Is Soy Killing You? | Soy Health Benefits & Risks

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Posted in Health Topics
Preordered!! Can’t wait to cook through Black History Month! Congrats, Jenne!
Thank you so much!!
Wish I could eat soy. But I get cramps every time I eat it..even if it’s fermented.😞
Dang, even stuff like soysauce?! That’s whack. I’m sorry!
@@honey-bagder3451 Yeah. Soy sauce is a problem too.
@Elnerist this happened to me, and my Taiwanese gastroentologist said it can be common among omnivores trying to turn vegetarian. I realised later on that I tolerate some beans better than others, and needed time to adjust to higher levels of fibre. I don’t eat soy daily anymore but am able to eat it weekly. Same goes for black beans and kidney beans, I can eat them sometimes but not all the time (even after soaking and discarding the water).
Thank you! I am a person who went bananas eating soy products to learn I was already high is estrogen. Thankfullly, no cancer diagnosis over here. Edamame is so yummy!
I have endometriosis and fibroids. Soy doesn’t work for my body. But I’m excited for anti inflammatory foods. My body produces toooo much estrogen.
@@Tempest87 soy doesn’t increase oestrogen
People in Asian countries eat a lot of soy products and they seem to live longer.
Different body chemistry and make up between the races… all cannot eat everything others eat… black people are good example. Sorry we are not all the same
hello, i am the Asian living in Asia and when people outside Asia have a go at soy, i always chuckle. perhaps it’s a climate thing, but my people have been eating soy for hundreds of years. we’re fine (until processed food coming, ofc).
i eat tempeh almost every single day – since it’s one of my favourite food – ever since i was a child, so are the rest of my family members and pretty much everyone i know around here. it’s a food that’s just there next to rice and tofu. we’re quite fine, haha.
Probably because it’s better and real soy unlike us soy
I eat tofu by itself with soy sauce sesame oil. Green onion ginger and red pepper flakes
Yum! So simple and delicious.
I went vegan because of menopause. I consume a lot of soy. The following year I looked around and all of my hot flashes were just… Gone.
Great news!!
I was vegan for years when younger, and went back and forth between that and vegetarian in my 40’s. Now in my 50’s, going back to vegan (particularly getting fully rid of dairy) has worked wonders!
Great video! For anyone interested, a youtuber by the name hbomberguy did a video were he debunked the study that is responsible for most of the misinformation about “soy and estrogen”. Or atleast the study that haters always point to.
Thank you for this video. It’s always a conversation even amongst non- plants-based eaters.
So true! Big topic for so many. Thanks for watching!
You do a great job at communicating!
Hi Sweeties! Thanks for watching. Remember, this is not intended to be medical advice. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I am only sharing my research and personal experience. My goal with this video is to encourage people who are afraid of soy to look deeper at the research around soy and specific conditions. Wishing you the best!!
Consumed soy for roughly 25 years, no hot flashes or the maladies of menopause did I ever experience. Thanks for your content. The false narrative was circulated by a large meat industry whose name I shall not divulge, but sure that you get my drift. In any event, I love tofu and thankful that I never believed the lie that circulated.
Thank you for clearing up the confusion 👍
I ordered it before Christmas on Amazon. It’s my birthday gift to myself since my birthday is on February 22.
Thank you for this video and helpful information on soy 🙂 I want to say that a person can build muscle without having to “go to the gym”. A pair of dumbbells at home can be used to build muscle, as long as they’re heavy enough. Heck, my cast iron pan weighs 12 pounds. And a full crock pot is easily twice that. Body weight exercises like squats, sit-ups, push-ups, climbing stairs and walking uphill can also build muscle, especially if a person is just starting or if they’re able to progressively do more. I started out with 5 pound weights and a simple arm routine (during COVID) and worked my way up to 12 pounders. I have used those while doing squats and sit-ups, as well. I’m not necessarily saying that these things are what a person should do (because every body is different), but I want to stress that there are ways to build muscle without necessarily having to go to the gym. – Blessings!
My favorite soy food is fermented soybeans (natto). I’ll admit it’s an acquired taste but it’s one of my comfort foods, especially after becoming vegan. Really healthy too. Traditional Asian foods heal you. Our ancestors knew how to eat healthy
SweetPotatoSoul you are the best! ☺️🍠💛
☝🏾☝🏾 Soy boy here! Great video as always, Jeanette!! You look absolutely stunning! Soy is in everything and it’s totally something nobody can fully avoid, because it’s also fed to animals and in their products. Some of us soy boys do straight up snack on a block of plain or seasoned cooked/uncooked super firm tofu as if it’s a block of cheese. Also, some Vegan cheeses are made with tofu. 💯
If you are concerned about estrogen in food, consider that dairy cows are milked even when pregnant, and their milk contains those hormones. The key is absolutely to eat a diversity of foods! 5 minutes of research into the dairy or slaughter industry is enough to show where cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, hormone imbalance and multiple environmental woes stem from.
Great video and very informative. Thanks for sharing 😊
I love tofu and edamame! Being in perimenopause, I researched ways to help with the lack of estrogen as I wanted to eliminate the symptoms I was experiencing, weight gain, a growing belly, and hot flashes. Soy is an isoflavone (plant estrogen), giving me the estrogen my body needs. It is also a complete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids. My symptoms are gone, my weight is being managed, and the added benefit is that my hair is super thick and long. I never had thick, long hair, so being 51 is a fantastic benefit!