Peripheral NEUROPATHY (Root Cause and Best Remedy) — Dr. Berg

Find out how to relieve symptoms of peripheral neuropathy by addressing the root cause.
0:00 Introduction: Peripheral neuropathy
0:29 Diabetic neuropathy
1:03 Peripheral neuropathy causes
1:27 Peripheral neuropathy symptoms
5:26 A natural alternative for peripheral neuropathy
In this video, we’re going to talk about an amazing natural alternative for peripheral neuropathy.
Diabetic neuropathy usually affects the bottom of the feet and sometimes the hands and is one of the first signs of a blood sugar problem.
Chemotherapy, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, medications, viruses, and Lyme disease can also lead to peripheral neuropathy. However, high blood sugar and diabetes are the most common causes.
Diabetes wears down the myelin sheath over time, leaving exposed nerves at the bottom of the feet.
Peripheral neuropathy can feel like hypersensitivity, burning, severe pain, or itching. If it’s not corrected, it can lead to ulcers in the lower part of the body and gangrene.
Consuming too much sugar makes it difficult for the mitochondria to get enough fuel. Too much sugar also leads to nutrient deficiencies and inhibits the function of enzymes that bring fuel to the cell. When sugar blocks the body’s mechanism for getting energy to the cells, it utilizes alternative pathways for energy.
One of these alternative pathways produces sorbitol, a sugar alcohol. Sorbitol can damage the lens of the eye, leading to cataracts. It can also affect the retina, leading to diabetic retinopathy. Sorbitol affects the cells that compose the myelin sheath. It can also convert to fructose, creating even more problems.
Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 that can help support the nerves. Try taking 300 mg of benfotiamine 4 times daily.
Lipoic acid is a cofactor for the enzyme that allows you to metabolize excess glucose. Vitamins B5, B2, and B3 are also cofactors for this enzyme.
Diabetes damages your nervous system and brain over time, so it’s imperative to correct your diet, which I believe is the root cause of peripheral neuropathy. Learn more about the benefits of a low-carb diet and intermittent fasting in my other videos.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! Consider giving this natural remedy for peripheral neuropathy a try. I’ll see you in the next video.
Dr berg is the best
I appreciate your kind words.
Berberine Chromium L Citrulline B1 B3 Omega 3 and your feet will get better
Your not dr. Berg😂
Or just cut the carbs and eat a steak
@Yamaazaka Too much red meat is linked to colon cancer, unless that information is incorrect. 🤔
These are actual great recommendations for long term management of weight (heart issues, diabetes) and nerve issues. I know you’re not Dr. Berg, but I think your suggestion is pretty on point.
Very useful information, as usual! Thanks!
Sounds similar to the root cause of gender dysphoria, CELLULAR TOCIXITY! I wouldn’t want either!! Healthy Keto rocks! Thanks, Sir! Have a great Tuesday, everyone! From 🇺🇸
Yep. Cellular toxicty and Communists.
Dr Berg notes
Diabetic neuropathy usually affects the bottom of the feet and sometimes the hands and is one of the first signs of a blood sugar problem.
Chemotherapy, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, medications, viruses, and Lyme disease can also lead to peripheral neuropathy. However, high blood sugar and diabetes are the most common causes.
Diabetes wears down the myelin sheath over time, leaving exposed nerves at the bottom of the feet.
Peripheral neuropathy can feel like hypersensitivity, burning, severe pain, or itching. If it’s not corrected, it can lead to ulcers in the lower part of the body and gangrene.
Consuming too much sugar makes it difficult for the mitochondria to get enough fuel. Too much sugar also leads to nutrient deficiencies and inhibits the function of enzymes that bring fuel to the cell. When sugar blocks the body’s mechanism for getting energy to the cells, it utilizes alternative pathways for energy.
One of these alternative pathways produces sorbitol, a sugar alcohol. Sorbitol can damage the lens of the eye, leading to cataracts. It can also affect the retina, leading to diabetic retinopathy. Sorbitol affects the cells that compose the myelin sheath. It can also convert to fructose, creating even more problems.
Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 that can help support the nerves. Try taking 300 mg of benfotiamine 4 times daily.
Lipoic acid is a cofactor for the enzyme that allows you to metabolize excess glucose. Vitamins B5, B2, and B3 are also cofactors for this enzyme.
Diabetes damages your nervous system and brain over time, so it’s imperative to correct your diet, which I believe is the root cause of peripheral neuropathy. Learn more about the benefits of a low-carb diet and intermittent fasting in my other videos.
Thank you Dr Berg!
Great video. I have 3 diabetic patients who now use Berberine instead of Metformin. Took a bit to get their doctors on board but they agreed and each has seen a significant drop in hgbA1C in three months time. Healthcare should be about healing
How much berberine do they take?
One video said 3 500mg tablets per day (I think). Mine says take one per day.
I took one metformin after lunch, two days in a row and it made my symptoms worse. Then I remembered videos about berberine, so I googled it.
I didn’t take any more metformin and tried the berberine instead, along with a complete change in my diet.
Hopefully it will work 🙏🏾
@@1Flyingfist defendant on their hgbA1C. If 7 or above we did 500 mg three times a day. Below 7 we did 500 mg twice a day. I do 500 mg one time a day. My hgbA1C is 4.6. Was also keto 28 yrs and now carnivore 5 yrs this June.
@@healthycarnivore what? 28 years in Keto ?
Healing isn’t what the Rockefellers and their ilk has intended. The medical system is about 💉💉💊💊☠️
@@Mauseeqi yes stopped all white goods day before Thanksgiving 1991
I’ve been type 1 for 54 years. 20 years ago I got interested in supplements and have been on B complex. Since listening to Dr Berg I now get better quality of B complex. I probably should get the Lipoic acid as well.
Thank you Dr Berg for your honesty and helping us to learn to take care of ourselves!!❤
Do you and how long have you had perpheral neuropathy?
@@KaiserSoze357 I started feeling it 20 years ago!! B complex has kept it bay all this time!!
@@SheilaMcDonaldbeingme ok thanks darling… you’re giving me hope…I’m 46 and it started 2 years ago…has got better with low carb, all the vitamins and exercise…used to feel like I was walking on a tennis ball, one under each foot…lol…how old are you now….?..I’m doing the math…i just need to last 17 more years for my dogs sake…
Facts! Following Dr Berg’s healthy keto plan, I have reversed T2D, plus many many other metabolic physical and mental health issues. My foot neuropathy is still healing after 4 years, but it is significantly better. Unfortunately, I had cataract surgery before I knew the truth about insulin. FORMER metabolically unhealthy T2D.
Had my left cataract done in 2022….and my feet started their random burning and paper glued to the bottom crap on 27/12/2021…the sides of my lower left leg and forearm also felt funny up until a week you had wind on them out a car window for too long … feet feel like mine every now and then…..then I have a bad day …🤷♂️…nice to hear your story…😥…I eat great and ride my bike like a dushbag…😁
Such a crooked health care system, you truly are a breath of fresh air. Thank you Dr Berg
You’re absolutely welcome!
I developed neuropathy while I was going through chemo in 2017. It’s really hard to call what I feel “pain“. It feels like someone poured sand or something between my toes and some type of cement at the top of my feet. My fingers slightly have it as well but it’s more annoying than painful. I really miss waking up and going about my day without this discomfort😢
My husband is in the same boat after chemo.. alpha lipoic acid 600mg seems to help him!
Niacinamide. B3
Like you’re wearing four socks some days and when you wake up and stand it feels like the bottoms of your feet are sore and you have super glue on the bottoms of them?
My friends wife got neuropath. Cut the carbs and went gluten free and she lost the neuropathy and quite a bit of weight while she was at it.
Same. I started down the road with insulin resistance. I’ve been doing keto now for two years and got back to the gym. Lost 30 lbs, the neuropathy, sleep apnea and all the other nasty side effects that came with eating refined carbs and junk.
Im trying to help my father who has a bad case but neither he or my mother will Listen to anyone but MDs
So frustrating
@JC-ji1hp, Wow! That’s amazing sweetheart! I’m so happy for your wife. Thank you for sharing this story. 🥰
@@cheesecakefan4880Keep buying him bacon. Seriously. The precooked kind. Leave healthy snacks at their house like that. Bring over a store-bought bag of boiled eggs and ‘accidentally’ leave it in their fridge. Don’t hit them over the head with it, just make sure his cravings have an appropriate target. Just normalize it in their house. Bring a pot roast, etc. You get the idea. You gotta get them out of the mindset that they shouldn’t have that stuff, that its a luxury, etc. They’re not fighting you because you’re not a doctor, they’re fighting you because you’re not an advertiser.
I’ve been using this combo with my parents and really took around 2-3 weeks to take the symptoms away and keeping up 🎉
Great video and it’s true, Dr Berg. Although I’m not diabetic but taking high doses of Vit B1 (thiamine) alongside a good quality B Complex and other supplements while doing Keto, IF and some physical exercise have reduced my neuropathy considerably. Thanks for all your helpful content 🙏🏻
Sorbitol is also found in ultra processed foods.
It’s important to differentiate nerve pain from other causes of pain. If your feet are hurting, when you’re standing and walking, that’s usually a musculoskeletal pain such as tendinitis. If the pain primarily occurs when you’re off your feet, such as when you’re laying in bed at night, it’s more likely to be nerve pain. To further muddy the waters. If you are pain-free when you go to bed, but you’re awakened by your feet being in intense pain, this can be due to a circulation issue.
Thanks Thanks The very much for the clarity
What about non diabetic neuropathy that affects the feet, the legs
More likely autoimmune…. that’s a rabbit hole. Peptides may help. I’d love Dr Berg to do some videos about sub q peptides!
Here you go:
Hope it helps answer your question!
Embrace a carnivorous diet for over a month, and witness the healing of peripheral nephropathy guaranteed, and thus eliminating the necessity for costly supplements.
What if you can’t eat red meats because they cause gout?
@@outdoorsjoe It’s not the meat, it’s something else in your diet, perhaps drinking fructose rich drinks, alcohol or seed oils. Gout is an inflammation of the joints. The carnivore diet anti-inflammatory due to its focus on elimination of potential allergens.
@@climate-civilizations I’m sugar free and only drink water. Red meat is high in purines that cause gout.
@@outdoorsjoeblood pressure medicine can cause gout.
@@outdoorsjoeyou’re leaving information out, probably on purpose. In a healthy human, meat does not cause gout. You have an underlying condition, what is it?
On Easter Sunday 2017, I ate a whole bunch of milk chocolate all at once. My fingertips burned for 3 days straight. I decided I had to do something, so I cut out all carbs immediately. I also adopted the healthy keto and intermittent fasting plan, including 7 to 10 cups of leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, mostly raw but also some cooked. I didn’t care if I lost weight. I just didn’t want to get diabetes like most of my family.
My symptoms cleared up instantly and never came back. I also lost 30 pounds slowly, over the next 6 months. I’ve never gained back the weight, and it’s been 7 years.
Si acum esti la acel regim?imi dai idee meniu pt o zi cu zcel regim?multumesc.
but it’s proved science that carbohydrates are actually needed for proper nutrition. Our muscles need carbs and cutting carbs is indeed unhealthy. Did you notice any other health issues after following the diet that you explained?
Awesome, big congrats!
@@WriterKYou are wrong. Keep researching.
@@WriterKWHAT??? Since when is there an RDA for carbs? Oh right, since never. Flagged for misinformation.
My dad had Peripheral Neuropathy. He started doing red light therapy on his feet and hands. Did wonders for them. Over time, the numbness went away and the pain. The diet is obviously the foundation of good health, but the red light therapy worked great in my Dad’s case.
I have it but in my hands. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m pregnant. I been seeing a chiropractor and there’s is very little improvement. I’m due in 4!weeks. I will see if it goes away after babu
Amazing. Thanks for sharing about this. That’s interesting.
@@Drberg For sure. Thanks for the great content.
You are very welcome!
@@michelleennis8195Check your blood sugars/hba1c ASAP…you could have gestational diabetes…limit your carbs and get on an exercise bike to burn the sugar off if you have T2…🤞…check with your doctor as usual…😁
It’s important to take “R-Lipoic Acid” with a “R” at the front of the name. The other forms are cheaper but do not work. Great talk 🙂