The #1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat (Easily)

Check out the #1 exercise to lose belly fat and other important tips to get your body to start burning fat instead of storing it.
0:00 Introduction: The easiest way to get rid of belly fat
0:10 Exercise for fat loss
0:25 Does reducing calorie intake work?
3:00 How to burn fat
6:55 Adapting to fat burning
9:25 The best exercise for belly fat
13:00 Stem cell therapy
15:35 Learn more about what to eat to lose belly fat!
Today, I want to share some essential information on how to get rid of belly fat fast.
Exercise contributes to about 15% of belly fat loss, and diet contributes about 85%.
The first step to burning fat is to switch the body’s fuel source from glucose to fat. Whether you burn sugar or fat depends on one hormone: insulin.
If your insulin goes up, you’ll burn sugar, and you won’t burn fat. If your insulin goes down, then you can burn fat.
Fat calories don’t influence insulin to any significant degree. But that doesn’t mean you can just consume unlimited amounts of fat and lose weight.
You also have to reduce your carbohydrates to force the body to burn fat. Once you start burning fat fuel, the body will develop a more available type of energy called ketones. Ketones are the byproduct of fat—energy your body can use as fuel.
Eating also increases insulin. To get into fat-burning mode, you need to lower your insulin by reducing your carbohydrates and doing intermittent fasting.
It’s also important to remember that even a little bit of carbs can stop you from burning fat. Consistency is key with this fat loss program. But, if you do this program 100 percent, your body will become an efficient fat-burning machine.
Getting into a state of fat-burning can help reduce insulin resistance, which may help correct a slow metabolism and help you lose stubborn weight. With these problems out of the way, you’ll notice a lot of success when you add exercise.
To help improve insulin resistance, try adding one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your water and drink that two to three times a day using a straw.
The best exercise to burn belly fat is walking. Walking can help you lose belly fat even more than doing high-intensity exercise.
High-intensity interval training can help improve certain hormones and is essential for building muscle. But walking is better for losing fat.
It’s essential to walk an hour or two hours a day. Try using a pedometer and working on increasing your steps to 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day.
The most beneficial thing to do is walking along with high-intensity interval training. However, you will get more benefits out of walking.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the #1 exercise to lose belly fat. I’ll see you in the next video.
Who else loves Dr Berg?
And Dr Mandell😊
@Poema1972 💯✋
Hes a national treasure
This comment is literally on every Dr. Berg video. Who else is tired of this comment??
I do 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻he’s so knowledgeable. I watch every time I see he’s posted
Thanks Dr Berg. It’s been a total battle. Done 3 days fast, but then eaten carbs and put it all back on. So I’m re adjusting , strict keto diet, with fasting and exercise . Started at 106 kg 1.5 years ago to 77 Kg, then back to 92kg….. So the strict keto diet is the secret.✌️
I reduced calories by cutting processed foods/soft drinks. Nothing craazy… I Work out at least 3x a week. Went from 108 to 85 Kg in 2 years.
Are you in the United States?
I Love Mediterranean . It’s working great. lost 50 lbs.
you are drinking beer
My uncle is an attestment to this. He went from quite obese to very slim in months, after watching his diet and picking up the habit of long walks (pretty much every day, the whole morning). Really a drastic change, and the lenghtly, comfortable pace walking was key.
Thanks for your history, I wanted to know how many steps a day your uncle was walking ?
15000 steps per day is all you need
@Rose Blanc: My impression is that “steps per day” isn’t as important for burning fat as the duration of the long walk. As Dr B noted, your body doesn’t start to burn fat until you’ve been walking for about 30 minutes. (I think it takes less time to start burning fat if you’re jogging, about 15 minutes.) As a mental trick, you could start counting walk time after reaching 30 minutes, so a 45 minute walk would be counted as 15 minutes of fat burning, etc. This explains why short walks scattered during the day won’t burn fat, and thus why total steps each day isn’t as relevant for burning fat.
I love dr Berg’s videos – they are what got me into a lower carb lifestyle and Intermittent Fasting in the first place. However from what I have heard about prolonged fasting you can actually use it as a tool to generate stem cells.
I started Keto and Intermittent fasting april 15th of this year. I tipped the scales at 274. I stepped on the scale this morning aug 31st at 203 lbs. This works!
🎉Congratulations this is very encouraging 🎉 I know you feel so much better.
Amazing job!
Wow that is Awesome!🤗🙏💜🌞🌈 That’s my Birthday too.😊
Good job!! Congrats 👏
He’s great❤ beyond healthy! A medical professional who really cares and is truthful. Can’t say that for the rest of the medical community!!!!!
Beyond healthy? He suffers from arthritis.
What is beyond healthy? Do you have some Star Trek technology?
My diet protocol is precisley as described in this video and I can attest to its efficacy. But to add, I find HIIT workouts and sprint sessions also significantly increase my basal metabolic rate and allow me to continue burning energy at a higher rate in-between exercise. The daily walk is also a game changer, not just physically, but mentally as well.
Eric always has great information, I followed his intermittent fasting for an entire year, I went from 250 to 212 eating only once a day with a coffee in the morning green teas in between my 1 meal. Now a year later i’ve been able to maintain weight at 210-212. I have hit my plateau and cannot loose more. I know I have to implement exercise now which I never did.
Or consume less calories
You are able to eat all of your calories in just one meal? Maybe that is the issue, you are not eating enougj
Maybe start to do various fast too.
I just started to try to lose weight about two weeks ago and I am walking about 9000 steps a day. It’s been going very well.
Working in the produce department and always moving quickly to refill shelves, with keto, was the way I started l losing weight. I went from a size 22 pants to size 16.
Thank you so much
Dr. Berg for this educating and informative video!
I now have a better Overstanding on calories, how to burn fat, and reduce belly fat.
You’re the best!
A Doctor and a humanitarian!
For two years I was walking to work. Around 40 minutes. Never lost a gram of fat, unless I changed my diet. I was not overeating. I had to eliminate sweets, bread etc, to loose weight.
Sadly true. People think fat can just melt off and it doesn’t. I’m beginning to think I need to be on a deserted Island for 3 years to lose any weight.
Excellent as always, Dr. Berg. I would love to see your insight on bodyweight exercises that are safe to perform while dropping hypertensive blood pressure.:)
Thank you Dr Berg I’m forever grateful for your kindness and willing to educate us. I started to do walks on Monday and I walk about 5 miles it takes me about 1 1/2 to do the miles. I was getting discouraged when my Apple Watch say I only burnt 300 calories 😔but after watching this video I’m going to continue with my walks. Thank you for educating me. Today is day number 4 on my 5 miles walk
Dr. Berg is just pure awesomeness!
Since 2019 I came from almost 200 pounds at 5’9 height down to 140 pounds in 3 month and was still continuing to loose more, following all of Dr. Berg’s advice. In fact I mange to maintain between 135-140 pounds consistently.
In fact beginning this year 2023 I had to join the gym to gain some muscles or shrivel up. Thank you Dr. Berg!
I started Keto and IF back on March 27 and went from 177lbs to 147lbs. Thank you Dr Berg!
I started off may 25th at 256lbs, today I weighed in at 222lbs and still going! This really works! 34lbs lost in 14 weeks.
Dr. Berg
Your information is so spot on. I am living proof. A few months ago I started intermittent fasting and now I’m losing weight. I was 220 pounds since forever and now I’m 214. I stopped eating late at night and I exercise everyday, including much better eating. Thank you. 😊
Thank you, Dr. Berg, for another informative video! Walking is my new activity to reach my goals. I’m down 40 lbs. since May by doing Keto and intermittent fasting. I have a way to go but I’m confident I’ll get there with your life changing advice that’s always based on your research and science. Thank you for being my personal health coach! God bless
Lol. Intermittent fasting is part of some religions like Hinduism and Islam. Not exactly research and “science”.
Thank you, Dr. Berg for this important information and all your effort to keep people healthy! ❤