STOP Taking This Now

Never take iron supplements! Iron is the most toxic mineral that you can consume. In this video, we’re going to talk about some of the dangerous side effects of iron supplements. Find out why iron deficiency anemia may not be related to iron deficiency at all.
0:00 Introduction: Why you shouldn’t take iron supplements
0:10 The dangers of iron supplements
0:34 Side effects of too much iron
1:13 Iron toxicity
1:23 What causes too much iron?
1:37 Side effects of iron supplements
3:53 Hidden iron
4:22 Iron and copper
5:40 Copper deficiency
6:36 Iron deficiency anemia explained
Too much iron over time can cause iron accumulation in your organs and tissues. Some people have a genetic problem that makes it difficult to eliminate iron if it accumulates too much.
Potential side effects of too much iron include the following:
1. Cancer
2. Liver disease
3. Heart disease
4. Low testosterone
5. Low libido
6. Diabetes
7. Chronic fatigue syndrome
8. Infertility
9. Neurodegeneration
10. Inflammatory diseases
Iron deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies, but iron can also be dangerous if you’re getting too much. Iron toxicity is one of the most underdiagnosed and overlooked conditions.
When you take iron supplements, you don't absorb very much. The excess iron accumulates in the digestive tract, causing constipation, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, and irritation of the colon. The type of iron in iron supplements feeds pathogens.
Red meat is a better source of iron. Heme iron from red meat and fish is absorbed much more easily. It goes straight into the bloodstream. Red meat also has other nutrients like B vitamins, zinc, and selenium. High-quality protein also helps to balance iron.
Many processed foods contain added iron in the forms of ferrous fumarate, ferrous sulfate, and ferrous gluconate. The most common sources of iron are supplements, fortification, and cooking with cast iron cookware. Liver damage will also cause you to accumulate iron.
A lack of copper is a common cause of dysfunctional iron because copper helps control iron in the body. Many enzymes dependent on copper relate directly to the control of iron.
The first enzyme involved with copper converts iron into a less accumulative and less toxic form. Copper also allows you to transport iron through the body. Copper is involved in a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidation caused by iron!
Glyphosate, antibiotics, high fructose corn syrup, and wheat products can cause copper deficiency. Iron deficiency anemia may really be iron dysfunctional anemia, which is often related to a copper deficiency. Oysters, shellfish, and organ meats are the best food sources of copper.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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Thanks for watching! I hope this explains the dangers of iron supplements. I’ll see you in the next video.
2 minutes before I took iron and now the notification popped up🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lolol! I was just about to pop an iron pill! No need now haha
I just took an iron pill few minutes ago and this popped up!
Haha same!!
@@alroyuy410 I just took mine too 🫤
Such important information! Thank you!
Dr Berg notes:
Too much iron over time can cause iron accumulation in your organs and tissues. Some people have a genetic problem that makes it difficult to eliminate iron if it accumulates too much.
Potential side effects of too much iron include the following:
1. Cancer
2. Liver disease
3. Heart disease
4. Low testosterone
5. Low libido
6. Diabetes
7. Chronic fatigue syndrome
8. Infertility
9. Neurodegeneration
10. Inflammatory diseases
Iron deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies, but iron can also be dangerous if you’re getting too much. Iron toxicity is one of the most underdiagnosed and overlooked conditions.
When you take iron supplements, you don’t absorb very much. The excess iron accumulates in the digestive tract, causing constipation, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, and irritation of the colon. The type of iron in iron supplements feeds pathogens.
Red meat is a better source of iron. Heme iron from red meat and fish is absorbed much more easily. It goes straight into the bloodstream. Red meat also has other nutrients like B vitamins, zinc, and selenium. High-quality protein also helps to balance iron.
Many processed foods contain added iron in the forms of ferrous fumarate, ferrous sulfate, and ferrous gluconate. The most common sources of iron are supplements, fortification, and cooking with cast iron cookware. Liver damage will also cause you to accumulate iron.
A lack of copper is a common cause of dysfunctional iron because copper helps control iron in the body. Many enzymes dependent on copper relate directly to the control of iron.
The first enzyme involved with copper converts iron into a less accumulative and less toxic form. Copper also allows you to transport iron through the body. Copper is involved in a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidation caused by iron!
Glyphosate, antibiotics, high fructose corn syrup, and wheat products can cause copper deficiency. Iron deficiency anemia may really be iron dysfunctional anemia, which is often related to a copper deficiency. Oysters, shellfish, and organ meats are the best food sources of copper.
Thank you Dr Berg!
I know someone that their “doctor” pumped them full of iron, then took him off of it, then discovered he was full of cancer!
@@JamieAndrickthat’s scary. Ffs
Fantastic notes thanks
@@JamieAndrick 🙀
Wow.. so helpful thanks
I’m anemic and losing too much blood. I have been taking Grass Fed Heart, Spleen, and Liver supplements for the Iron and copper. It’s high in both. I was freaking out until he finally said you can take Liver supplements. Yay!
This is me! I’m anemic
Is it working, I have the exact same problem. My periods are so bad I’ve had 2 transfusions, currently do iron fusions plus pills. I’ve seen many types of doctors and homeopaths and no one has ever said this.
@@cannotbeshaken7889 please share details of grass fed liver supplements
Yes I’m anemic my entire life I’m taking beef liver and iron supplements I eat red meat but I have been taking iron for so long
I’m always iron deficient!
I’m a Registered Nurse, I know about rusting of organs and tissues that happens from iron supplements. I use vegetable supplements, I’m a person who eats healthy, meat and vegetables and beets and good stuff that’s iron fortified. I was very symptomatic and unable to function in 2018. For reasons unknown, my level of Hemoglobin was 4. I refused blood transfusions. I did not change my diet because I’m on vegetables but did eat more beef liver. But I think you can elaborate further on this. If I did not take iron 325 sulfate at that time, I would not have been functional. On this account, I’d rather you encourage people to take it to bring levels 🆙 then look into alternatives (food). Not everyone can afford 🐟 and 🥩. Your advice goes a long way.
Great insight 💡!
Yes, what do we do if we.have low iron and food isn’t enough?
Good insight because I am anemic and I have ITP as well. The hematologist prescribed me iron. I guess I will look into other supplements.
@ I take iron supplements in vegetable form iron pills. They don’t give you constipation. I do every other day. But diet is crucial. Take cautiously until you reach a therapeutic goal. Then do beets/ juice and iron rich foods. If you must take iron supplements, take together with a vitamin C to increase absorption in the body. God bless this channel of information
Exactly what I was thinking regarding meats. Then he mentions copper deficiency and to get it through lobster oysters other high priced items most people can’t afford. I can feel when my iron drops, I supplement but not for long. Last doctor visit because I was feeling exhausted I asked him to check my iron level. Because I’m post menopausal most doctors will say I don’t need to worry about it. However, I know my body and I tested low in iron not a lot, but just enough, to make me feel exhausted! I have anemia off and on my entire life since I was a child, we know our bodies best!
A doctor recently told me to take iron and vitamin D (for hair loss) and thanx to your videos I was able to educate her about iron cancelling vitamin D out and being toxic. I don’t think she really appreciated that bit of education but I felt I’d done my duty 🙂 Thanx again Doc, for saving the day.
My doctor would have welcomed the link, done his own research, and thanked me. I would find another doctor. 😂 anyone who thinks they know everything is dangerous
Hi Zigzagpaz, If you are taking supplements for hair loss, I highly recommend to start eating “wheat-germs”, I started to consume this wonderful food when I was starting to see a lot of hair coming off on my pillow. 1 tea spoon a day would be more then enough, there are plenty of study’s about this magnificent herb.
@zigzagpaz OMG..
Go to well educated natural health food store with high quality supplements and food products and personal care items. Get FOOD BASED IRON SUPPLEMENTS. MADE FROM ACTUAL FOOD. AND VERY HIGH QUALITY. ALWAYS GET SUPPLEMENTS FROM ACTUAL HEALTH FOOD STORE. companies like mega foods or garden of life
Go to well educated natural health food store with high quality supplements and food products and personal care items. Get FOOD BASED IRON SUPPLEMENTS. MADE FROM ACTUAL FOOD. AND VERY HIGH QUALITY. ALWAYS GET SUPPLEMENTS FROM ACTUAL HEALTH FOOD STORE. companies like mega foods or garden of life
Please do a video on iron and anemia.
Thank u very much doctor garu 🎉
He has.
@@sarahm3614they’re clearly not looking for that video then
So weird that when I am going through something it just so happens you post it. Just found out that my little one is a bit deficient in iron. I ordered HIYA supplements it hasn’t been delivered yet, and because of your video I will send it back/cancel my order. Thank you again Dr. Berg. God bless you for sharing your knowledge, and being open to accept information without being bias/one-sided.
Your child still needs iron, you’ll have to either give it to them through food, or supplement sparingly until iron levels go up. Please contact your doctor.
Yes, I plan to through food thank you!
Let’s say it’s not a coincidence!
This guy is dangerous and you should not be listening to him. I was very iron deficient and supplementting saved my life. Talk to your doctor.
Trying to get my new doctor to watch your videos told him that if wasn’t from watching your videos i would no longer be here today to write this comment Thank You Dr Berg.
Yeah but if you continue to do that you can get Dr. Berg into trouble… he’s already on the Radar. Your doctor is not your family member..
As Morpheus said – you have to realize that some people are so reliant on the matrix, so helplessly inert, that they will fight to protect it.
Best of luck
@@truthseeker6377 literally it might be a lost cause.
Ha, good luck with that. I’m betting he/she would be insulted more than anything, which tbh i would be too if i was them.
I heard that breast cancer cells have 5x more iron in them than normal breast cells. I’m so glad that I am learning so much from your videos!
All cancer cells do. That doesn’t mean stop taking iron. Like iron bisglycinate with copper. Also you can target these cancer cells with Artemisia annua via a process called Feroptosis. Look it up. Cheers
Had a doctor recommend for my autism kid to give him iron but no other vitamin, minerals or probiotics.
We did that for a month, he was always sick. I stopped that and started probiotics vitamin d3/k2, and a cleanse. Low and behold he’s not sick and aggression is at all time low.
I swear we just need to start suing these idiots.
Our journey has been he was diagnosed with autism around 2. He’s now almost 9 still non verbal
For least 4 years I was like these things you all suggest aren’t working. My wife said I am not a doctor and we need to listen to them.
He got worse and worse every month with less communication and more aggressive behavior.
A couple months ago I had enough and started sneaking in probiotics vitamin d3/k2 and a gentle cleanse and low and behold he’s babbling kind of like a 1 year old but he’s at least exploring his mouth again.
She is so mad at me for going against doctors recommendation.
Autism needs all The vitamines and iron.
@@jasongreif7867ketogenic diet for autism but most importantly , lots of prayers!
Agreed! I was almost killed by a few doctors due to malpractice.
@@ellanorevannin4147 iodine IS super important 🙂
I have read many books, I listened to many Youtube videos by many of the world’s leading gurus and health experts but nothing came close to the hidden herbs by anette ray. I recommend everyone giving it a read.
That’s the final straw Eric. I give careful consideration to your advice but I am NOT giving up on the cast iron pots and pans I have spent a lifetime collecting! NO! 😅
Understood! Cooking with a cast iron pan is a simple way to increase your iron intake, particularly if you use it frequently. Here is a video! 👉
😂😂😂 I especially liked your emoji -> 😅 (I think I’ll need to switch from my SS set now🤨😁
@@Drberg I use cast iron cookware every day. Thanks for the video suggestion. Taking beloved cookware away from a woman is more dangerous to your health than iron toxicity. You’re treading on thin ice Dr. Berg. Lolol.
Veggie/ vegan ?
Last year, I decided to add iron as a seasonal supplement. Just yesterday, I looked for my bottle of iron and couldn’t find it. I did plan to buy more. But not now… Your timing for this video was perfect. Thank you so much. God Bless you. ☺️
Eat healthy, exercise, take vitamin tabs, eat fermented cabbage such as Sauerkraut & kimchi, take one spoon of extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar, drink kefir yogurt drink & matcha green tea and sleep well. That’s what I’ve done and just celebrated my 65th birthday lately. 😊
79th here
Thank you Eric Berg for your very good advice.
I would have a suggestion for those like me who have had a gastric bypass surgery.
In my case, I can’t absorb iron from food anymore, even from black pudding (meat and blood pork).
I take a 25 mg chewable fumarate iron tablet (4x a week on an empty stomac) and that works for me. The other iron forms can’t improve my ferritin levels at all.
However, I was still getting a lot of problems from my iron supplementation: always sick, always bacterial infections!! (urinary tract infections/ SIBO, etc) that I could badly heal with antibiotics. I got an infection almost every months.
I made a few changes:
1. Taking my iron supplément 4 times a week, instead of everyday
2. Adding a cranberry complex 2 capsules a day (with d-mannose, ginger and vitamin C)
3. Adding the following probiotics to my diet as the classic bifidobacteria and lactobacilobacteria strains did nothing for me!
So, I take:
-L REUTERI 5 billion CFU a day
-S Boulardii+ B Coagulans+B Subtilis+B Clausii 25 billion CFU a day
Bonus tips: I highly recommend fois gras (goose liver) to get easlily available forms of copper and vitamin A. Vitamin A, copper and iron work indeed closely together.
To get even more vitamin A, I take daily a good brand of cod liver oil with 5000 IU of vitamin A per serving.
Would like a video on low ferritin and normal iron levels!!
Same here
Yes please
my last ferritin level was 16, up from 9 six months ago…. but because my hemoglobin is ‘normal’, the doc said I wasn’t ‘anemic’.
@@BostonEMT Yes, they call that non-anemic iron deficiency, I had the same. Mine was 7 and I felt like I was dying. They put me on Iron supplements and now it’s up to 37, but it’s taken 10 months to get it to that level.
Yes please
I think Dr. Eric Berg should have been nominated instead of Dr. Oz
That would have been great!!
I love how this doctor gets right to the point.
Me 2
He’s awesome and a blessing to me, and my family!
better research every medical advice given on the internet before you go on to do what they suggest because it may not be right for you. Visit websites like the Mayo Clinic and many other medical information sites which are well known for their research. Most of all see a doctor and do some serious blood workup. Since taking a quality liquid iron supplement I’m no longer anemic or feel tired all the time, and I get no more miserable headaches I used to get from taking tablet form of iron, that form of iron should be banned!
I thought I knew how the health industry worked until I read The 23 former doctor truths by Dr. Lauren Clark. No wonder they don’t want people talking about it
Thanks for sharing that
Have to check it out now