europe
You’re absolutely right. I notice the difference in quality of food everytime I go to Europe. A lot of chemicals are banned in Europe, but are allowed in the u.s. Weight lose is guaranteed just by spending a few weeks in Europe
I like the sound of automatic weight loss, may have to give it a try lol. But no one should feel sad for Americans. We’re lovin it 😂@@crwnofenlightenment
I am blessed to live in South Korea. Restaurants here actually serve real food, lots of meats, vegetables, and kimchi. There isn’t much junk in supermarkets, and the price is really affordable 👌🏽
they cook with a lot of seed oils there don’t they? Watching the cooking shows in South Korea from their restaurants it’s massive seed oils to fry in.
Last Ramadan, I did not drink soda because you warned us that it was harmful, and in the coming days I will try to stop drinking it completely. Thank you.🌹
I wish we could just buy Coke with regular sugar .
@@ArielGibson757you can
It’s called the Mexican Coca Cola sold in many stores
I’m surprised this channel is still alive. .
Nice fake bot with fake likes