NEVER Cook with This Again

Seed oils are often labeled “heart healthy,” but what's the truth? The average person consumes vegetable seed oil daily, not just as a cooking oil, but on their food. Discover the truth about seed oils and why you’ll want to eliminate them from your diet today.
0:00 Introduction: Vegetable seed oil
0:34 What are vegetable oils?
0:57 Seed oils are toxic!
1:40 Are seed oils healthy?
2:37 Seed oils and inflammation
3:34 Check out my new Zinc product!
3:57 The worst types of seed oils
5:33 The best cooking oils
Recommended Olive Oil Link:
Video on GRAS: ▶️
Vegetable oils do not come from vegetables. Vegetable seed oils are highly processed oils that are processed with high heat and chemical solvents.
When heat is added to refined oils, toxic byproducts like trans fats are created. Seed oils are genetically modified, so they often contain traces of glyphosate. BHA is a toxic byproduct found in seed oils and is classified as a possible human carcinogen. Other toxic byproducts can affect the immune system, nervous system, and liver.
All chronic diseases involve inflammation. Vegetable oils are the most inflammatory thing that you can consume. They create damage at the cellular level and are often stored in the fat cells because they can’t be used for fuel. It takes a year and a half to detoxify seed oils from the membranes in our bodies.
Soy, corn, sunflower, canola, and cottonseed are the most common seed oils. Cottonseed oil is the worst seed oil as it produces the most toxicity and has the most omega-6 fatty acids. Cottonseed oil is highly inflammatory and is often hidden in animal feed.
Any time you have inflammation, you also have a lack of oxygen. Cancer thrives in an area that’s inflamed or doesn’t have oxygen. Inflammation from seed oils can also contribute to insulin resistance.
Do not use vegetable oils at all! Replace seed oils with the following healthy cooking oils:
•Extra virgin olive oil
•Coconut oil
•Red palm oil
Mayo contains seed oils, so look for one without, like Chosen Mayo, which is made with avocado oil.
It's best to avoid deep-fried foods. An air fryer can simulate fried foods, and crushed pork rinds rather than wheat products can be used as breading.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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Thanks for watching! I hope this explains why seed oils are bad for you. I’ll see you in the next video.
Stopped using the poison over 20yrs ago. Changed to coconut oil/Butter/tallow/olive oil.
Olive has a low smoke point – best to cook with Tallow.
@@blaze1148 yes up to 325° degrees fahrenheit so cook on low. Coconut oil at 350° fahrenheit and macadamia nut oil is better at 400° fahrenheit. Avocado oil can be heated up to 500° fahrenheit. Tallow and ghee are great for their high smoke point.
@@blaze1148 I love cooking my eggs with olive oil though I love the flavor. It is ok with low heat cooking ☺
coconut oil is only the least bad from plant oils, but still not as good as animal fats, so there is no point
@@blaze1148 , agreed. I use olive oil sparingly when I run out of tallow.
I quit seed oils 2 years ago, less eating out and I have been teaching my brother about this, he is in his 70’s (20 years older) hoping he can his turn his health around too! Thank you Dr. Berg
What oil alternatives are you using ?
@ really good quality olive oil and coconut oil. I also don’t fry foods either so they last me a while. I even use coconut oil for moisturizer.
@@AWordofHope *NO* – Olive Oil has a low smoke point as does coconut oil – the best to cook with is animal fat eg Tallow.
@ most of my cooking is steamed vegetables etc I rarely ever use oil to cook with but thanks! 😊
Beef tallow
Extra virgin olive oil
Avocado oil
Coconut Oil
Bear fat is missing
Do not cook with olive oil!!!!
Ghee or Clarified butter as well
Walnut oil, hazelnut oil, peanut oil.
Watch out with cheap Avocado Oils and Olive Oils. Most sold in stores in the US are fake. When I say fake I mean they are cut and at least 50 percent is seed oil and they don’t have to disclose
Be careful with an air fryer. The one showed in the video had a non-stick basket. It doesn’t help to use a parchment liner; most parchment paper contains plastic. Even silicone is not safe when heated. Make sure your air fryer has a stainless steel basket.
I came across glass basket air fryer recently. You can try checking them out.
Frying should be minimal
The conventional frying once in a while is OK according to me.
No air fryer.
@@deborah0357 I have an air fryer but don’t use it because I have heard so much about them in a negative sense. Are they safe to use?
Use steeless t304 cookwares…
@@AWordofHope I gave mine away several years ago. I heard they have PFAS in the hard plastic components. Glass or stainless steel baskets are better. The best would be upgrading to a convection stove that has an air fryer option.
you’re recommending an air fryer. While I agree that they work great, most of them have anti-stick coatings that are PFAS. If you buy one make sure to get one with a ceramic coating.
read the comment from @deborah0357
If anyone thinks non-stick is healthy, I recommend a documentary, “The Devil We Know.” A warning I gathered from it was to avoid anything non-stick with an “F” in it. I went home and returned some loaf pans I had just purchased with PFOS in them.
@@HoogendijkRemco Or you can get one that is 100 percent stainless steel as well.
what brands are recommended for air fryers
I got the Emirl Lagassi air fryer with the drop down drawer and rotisserie and it’s all metal with a stainless steel basket. It’s been working great for two years now.
Yes sir
Pepole like this person
Deserve Nobel award
All those advises They will save humanity
God blesse you sir
I always loved eating donuts but about 15 years ago, they all began to taste like burnt plastics and I realized it was the oil they were fried in. That began my elimination of all seed oils.
Same experience. In the 1970s I grew up in the South with Krispy Kreme donuts, which were cooked in animal fat. I was so excited when Krispy Kreme became a nationwide chain in the late 90s. I tasted the donut and it wasn’t remotely the same food product. Disgusting and ruined.
you probably have already done it but you could find or make up a homemade healthy donut recipe with actually good ingredients
We grew up poor (overseas). We used a tiny drop of oil to fry: eggs, fish…just enough so it wouldn’t stick to the skillet. We also used the same oil to lubricate door hinges. I was so surprised when I move to US, on how much oil was used everywhre in food. For the last 10 years, or so, I switched to butter, tallow, ghee or olive oil to cook our food.
100 % avocado oil is great for cooking
@@susanspohn3297 Avocado oils are blended with seed oils. The suppliers in Mexico and South America are controlled by cartels, and they mix seed oils into the bulk during the early stage after refining the oil.
I just steam or boil there is no need fry fish or eggs.
Make your own mayo at home with a stick blender. An egg, olive or avocado oil, salt, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, pepper. Beat it with the stick blender for a minute or two and you have mayo that is actually good for you.
Absolutely, then I make that into home made ranch❤❤
I made the tomato mayo in Dr. Bergs’s recipe book for the deviled egg recipe, and WoW; it was really good. Im sure I can omit the tomato.
Or you could use melted butter or melted tallow if you blender can handle it 😆
How long can you keep it In the refrigerator?
Can you post that recipe…. amounts and such ?
Seed oils: sunflower oil, rapseed oil, vegetable oil, grapeseed, all rancid. In my local supermarket I noticed that a lot of processed snacks contain them, chocolate bars, biscuits 🍪 potato chips 🍟 oat milks, and even some processed precooked food
Also corn oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, canola oil (which is another name for rapeseed oil).
same here when I was looking around at items, felt like every single thing had those car oils in them, but it makes shopping much simpler so its a win win
Honestly!!! Seed oils are in everything! I never read labels too much until I got really sick a couple of months ago, and I began listening to all the stuff being revealed by Dr. Berg on the seed oils. I thought, “it can’t be that bad” but it is. I’ve eaten this stuff for over fifty years and have never been taught about this not even in nutrition classes. Weight control was always about appearance not health. I am just devastated that nobody told me sooner and that I am finding this stuff out for myself now when it may be too late to reverse the damage.
@@artieanderson604 hi, it’s never too late to do better today than yesterday and do better tomorrow than you did today, it’s all going to add up. which in return definitely will give you more years
I’m cooking with beef lard, it tastes amazing. Also use a cast iron pan. Meat tastes way better cooked this way.
Great tip! thank you.
Just be aware of the amount of iron in food cooked in cast iron.
@genevievebarker943 cast-iron pans are definitely safer than non-stick chemical laden pans. I wouldn’t be concerned about iron uptake from such a pan. Le Creuset is a well-known manufacturer, their products are safe.
Lard I’ve found in the grocery store is hydrogenated. I started rendering my own. Lard also makes a delicious homemade mayo. Of course I more often lean toward making mayo with olive oil.
I am doing the same thing. I roast a chicken. Save the carcass and then pressure cook it the next day for the bone broth. Refrigerate, and then scoop out the fat that congeals at the top of the broth. It tastes amazing! The bone broth is rich in natural collagen too. My elderly dogs act like puppies running around! Helps with arthritis.
@@cherisejanellwhy is hdrogenated bad?
So true. I STOPPED EATING seed oils and eating out 7 yrs ago! Can really tell a difference in my health and skin! Used to eat out everyday! Also started eating clean keto! My visceral fat around stomach is gone!!! Thought I had a tumor in my stomach but it was ” greed”. Gluttony!!!
We learned this a long time ago and have not used vegetable oil in our home for decades. We also try to not buy processed foods, especially those made with vegetable oil. We rarely go to restaurants. But, as you say, this stuff is in almost everything. You really have to have the habit of reading labels. Thank you for this reminder.
I changed to olive oil when my body stopped allowing it! My intestines can’t handle it and I had to find an alternative that’s when I saw research for people saying it was bad a few years back. 😌🙏
Seed oil has a nasty chemical smell when heating, so butter, olive oil or ghee
The people making and profiting on these oils should be charged with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
Yes 💯%
They’re stopping the drug smugglers from bringing fentanyl and other drugs, which is great as they should. But yet it’s ok to put cooking oils etc. on the shelf so people can buy them every single day. Something is seriously wrong with this being allowed. Smdh
Is it going to happen? No….. unfortunately.
Those same in power are the ones who committed a genocide and continue to ethnically cleanse Palestine 🇵🇸
– Three things that changed my life:
1. I quit seed oils
2. I read the book called: Health Secrets Industry Hides
3. I stopped eating excess sugar
Thanks for sharing that
Thanks for sharing
I will read that
Bot comment
Who is the author?
I switched to whole butter and EVO many years ago and have seen the benefits of it. I do not use or consume any other kinds of oil. And I do not buy or consume fried foods without those fats and certainly do not ever order that kind of junk when I go out to eat. Because I want to live to see 114 . Thank you doctor for your encouragement.
This might be your best video for people who are not aware of what is good for you and bad for you!!! If we just made this simple change cooking at home it would help so many!!!
Thanks. Has anyone heard of the book ‘Health and Beauty Mastery’ by Julian Bannett, can’t believe how underrated it is. This book has some serious knowledge you won’t find anywhere, definitely recommend.
Highly recommended! 👍😊
What have you read in the book
I haven’t been able to locate a copy from any reputable source. Has anybody else had any luck?
This is unrelated to seed oil topic but last night In the middle of all the prolific Big Pharma ads on TV there appeared and ad for Magnesium Glycinate touting it’s benefits! I was surprised and encouraged.