Kettlebell Workout for Balance | Trainer of the Month Club | Well+Good

This 20 minute workout is entirely focused improving balance throughout the body. Grab a kettlebell and join trainer, Ben Lauder-Dykes for a total body balance and strength-building workout.

#wellandgoodworkouts #morningexercise #balance #balanceworkout #balancetraining #dumbbellworkout #dumbbellworkouts #kettlebellworkout #kettlebell #kettlebellswing #kettlebellcoach #wellandgoodkettlebellworkouts #20minuteworkouts

Love Ben? You can find him here:
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Ben is wearing Lululemon! Find his outfit here:

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Want more Trainer of the Month Club? Try these:
Pilates for Balance:
A Physical Therapist's Morning Stretches:
Increase Your Agility and Mobility:
Shadowboxing for Beginners:

About Well+Good:
Well+Good believes that wellness and health should be attainable for all—and recognizes the many barriers that prevent that from becoming a reality. Sitting at the cross-section of trends, service, and evidence-based journalism, we work to inform, empower, and educate communities and individuals when it comes to fitness, mental health, beauty, food, relationships, finance, and all other ways your day-to-day impacts your ability to live well, while working to challenge the systems that could hold you (or others) back. Your well-being is a birthright. Wellness is how you get there.

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  1. @Sidali1104 on November 6, 2023 at 12:19 pm

    Good job 👍👍👍👍

  2. @olenakalinina1890 on November 6, 2023 at 3:11 pm

    Would you show the exercises for low back please

  3. @skyblue8622 on November 8, 2023 at 3:15 pm

    Love how Ben really focused on form to avoid injury. I workout to a lot of youtube videos would love to see more videos with Ben.

    • @Wellandgood on November 9, 2023 at 3:36 pm

      Glad it was helpful! Ben will be here every Monday this month!

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