The AMAZING Benefits of Iodine – Dr. Berg

Every single cell in your body needs iodine! Learn more about the amazing benefits of iodine.
0:00 Introduction: What is iodine good for?
0:50 Iodine and cancer
1:22 Iodine benefits
2:38 Using iodine to detox
4:11 More benefits of iodine
In this video, we’re going to discuss iodine function and its many health benefits. The thyroid consumes about 6 milligrams of iodine daily, and the breast tissue consumes about 5 milligrams. The ovaries, brain, eyes, and the lining of your stomach all require significant amounts of iodine.
Iodine is highly antiestrogenic. Estrogen dominance increases the risk of cancer, especially in the breast, ovary, and uterus. Iodine causes cancer cells to self-destruct.
Iodine strengthens the thyroid, which improves your overall health. It also strengthens the immune system and reduces inflammation. Iodine is also vital for a healthy pregnancy.
Iodine is considered a halogen, so other halogens like bromide and fluoride compete with iodine in the body. Increasing your iodine intake can help detox these other halogens.
Try drinking water with unrefined sea salt for several days, then begin taking Lugol’s iodine solution—a mixture of two different types of iodine. Take this solution for about five days, then take two days off. Also, consume between 3 and 9 grams of vitamin C, 400 mg of magnesium, 100 mg of selenium, and the complete B-complex to detox these other halogens completely.
If you have hyperthyroidism, do not take iodine.
Just because you’re allergic to shellfish does not mean you are allergic to iodine. Goitrogenic foods like cruciferous vegetables and lima beans block iodine—but if you regularly consume sea kelp, it counters any bad effects. High amounts of iodine can be beneficial for respiratory viruses.
Iodine also binds with mercury and aluminum, helping rid the body of toxic metals.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand the function and benefits of iodine. I’ll see you in the next video.
Thanks for another great video and wishing good health to everyone ❤God bless
You’re absolutely welcome!
@@DrbergDr. Berg thanks for your vids, what about iodized salt? Good or bad?
God bless you 🙏
Can confirm, at least in my case, I have a shellfish allergy and safely take iodine regularly. The iodine detox I did years ago changed my life, and I actually found your channel years ago researching it. Thank you Dr. Berg!
You are very welcome. Glad I could assist.
How do you safely take iodine with a shellfish allergy?
Such good information. I will also watch your other video about Iodine. Good Wednesday Morning Beautiful People!🌅
Glad it is helpful. Thanks for watching!
how did you know i was trying to found this information? i must have been watching your vids so long that i am starting to think like u. 😀
his cat is a psychic!
Somebody’s psychic! lol I was just researching iodine yesterday. @@fidelcatsro6948
I remember when I was about 14, at my friends, his mum would always give us good information. She specifically mentioned Kelp, seaweed, which contain copious amounts of iodine. She told me it keeps cancer at bay, and kills cancer too. I always listened to her.
The seaweed isn’t always a good source.
Organic seaweed isn’t a good source?
Research maybe? I’ve read it’s not a good source if you get it in the USA .
@@kayyr.9909 nothing is safe or good in the USA hehe. I’m scottish, and scotttish and Irish seawead is good. Mayhe it was Dill seaweed also. But she did mention kelp
@@kayyr.9909 Why would seaweed from the Pacific coast be worse, you’re spouting nonsense.
10 years ago my flat tummy developed an overlap which became moist most of the time, Iodine dries it up and prevents a bacterial infection.
Katesisco thank you that’s great information
Do you mean you put it on your skin????? Or just taking some by mouth?
@@marypolk9820 I’d like to know too
Dr. Berg,
you have helped me and my husband a lot with those very important messages.
Since about 2 years I just put your name on youtube and always find the right help from your videos.
Last year in July we startet Keto and IF., one meal a day. I lost 22 kg, now I am on 60 kg. I mostly avoided carbs, no take away, but ate very less fat, which was my problem.
I thank you very much, you are the best Doctor !
Bought liquid seaweed years ago..i take it to boost energy..just a bit helps.
Plus,it combates radiation exposure.
Some foods containing Iodine(I) are: seaweed, shellfish, fish, coconut oil, dairy, eggs, strawberries, cranberries, prunes (*).
*Data according to different sources.
Edit: This list is provided for general information only. Because Iodine is only a trace mineral, it’s usually recommended to take a supplement when there’s a deficiency.
The first two items, definitely. The rest… negligible.
@@TheUtuber999 indeed. This list is according to different sources where negligible ones were also included. Iodine is only a trace mineral hence taking a good quality supplement is usually recommended when there’s a deficiency. Thank you.
I use 75 MG a day. Dr. Brownstein is very knowledgeable about iodine. Use the iodine protocol companion supplements.
Yes and Brownstein says to also take iodine for hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) so this is confusing. Anyone had experience?
Iodine is also a fantastic topical healer for cuts, burns, insect bites, acne, rashes, etc. While it is a very effective topical antibiotic, it actually just promotes healing faster than anything else.
I started taking Iodine a few days ago & have been watching a ton of videos about it. This came just in time. Thanks for helping us and giving us all this invaluable knowledge 🙂
Take a little selenium with it for better absorption. Get rid of gluten because it blocks iodine. Go to well educated natural health food store. Good luck
I told my doctor that since i’m hypothyroid and I don’t eat iodized salt or kelp, I started supplementing iodine, 225mcg/day. He gets concerned and says “we don’t need much iodine”. He’s a dufus.
I’ve always suspected I had a minor thyroid issue, but doctors dismissed it and said I was within normal. I know full well that normal for one person could be hyper- or hypo- for someone else.
Most drs today are a bunch of idiots who don’t care to cure problems but get you addicted to meds!
Recently started taking iodine and I have more energy than ever! I was thinking thyroid, but when you mentioned balancing estrogen, – bingo! I’ve always suffered from estrogen dominance as has every woman in generations. No wonder I feel so good! As always, you give such great advice and you don’t have to have an hour video to educate us. Thanks!
I will try this
How much do you take and what is your weight if I can ask to compare. I am also estrogen dominant and it causes so many issues
@@TheLamboLady I’m 160 lb and just starte taking 12.5 mg/day a few weeks ago. In capsules with the 3 forms of iodine. I know! So many issues. Did you know they breed chickens, turkeys and salmon to be estrogen dominant, so when they feed them soy they get hungry, lazy and fatter quicker. If I eat soy or flax, same effect. I have a farmer who started raising chickens soy-free and they were only 3 lb instead of 8 lb at 8 weeks. They were more active and healthier too.
Here in Brazil there is a National law, they have to add iodine in the salt in a certain percentage.
The Iodine Crisis is a book everyone should read.
Bombshell information! PLEASE WRITE A BOOK Dr. Berg. 🌟👍🏽🌟👍🏽🌟👍🏽🌟👍🏽 Videos may get censored, but books can be passed on to many generations. I will be the first to purchase it!!!
Me 2 🥰
This doctor needs to be cloned and put into every medical school to re-educate doctors with correct information about health.
He is brilliant, and a gem of a person to anyone with common sense about how to improve their health in a sustained way.
I just love learning from his simple to understand videos.. I respect this man immensely. 👏👏👏
Years ago there was more of a goiter problem.
We were given iodine tablets at school. I liked the taste, many did not.
Perhaps then was when they started adding iodine to refined salt?
Father talked about having gum problems in his 20s. Dentist insisted on pulling teeth and obtaining dentures. He refused. Rubbed iodine on his gums /not recommended at the time. Had all his own teeth till almost 90.
Dr Berg, I have had many days of horrible hot flashes and sleep disruption for 19 years- I started taking Vit E mixed tocopherols, added iodine drops from kelp (dropper full in water bottles and loved idea of Himalayan sea salt as well makes the water tastes awesome and just a couple days on your yeast tablets snd I’ve now had several nights of sleep all the way through!!!! no disruption- I never thought I’d get my life back but Im starting to feel normal again and rested. – meaning no night sweats that were so bad I had to leave my bed to sleep on the couch for fear if keeping my husband awake from constantly throwing off blankets then back on as you said sometimes every four minutes. i had taken so many other complete vitamins but stayed away from Vit E in the past because it seemed to make me break out like I was allergic- so far it was almost immediate change for the better! after the same time of feeling pretty good about my diet it does seem to come down to just a few things out of whack. think you, your ideas are working after many years of trying a variety of expensive multivitamins it seems necessary to have added these other things to get my life back. thank you! bless you!
Was the hot flashes and sleep disruption because of menopause. I am going through the same and really tired.