The 30-Day Sugar Detox

Find out how following these tips for thirty days can help you lose weight and support your overall health.
0:00 Introduction: 30-day sugar detox
0:14 Metabolic inflexibility
4:06 Metabolic flexibility
4:35 How to become more metabolically flexible
9:10 Get unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter
What will happen if you cut sugar out of your diet for thirty days? Let’s talk about it.
Metabolic flexibility is a term used to describe how smoothly and efficiently your cells can adapt to utilize and burn fuel like fat, ketones, or glucose.
When you’re metabolically inflexible, this transition is very dysfunctional. Your ability to burn fat in a fasting state will be very difficult. If you can’t lose weight when fasting or exercising, this could be why.
Metabolic inflexibility can lead to diabetes, obesity, loss of muscle protein, and chronic illnesses. It can also cause irritability, fatigue, anxiety, and hunger. When you try to fast, you won’t feel very good, and you’ll miss out on certain benefits if you’re not metabolically flexible.
Insulin resistance is at the heart of this problem. Insulin controls whether you burn fat or not. If someone is metabolically inflexible, they have insulin resistance. Insulin tells the body not to burn fat and to store fat instead.
On the flip side, metabolic flexibility is really insulin sensitivity, and there are ways to make the body more metabolically flexible or insulin sensitive.
When you become more metabolically flexible, you’ll be able to fast for longer without hunger or cravings, burn fat, and burn sugar more efficiently.
How to transition your body into a state of metabolic flexibility and insulin sensitivity:
1. Eat less frequently
2. Eat fewer carbohydrates
3. Eat sufficient amounts of fat, but not excessive amounts of fat
4. Try exercise snacking (do short bouts of exercise throughout the day)
If you do these things for thirty days, it could have a significant positive impact on improving your metabolic flexibility and your overall health.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! Try these tips to lose weight and support your health. I’ll see you in the next video.
Thank you Doc Berg for taking time to help to all of us to improve our health
After 3 months recovering from a fractured foot, I bought a home treadmill and do 30 minute walking sessions 2 times a day. I struggle with sugar craving and insulin resistance but because of this “exercise snacking,” I’m already seeing a big difference! My sugar cravings have minimized significantly in only a short amount of time. Your informative video helped me realize the mechanics behind this thank you Dr. Berg!
I’m glad your on your way to recovery , after your foot surgery 🥂
The only way to eliminate sugar cravings is to quit sugar completly.
The only way to eliminate sugar cravings is to quit sugar completly.
Sugar cravings are the worst! Look into Chromium
Injury set me back too. But, I’m bound and determined to get back on track. Congratulations
I’m on carnivore diet, almost 30 days now, lost over 8 kilos so far, took about 2 weeks to get rid of sugar cravings. Interesting thing is that i used to eat loads of cheese, however, after the sugar cravings passed, i really didn’t crave for cheese either. First i did OMAD, but now i’ve changed it to 1-2 meals a day, noticed that i started losing more weight after changing to 2MAD. After sugar cravings passed, my sleep got much better too, energy levels super high during the day, can easily fast for 1-2 days. Also 0% veggies. Using vitamin supplements. Also used to drink lot of coffee and energy drinks, now i don’t drink energy drinks at all and very little coffee, maybe 1-3 times a week. If i eat something besides eggs and meat i keep carbs intake less than 20g a day. I still drink milk and tea and also use all kinds of herbs and spices with food, but i make sure that none of those are “premade mixes” that contain sugar. I’m almost 45yo, weighted 93-ish kilos before starting carnivore. Weight today is 84-85-ish kilos. Happy New Year.
Yeah this sounds almost EXACTLY like what I’ve done. Been about 3.5 months now and there’s no going back to the garbage food. I dabbled with some of the family favorites for the holiday and the way I felt the next day (horrible and dehydrated) really sealed the deal for me. Cheers
What supplements do you take?
I take one multivitamin a day with Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid and minerals, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, iodine, it seems to work fine for me so far, also using seasalt for extra benefits @@zetty1977
I’m almost similar. I eat bacon, beef, cheese, milk, tallow, water, salt, beef hearts , ground up liver and kidney in normal hamburger cuz gross, and rarely ricotta cheese or sour cream.
I don’t eat anything else. But I also don’t take supplements as what I need, the animal ate it for me, digested it and distributed throughout its body so I can eat it. Plus we don’t digest synthetic vitamins that well anyway.
I’m always so happy to see more gentle carnivores. Congratulations on your journey!!
I’m now 197 days into my sugar/carbs/gluten/seed oils detox. I am 68 pounds down and feeling amazing. Ketogenic/Carnivore is the way to true freedon. Happy New Year Dr Berg and all of you guys. Peace and love to all 🙂
Good for you, that is quite a weight loss.
Congratulations on your achievements! My goal is to eliminate all sugar from my diet as well. I didn’t realize how addicted to sugar I really was. I’m diabetic, have been for about 7 years. I have found myself skipping supper just so I could have a bowl of icecream. I’m also disabled which makes it hard for me to exercise. But I am determined to do this….. I really am. 😔
you are in caloric deficit.
Pls let us know what u eat and ur daily routine
I’m doing great without sugar and carbs
I’m not hungry. Working on longer fasting. Your videos are sooo helpful special after the holidays. Clothes are falling off. Have to use a belt. Not so depressed. Working on my excersise.Thank you Dr. Berg
I am happy for you. I’m am doing the same and I feel absolutely great. Thanks again Dr Berg…
Can you please give me a few meal plans of what and when you eat? TY
I eat at 10 or 12 meat( beef or eggs) no chicken or dairy it makes my muscles react negative at night sometimes during the day. and 4 pm. salad and vegetable. I would like to get to the point we’re I only eat eggs and less meat. Fasting is about 16 to 19 hour’s. I messed up during the holidays 🙃 I have the carb and sugar cheeks. It’s a dead give away.
@@Nancy-dz1vo Thank you for your response. I have cut my sugar intake by more than 50% and working on more. I just need to get started. BTW Never heard of sugar cheeks…. Thanks again.
@@kfoster3616 That’s never going to happen. Could you imagine getting back to every single question. All you have to do is ask Google. Doctor Berg has so many videos out there. It’s not that difficult😅
Thank you for this wonderful information, Dr Berg. When I was in a high refined carbs and sugar diet I could never fast, I had to have doughnuts or cake everyday. Now I’m enjoying healthy Keto meals in modest portions and desserts while doing IF, cravings are not as they used to be. Your continuous educational support is always appreciated 🙏🏻
This video couldn’t come at a better time. I am 41 and struggling with a couple of health issues, so I made a promise to myself beginning yesterday that I would eliminate ALL refined/processed sugars. Then Dr. Berg drops this video 😍. Thank you Dr. Berg! You have done more for me (and millions of others) than ANY other Dr. could ever dream of. Much love and respect to you kind Sir. Eric Berg: The People’s Doctor!!!
Dr Berg saved my life. Following his videos I reversed my diabetes. I’m on 0 meds and getting my health back.
add bread to that
I couldn’t agree with you more.
I did this last year and I lost 22 lbs. I’ve never felt better 😊 That’s my way of life now, but I still have a long way to go. In addition to eliminating the refined carbs/ sugar, eliminate all the un fermented gluten and all refined oils. Gluten is in everything made of wheat (durum included), rye, and barley. Raw honey is an excellent sugar replacement (plus lots of fruits). Anything fermented is good (yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.), including cured meat. Good luck and I hope you see results soon ❤
I swear you’re a mind reader Dr. Berg. Yesterday I looked up what would happen if I eliminated sugar. 😊
Thanks, Dr. Berg! You’re constantly empowering me to help myself and my family. A very happy new year to you!!!
I love your contents, thank you so much for explaining metabolic issues so easily to understand and for giving us the solution 😊❤
I agree 100%…..
Cancer feeds off of sugar. When my sweet husband had cancer we learned this. I’ve always been attracted to salt. But now 2024 I have drawn a line in the sand to limit sugar. My Grandchildren will always have cookies. God bless you Dr Berg.
Am I misunderstanding? You know sugar can kill but you still give it to your grandkids? Or do you make sugar free cookies?
You’ll catch up eventually, kid @@backyardrebel2149
I wondered the same thing. And is the sweet husband okay?@@backyardrebel2149
You can always bake with allulose.
What a perfectly timed video. Just 4 days into quitting sugar and just wanting the scale to go down. Thank you Dr. Berg for telling me what I need to do.
Another wonderfully informative video! Thank you Dr. Berg. I slipped up terribly during the holidays this year, but I’m glad to say that despite the extra carbs, I did not gain back any weight. I’ve been doing IF, OMAD, with a lot of vegetables since July 23. I’m hoping this means I’ve become more metabolically flexible. Back on track and feeling pretty good. Thank you for all your content. 🌺
I quit smoking I quit drinking, but the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to give up is sugar it’s a nightmare
00:01 Understanding metabolic flexibility for a successful sugar detox.
01:17 Metabolic inflexibility leads to diabetes, obesity, and muscle loss.
02:34 Metabolic inflexibility can lead to various negative effects on the body.
03:41 Insulin resistance leads to difficulty in losing weight, but can be addressed.
04:50 Eating less frequently and fewer carbs, and sufficient fat intake are key to metabolic flexibility.
06:03 Avoid adding extra fat to your diet for effective fat burning
07:16 Exercise snacking involves short bouts of exercise throughout the day.
08:34 Sprinting for 10 seconds with rest can produce serious results
The fact that we get free medical videos on YouTube by Doctor Berg is truly a gift. 👍👍👍
I did 2 months of no sugar in any form and no dairy. I basically ate chicken, eggs, some red meat, and non starchy vegetables. I felt great! I’m fit and don’t have weight to lose so eventually I felt like I didn’t have any energy and my brain was a little foggy.. so I started back incorporating a cup of berries a day and then eventually went back to eating carbs just complex carbs… but my sugar cravings are completely gone. I’m never in the mood for pasta, sweets, bread anymore (and I always wanted pasta/bread) and I’m never in the mood for bread.. the only carbs I really eat are rice and potatoes now and even that is a small amount. It was so worth it. I still enjoy those things it’s just nice not feeling like a slave to it anymore. I’d much rather have chicken with some rice and fajitas than a bowl of pasta with bread on the side and I’d much rather a goat milk/berry smoothie than a scoop of ice cream or slice of cake. Best decision I ever made. It was hard. But worth it.
Thank you dr berg. I really wanted to get off sugar but was struggling. I love that I can always count on your videos to support my health decisions. 🎉👏👏🥳💝
I went keto December 14th and going strong. The first week I felt absolutely terrible as I went through sugar withdrawal. I was a huge sugar addict for over two decades.
I am newer to keto so was looking for answers regarding fat intake. I had a feeling I was taking too much in. I will no longer add coconut oil to my coffee. This video was perfect timing! Thanks Dr. B!
How do you do it. Do you have a book or meal plan? Thanks
Why must you overload us with so much information and stories. Can yu simplify a keto diet .a
Super well done! Your tactic has been keeping me fit for years. Sugar cravings and insulin resistance will go away, keep it going!