All Posts Tagged: cancer
The most dangerous ingredient is not what you think! In this video, I’ll tell you how to avoid this dangerous ingredient because you won’t find it on a food label….
Cancer thrives in a low vitamin D environment. In this video, I’ll share how vitamin D can minimize cancer risk and aid in cancer prevention. Find out how to overcome…
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio: Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy…
Get the Highest Quality Electrolyte . Here are the Top 10 Cancer Fighting Foods You MUST Eat to get and stay healthy. 🔴 Nexus Body Testing: 🔷 Top 10 Foods…
Learn about 7 anti-cancer fruits that can destroy cancer and boost health and longevity. DATA: 0:00 Introduction: Cancer prevention diet 0:26 Anti-cancer fruits 1:39 Citrus fruits to prevent cancer 2:54…
These methods not only help alleviate the discomfort caused by chemo, but they also support your body in fighting cancer. DATA: There's No Such Thing as Vitamin D Toxicity video:…
🌱 90 Day Cellular Detox: How To Starve Cancer Cells (Not Your Body) is a video that gives detail as to how you can starve cancer cells in your body….
Find out about the number 1 selling drug in the world, projected to generate over 27 billion dollars by the end of 2024! 0:00 Introduction: The number 1 selling drug…
DISCLAIMER: The content provided has not been evaluated by the FDA, and the dietary information presented is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information shared…
We’ve been told to avoid the sun and always wear sunblock, but is this bad advice? Discover the truth about sun exposure. DATA: 0:00 Introduction: Avoiding the sun is just…