Should I Eat Fruit – Is fruit A Problem On Your Diet?

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Should I Eat Fruit? – Is fruit A Problem On Your Diet? is a video that asks the question of fruit and whether or not fruit is healthy. Many people who ask should I eat fruit are asking this due to them trying to improve their health in a positive way. Should I eat fruit is all perspective and should be done to improve your health.
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Disclaimer: Dr. Nick Zyrowski D.C, B.S is licensed and has a clinical practice in the state of Michigan. All information shared by Dr. Zyrowski is for general information purposes only and is not to be used to treat, diagnose or self diagnosis at any time. Dr. Zyrowski's use of the term doctor when referring to himself is simply referring to his degree and licensing. There is no doctor patient relationship between you and Dr. Zyrowski. You should seek advice from your health care practitioner before changing anything in the way of your dietary, nutritional or health regiment. You should always seek advice from your qualified health care physician regarding any health condition. NuVision Excel, NuVision Health Center, Dr. Nick Zyrowski and Dr. Zyrowski are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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Fruits are good for diabetes 2 .15 fruits a day don’t turn into fat in the liver
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He is exceptional.
I’ve been eating about a pint of blueberries a day for months now and I don’t crush or get tired when I do eat a lot of carbs. I’ve read that blueberries and pumpkin have significant health and protective benefits for the pancreas. This is in combination with a high protein/fat and low carb diet.
Blueberries are my go to as well. For one, they are delicious… but also very nutrient dense.
I drink lemon water. In spring sometimes I eat berries, other than that, I have lost my apetite for fruits.
Literally almost every person is insulin resistant so…..there’s that.
But let’s be clear… it’s not from fruit.
Excellent video
Thank you very much!
I can’t deprived myself of any fruits. They are all so good. I have my favorites. There are fruits that are better when under ripe. Over ripe or just right. But lately I been eating mix frozen berries or pineapple and mangoes with a banana for a smoothie. Some fruits help digestion protein. Tropical places where they grow pineapple helps digestion the meat they eat like wild bores.
banana kills some good phytochemicals of the blueberries,
Blueberries, the queen of fruits!
When I eat a piece of Orange or Tangerine, I get a pimple in my face. Is this a sign that fructose is bad for me?