My Clothes Don’t Fit Anymore // I Need Your Advice

Just a few of the trials and tribulations of life lately – gaining weight and dressing my new body!
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Lucy ❤️ x
#bodyimage #weightgain #weightlossjourney
Posted in Health Topics
You look amazing in that red dress
Thank you so much! I’ll update you when I get it back from alterations! x
You looked great in all the clothes, especially the red dress.
Just to let you know that one of your videos with a 20 minute long routine was what I needed to start working out regularly. I have no idea if that knowledge helps your own mental health or not, but I do hope it helps because you have helped me. Immensely.
Your dress looks so nice. Those tiny alterations will be so easy. The jeans look great. I like the wide leg ones. I need to get with the trend and get some. I’m a yoga teacher so live in active wear so totally know how you feel. I also have intestinal issues which cause my low belly to swell up so I look pregnant, I completely understand the self image thing. I also have really bad skin. We just have to do the best we can to show up for our clients and ourselves. Sometimes having to make space for the off days when the inner demons make their way to the surface. Keep going you are really inspirational. Xxxx
You look absolutely amazing in the red dress! It really brings out all your best features!
That red with your dark hair looks fabulous, the bottom half of the dress accentuates your curves in a nice way, it’s not too tight or clingy and the fabric falls very well. I think it’s super flattering on you.
It’s not stupid at all to feel proud of yourself. It’s reallyyy hard to hold ourselves accountable. It’s very easy to plan and want to do something but then flake on yourself. The more it happens the more likely it is to happen. You broke the cycle, it’s worth all of the pride. ❤
The red dress honestly looks amazing on you 😍
Here’s what I’ve learned from years of body shame and then finally acceptance…if you rock it in your head you will rock it on your body! All of us telling you how amazing you look in those clothes won’t do a damn thing if you don’t feel it.
People are paying a lot more attention to the smile you wear in confidence.
I‘m the same dress size as you and can’t handle too tight clothes either. What helps a lot is to remember that there should only be one oversized clothes item at a time so wide-legged jeans with tight tshirt or oversized jumper with skinny jeans. This rule helps me feel put together and comfy at the same time without either hiding under clothes or feeling like an exposed sausage 😊
Hi Lucy, I know people recommend things all the time but re your psoriasis, mine went away after getting all the irritations out of my diet – dairy, grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, nightshades, cruciferous vegetables etc. it was rough but my psoriasis is gone along with my other autoimmune conditions. it’s been a rough 25 year journey but has worked very well for me. btw, my wife and I have followed some of your calisthenics videos for a long time, congrats on your journey so far.
You’re sooooo inspiring! Thanks for sharing 🧡
It’s worth getting the waist of jeans altered slightly if it means the perfect fit. Bring everything you love that isn’t quite perfect all at once to a talior. First black jeans looked great. I’m over stiff denim too. Soft jeans with a bit of elastic are so much more comfortable. I have some Wrangler ones that are really soft. Red dress looked great. Don’t think you need to alter at all.
Hi Lucy! I understand the frustrations you’re feeling. The fear of failure, the clumsiness, all of it (I walked into a bookcase yesterday for reference 🫠 I was at a book store, you’d think I’d notice it lol) I myself recently got an evaluation for ADHD. Still currently waiting on the results, but I’m almost certain that’s the cause of all of my issues. Looking into it more made me realize how much I related to everything. Not saying that’s what may be going on with you, but it wouldn’t hurt to look into it as well. The more I learn, the less frustrated I get with myself and the more I’m learning to work with it and not against it. Sending you love! I know how hard those low mental days can be ❤
Was thinking the exact same! It’s obviously more complex when it comes to diagnosis, but this is incredibly relatable and the list could have been taken straight from my own notes when preparing for my ADHD assessment. Life’s still a bit of a chaotic mess, but understanding (at least part of) the foundation of the issues makes it a bit easier to not be as harsh to myself. Good luck with your evaluation! I remember finding it quite stressful so I hope you’re doing well <3 And the same for Lucy! I also don't want to give any unqualified internet diagnosis, but I hope it's helpful to read about people with similar experiences who hopefully have found some reason behind it <3
I also want to mention that ADHD has been very underresearched and misunderstood, so there are a lot of misconceptions which might make it harder to recognise. It can easily be overlooked even if you go to therapy (I've been in therapy for depression and burnout with the ADHD going completely unnoticed) and you can have a successful (either properly successful or from the outside successful...) life with ADHD, but it can be quite miserable if you keep expecting to be able to function like someone who is more neurotypical. I'm a PhD student and most people around me were really surprised when I got my diagnosis cause all my executive functioning goes into getting that part of my life to work (however, I'm not burned out again...).
Oh I can totally relate to the lack of coordination, dropping things or walking into things or falling. I definitely get very frustrated with myself. I struggle with negative self talk also and low mood days. I would be thrilled if I looked like you do honestly so I think it’s a matter of being really hard on yourself which I can empathize with. The red dress looks awesome on you!
Hi Lucy, you are so brave to tell your real story. I know we can all relate. I just want to let you know that I am a 66 year old woman and only started my weight loss and health journey a few months ago. You have been my inspiration. Not only for your achievements but also that I find you so pleasant and lovely to listen to. Your calisthenics movements are amazing (I never heard of Calisthenics before) We all need to become strong and healthy not just thin. Give yourself credit for good influence you are having on us all. Wishing you well for the future, go easy on yourself sweetheart you are better than you know. Thanks for all your good advice. 🙂
Hi Lucy! I love this video, I am currently facing a lot of similar issues, so it seems really lucky timing. I was lately diagnosed with ADHD, and a lot of your “inner demons” seem to align with mine, that are actually typical to ADHD. And also being a pear-shaped girl, I know the jeans struggle 🙂 my tip is to go with something solid and a bit darker (as the lighter stripes make me larger) and get the waistband altered by a taylor. PS the red dress is stunning!!
The Red dress looks stunning on you! 😻
Light blue denim jeans look great on you! And the ones that you said were comfortable look the best on you girly 🙂
Morning, Lucy! 😊
I don’t think I’ve ever commented on your videos but I have to tell you that I think we have exactly the same thought pattern.
We punish ourselves enough for small things that we do around the house, like dropping a cup etc. so when it comes to the major things like scraping the car (which I have done two both cars that I’ve owned), there is just no forgiving ourselves.
I have spent many sleepless nights over thinking things that I have done!
Do you have any spiritual beliefs at all?
It helped me massively, when trying to figure out why I was so intent on never giving myself a break x