All Posts Tagged: weight loss over 50
It’s near the end of November, and you know what that means: days are shorter, nights are longer, and there’s extra food everywhere you turn. Historically, you’ve put on anywhere…
You, as a human being, are never actually stuck. But your brain sure wants you to think you are, doesn’t it? I mean, your weight is absolutely, positively, 100% not…
What if you could stop wasting time staring at your blank journal page, and just know exactly what to ask yourself? (Oh yeah, and bonus… what if those questions would…
You want to lose weight, and you’re willing to do whatever it takes. You’re pretty sure that you’re going to have to give up a few things, and you’re absolutely…
You’re so close to your goal weight, you can practically taste it. But here you are, bouncing around between three and seven pounds to the finish line. What’s up with…
You’re inundated every day with messages about how you should fix your face, your hair, your aging skin, and your menopausal body. There are potions and lotions and cleanses and…
You know how it feels so good to get an encouraging pep talk from your best friend? Well, today’s weight loss podcast isn’t like that. Instead of handing you some…
I know there are plenty of things you’re looking forward to doing when you finish losing weight, but have you ever thought about what you’ll stop doing? Ever since I…
Controlling your eating is pretty easy for you, isn’t it? But once or twice a week, you find yourself raiding the pantry, eating from boredom or stress. You know that…
Of course you want to get consistent with your weight loss habits, but consistency feels SO hard, and right now you’re wondering if you should just throw in the towel….