All Posts Tagged: heart disease
🌱 Join Dr. Z's Health Club, The Community For You: #1 Deficiency Behind High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) is a video that looks at how you can get to the root…
Discover the 10 critical signs of a heart attack that can manifest a week before you even know you could be having a heart attack. Understanding these early warning signs…
I’m sure you’ve heard that lard, butter, and red meat are bad for you, but what’s the truth? Find out about the biggest lie about food. 0:00 Introduction: The biggest…
Find out about the #1 nutrient deficiency that could be contributing to your mitral valve prolapse symptoms. More videos on the First Symptom of Magnesium Deficiency (Tetany): ▶️ ▶️ DATA:…
Did you know that arterial plaque reversal can occur naturally? Find out how to unclog arteries with 5 key nutrients! Life Extension (Mega K2): DATA: 0:00 Introduction: Clogged arteries 0:20…
Recent news reports have claimed that intermittent fasting can lead to cardiovascular death. What’s the truth? DATA: 0:00 Introduction: Does fasting cause cardiovascular problems? 1:09 Poor data on intermittent fasting…
Discover the hidden source of heart attacks that most people don’t know about. BOOK LINK (HIDDEN EPIDEMIC – Thomas E. Levy): Mouth Bacteria Linked to Arthritis: ▶️ 0:00 Introduction: The…
Learn about one of the top causes of hypertension and how one important mineral can help. 0:00 Introduction: Essential hypertension 0:32 What is high blood pressure? 1:11 What causes hypertension?…
Sun Tzu Technology of War Book: Understanding the warning signs of diseases can help you prevent and manage them. Discover some of the signs and remedies of 8 common ailments….
I’m sure you’ve seen claims that keto is dangerous or bad for your health, but what’s the truth? Is keto dangerous long-term? Find out in this video. 0:00 Introduction: Is…