The #1 Worst Food for Gut Microbiome

Find out about the #1 worst food for your microbiome. This ingredient will wreak havoc on your gut health!
0:00 Introduction: The importance of the gut microbiome
0:55 The 7 worst foods for your microbiome
2:31 Emulsifiers
4:09 Industrial proteins
5:07 Seed oils
6:08 Refined sugars
6:55 Sugar alcohols
9:21 Artificial sweeteners
10:32 How to improve gut flora
Today, I’m going to tell you what not to eat if you want a healthy microbiome. Around 80% of your immune system involves the gut microbiome. Gut bacteria also make vitamins and neurotransmitters.
A thin lining of cells acts as a barrier between the inside of the body and the inside of the colon. If food particles leak through this barrier, this is known as a leaky gut, which can cause you to develop food allergies and autoimmune diseases. Bloating, diarrhea, and skin issues all signify an issue with the gut microbiome.
Avoid these foods to protect your gut health!
1. Industrial fibers
Industrial fibers such as cellulose, soluble corn fiber, tapioca fiber, and resistant dextrin support pathogenic microbes, alter the microbiome, and can eventually create a leaky gut.
2. Emulsifiers
Emulsifiers mix substances together to achieve a desired texture. Maltodextrin is an emulsifier that spikes blood sugars more than sugar! Xanthan gum, monoglyceride, and propylene glycol are emulsifiers that should all be avoided.
3. Industrial proteins
Gluten in wheat, casein in milk, and soy protein isolates cause gut inflammation, which is why many people have allergies to these ingredients. Soy is high in phytates, which inhibit important enzymes necessary for digestion.
4. Seed oils
Avoid industrial seed oils, which can cause inflammation and leaky gut.
5. Refined sugars
Refined sugars like high fructose corn syrup and refined starches spike blood sugar levels and create rapid fermentation. These ingredients cause gas, bloating, and increase pathogens.
6. Sugar alcohols
Sugar alcohols are often found in keto-friendly foods, but they are not all keto-friendly. Avoid maltitol and opt for erythritol combined with monk fruit or stevia.
7. Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and sucralose, are the worst food for your microbiome. They can turn friendly, good bacteria into unfriendly microbes.
If you have a problem with your microbiome, take probiotics regularly to increase the good bacteria in your gut. If the problem persists or gets worse, you may have severe gut inflammation. Try the carnivore diet to improve gut health.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope you’ll avoid these foods to improve the health of your gut microbiome. I’ll see you in the next video.
🔥 When I was about 10 (~1982) my grandmother had bought bread that had “extra fiber” on the label. She toasted it and *_the bread CAUGHT FIRE_* and nearly set the curtains next to the toaster oven on fire! She looked up “cellulose” and, indeed, discovered it was *_sawdust!_* So, not only is it bad for your gut, it can burn the house down. 🔥
Wow! Thank you for sharing.
Cellulose (as the name suggests) is the main bio-material out of which all plant cells are built. 🪴
@@jansix4287 But, broccoli doesn’t combust into dangerous flames in the toaster oven.
Extra Fiber used to mean some added Bran in the Recipe .
@@jansix4287. Cellulose is ” The Bones ” of Plants . The rigid structure needed .
Avoid! Avoid! AVOID!
1. Industrial fibers
2. Emulsifiers
3. Industrial proteins
4. Seed oils
5. Refined sugars
6. Sugar alcohols
7. Artificial sweeteners
thank you
Thank you 👍🏻💯
Thank you.
But, the government/politicians/FDA approve them all.
They must be fine.
Thank you. !!!!!!!
This information is gold, Dr Berg. Health starts in the gut. Thank you for raising awareness 💯
Thank you doctor for an exceptional tutorial, I just completed my third day of dry fasting, my energy level sky rockets and my mind is completely calm, thanks for your kind service. Love from india🎉
Poop is absolutely a very important and great indicator about what’s really happening inside your gut.
Is there a reference chart to tell you what you need or are lacking based on how your poop looks?
I’m taking a dump now
certainly pooping builds character
@@xopexindustriesDr Berg has a couple of videos on that topic. Quite short old ones, but gives a good direction.
At least your not have a piss Willy 😂
This is great to know! I have been doing strict keto/carnivore with OMAD for the past two months along with Kefir and my mood has been purely through the roof, which is in stark contrast with how I felt for this past year. I mean, therapy is good for knowing what’s wrong (especially around me), but getting out from under depression, that’s a chemical, biological issue, apparently. Carnivore has changed my whole life! And I can attest to the verity of the microbiome being good for the brain, too! Every single time I had that yogurt you recommended some time ago or kefir along with my carnivore meal my brain would be awash with peace and relaxation. Carnivore is amazing! What a hidden gem! I had no idea! People take opioids to feel as good as carnivore (with intermittent fasting) makes me feel in the head!
Your work is incredible! Thank you, always!
I needed this info. Which yogurt is that? I can’t find the video. Thanks.
@@maccastellon2768 Trimona Bulgarian Yogurt A2A2. If you can find a kefir that is also A2A2 it will have the same effect. I’m not sure how good that kind of kefir is for sleep though, otherwise, the main thing is the A2A2 and that it is probiotic.
YES! Wholeness/wellness is definitely multi-dimensional. When we focus on just one aspect of wholeness (say with therapy OR medication OR diet OR…) we might get some relief, but when we consider ourselves as whole people and address as many facets as we can all together, we get synergistic wellness! CONGRATS!!!
Carnivore diet may give short term benefits, but you are killing your gut bacteria that need multiple fibers to flourish. You are vastly decreasing your gut microbe diversity, reducing your bodies hormonal control, production of short chain fatty acids, immune function in multiple ways and many, many more
What was the name of the yogurt ,he recommended ? I have bad stomach issues !
As long as you don’t give up, nothing is over.
Impressive. Very well put.
Say that to roadkill
Or as my Mum used to always say, “Where there’s life, there’s hope.”
There is a popular fermented drink in my country that tastes a little sour. So, the mass producing companies recently started to add lots of aspartame in order to make it more appealing to younger generations. Every time i try to drink it now i get so bloated and sick that i have to stop drinking it. Sometimes they should just leave the good food alone.
It causes brain tumors too. 😳
@truthseeker1959 Wow, i didn’t know it. One more good reason to avoid it.
what is the name of the commercial drink so we avoid it and make it ourselves
@@pattiannepascual My guess is Kefir.
When you buy parmesan cheese don’t buy the stuff off the shelf because it has cardboard in it. It’s not even real parmesan cheese. Go to the refrigerator section and get the shredded or grated from there and check the ingredients, pick the 100% parmesan cheese 🧀 And the taste difference? You’ll definitely notice
Better still – buy a small whole piece of authentic Parmesan from Italy and grate it yourself.
@@suzannederringer1607 Yes, and my dad taught me how to look for the embossed rind.
Better to buy chunks and grate it yourself.
Sometimes the store sells rind scraps from parmesan wheels. Those are awesome and pretty cheap.
Right on Dr Berg, I started to boil my bones in a slow cooker on low for two days to get the bone broth to use for all my curries, stews and soups, it has changed my life, my gut has never been happier, it is healing all my gut issues, on a carnivore keto diet, only use butter, Ghee and Tallow to cook. I eat once a day at 3pm and a very light breakfast coffee and rice cake with vegemite & dried Parsley (NMN) and one with homemade juniper, barberry, blueberry, cranberry & orange peel jam sweetened with honey. Everything but honey in coffee caused burping, bloating just like you said.
“Eat things which come in their own wrapper”
The Best advice from my senior year biology teacher, 1984 🙌🏽💯👍
Apples, bananas etc
@@orionxtc1119yep, eggs etc…
Look up bill gates product called ‘a peel’ it’s in our fruit now even organic and it’s toxic.
Cows, pigs, chickens, whitetail deer
This is a great video with so much information in it. I made a comment on someone else’s vlog about cellulose being in preshreded cheese and someone else stated that wasn’t true. I’ve seen it and next time I went to Costco I checked theirs and yep it’s in there. Some people just don’t want to know. I always read the comments section too.
Thanks, I didn’t know that either! I appreciate it!
I had an infection recently and was prescribed a two week course antibiotics which started to mess me around a lot. About 2 weeks later no infection was found but they gave me two more weeks of antibiotics because the pain hadn’t stopped. Two weeks later I find myself in an extremely dark place psychologically. They completely messed me up and made me depressed. I think all the good microbe in my gut had been killed off.
Hope it wasnt ciprofloxacine because thats very dangerous.
Checkout ciprofloxacine dangers here on YouTube.
Ive got muscle rupture from it .
I was Lucky not ending up in a wheelchair.
raw goat kefir fixed that for me.
It’s an epidemic. And, anti-depressive drugs are also gut-killers! I got into dry fasting and have improved a lot over the last couple of years. Best to you!
was given course of antibiotics after dental work, felt like my guts turned to concrete less than a week after. 2-3 years of trying each new tablet which eventually wouldnt work, tried raw kefir & less than a week later could feel the benefits & no longer needed tablets.
@@joeairwolf That’s awesome. I make my own goat kefir with cultures (“grains”) from “the kefir lady” (you can google her), but unfortunately, I don’t have raw goat milk available. I gotta go with the best I have which admittedly is largely ruined by ultra pasteurization. There’s one farm nearby that sells it when their goats have kids, but that’s obviously not year ’round nor is it remotely affordable. So, Meyenburg it is. At least it has the A2 casein if nothing else.
I learnt at school that the chemicals in food are only considered safe because the food authority worked it out per serving/dosage and 1 serving per week or whatnot. so if you eat more than that you could be getting much higher amounts of chemicals than intended
Most of the fillers colourings flavourings & more – in U S Food
Are 99.9% illegal here & in most of Europe! 🫣
(If only it
were funny!)
Most people mistakenly think that health starts with exercise. NO, health starts with and stems from WHAT YOU EAT!
It is what you can fully utilize on a cellular level – if you eat real food.
I might argue that it’s more about what you don’t eat instead of what you do eat.
Cut the number of things you eat in half by eliminating the worst items and just watch what happens.
@@ericmaclaurin8525 Well, there are things that you really do need to eat too so that isn’t fully logical, but I understand the concept that most people eat far too much as a whole, eat unhealthy things and eat too often.
As a general way of life now I am an OMAD eater, (One Meal A Day) therefore a daily intermittent faster. I also have extended fasts of 3-5 days in a row once every couple of months and occasionally I fast for a week. I avoid sugar, seed oils, ready meals and keep carbohydrates to a minimum. I eat mainly fresh whole foods and cook it myself.
I am acutely aware that constantly high insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, is the biggest health issue facing the world with around 85% of the population affected to varying degrees and it being the biggest cause of the increasingly common modern diseases including but not limited to; strokes, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s,, high blood pressure, arthritis, obesity and diabetes.
The I used to eat Pepperidge Farm’s multi-grain bread but after the company was sold to Bimbo (it’s now owned by some conglomerate) the bread changed, the texture was different, it was loose and would fall apart. So I checked the ingredients and one thing stood out – cellulose. I worked at ITT Rayonier so I know what cellulose is (they make viscose out of it). It’s wood, they put wood in their bread. I just stopped eating it.
Wow 12 million subs! I have been here since you were about 1 million. People know the truth when they see it and thank you for all you do
The most significant thing I did to cure my migraine headaches was to completely eliminate artificial sweeteners from my diet.
When I was a child I used to chew those paper packets of aspartame. They made me sick but I did it anyways and now I know why my childhood and teen years were so challenging. 😧
Around 2018 I discovered by accident that the keto diet not only helped me loose weight but also got rid of the eczema and brain-fog. I am incredibly grateful to the keto / low carb educators and all of you who shared your success stories. Thank you!
I wish that my parents had this information when I was a child. It took me four decades of having eczema over 50% or more of my body every summer and later in life becoming obese before I heard about and tried keto.
Sugar Addiction:
The thing about sugar/carb or any type of addiction is that no one beside your own self can save you from it. In effect we need to choose Life and everything that supports and improves it rather than death and subservience. And most of all we need to forgive for ourselves when we make mistakes and not give up.
The direction is more important than the destination.
I’m stunned at the state of the American industrial food complex and how products that are banned elsewhere in the world, are perfectly legal in the USA. Brands even make legal and safe products for foreign markets, retaining the toxic and poisonous version of their product solely for the US market.