Is RFK Jr. Against Science?!

Did you hear the myth about RFK Jr.? Some claim he’ll suppress the advancement of health, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In this video, we’ll uncover how RFK Jr. is fighting to expose the corruption and conflicts of interest between Big Pharma and the FDA.
Learn how the FDA’s policies suppress natural remedies like stem cell therapy, hyperbaric oxygen treatments, nutraceuticals, and vitamin therapy—options that can’t be patented but hold incredible potential for improving health.
#rfkjr #rfkjr2024 #health #nutrition #publichealth #healthtips
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book "The Healthy Keto Plan" and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Trudeau is trying to ban vitamins in Canada!! Thanks for speaking up Dr Berg
Lol, no, he isn’t. You are an agent of misinformation, shame on you.
He’s history!
Bye bye Justin…
Perhaps if Trudy took his vitamins his brain would function better , some what . But there’s a big problem , not only is he an elitist narcissist he’s also a psychopath .
Trudeau is a narcisstic psychopath hating all working people especially Christians
Words are cheap, especially from anyone in politics from any side of the political isle. It’s safe to assume they are lying until proven otherwise. I truly do hope the best for everyone in this great country. United we stand, divided we fall.
Ummmmm….hope he can get it done! Call those things that aren’t as if they are!
Precisely. RFK is a corrupt weasel. 🤮
@@JFullerTruth Amen
Action speak louder than words RFK Jr has been blowing the whistle for years!
Make America Healthy Again!
The point is that big pharma is financing the FDA, as well as most research all over the world, so, since they don’t pay or finance anything against them, try to guess the result… Exactly… So finally someone who not only is willing to take this huge jobb on themselves, but is even backed up by the president. It should end up well for us all 😅 Better send good vibes, great energy and much love to RFK Jr.
America healthy?
Come to Italy.
Eat the same pasta and ammount pasta as you would in America.
You will lose weight in Italy.
Most of your food in America is enriched with bad stuff.
I believe that you are correct 😂
What r u talking about !!!!!
This about the all world my friend
Amen 🎉🙏
I bet Dr Berg could find a spot in RFK’s team. We love you doc!
I believe he’s speaking for MAHA during the inauguration…or did I dream that?!? I’d love to see him join the team!
Or dr.oz too he would be good help
@ I believe he was included in speaking there, actually.
That would be amazing.
Dr Berg has integrity! He would never!!!
RFK wants to remove fluoride from municipal drinking water.
Finally this neurotoxin and carcinogen will be removed, years after EU has done it
It is associated with Hypothyroidism.
@@anneflynn9614Amongst many other health concerns.
They ALREADY ARE in mine!!
How dare he. What a monster.
And RFK needs well informed people that will fight for the health and freedom of our country and against all that these corrupt companies have done to cause sickness and death in our nation.
😂 yeah like maybe we get real Americans in our government and real Americans in the positions that matter that’s the problem there are no Americans in this government anymore. There’s the Jews and then there’s the Europeans bringing in their gun grabbing censorship predatory lending ways .
There’s nothing that’s more anti-American than the wall movement than telling people they have to believe what you believe censoring people speech and government telling parents what to do with their kids. There is nothing more anti-American than that. Those are European values not American. We don’t kiss rings over here we don’t worship our rulers over here. If you fix those things, everything else falls in place because then you have an American first agenda Americans working for the benefit of other Americans, not a bunch of foreign agents working for the benefit of foreign entities.😂
He’s going to do whatever rump tells him to do.
@@Sharon-fw9qw You have TDS😂😂😂
what do you like better? CNN MSNBC Tiktok Facebook MSNBC 😊
Exactly. Other countries don’t have the crap in their food like we do. I heard Kelloggs makes healthy cereal for Canada and then sells us the unhealthy stuff
Thank you Dr. Berg!
Make America healthy again!
100% spot on, Dr Berg. Its wild the amount of people defending big pharma on this. Just falling for the propaganda on RFK.
Dr. Berg you have drastically change my health I hope you keep growing and help many more
What I like to see that RFK Jr will force the insurance companies to include holistic naturopathic doctors in their network if we choose to see them instead of traditional MD doctors who only cares about profits with unnecessarily treatments and bad drugs.
Yes that would be a good thing!
I wish my insurance would cover herbal supplements. That’s all I take and I pay out of pocket every month .
Dream on.
That’s obamacare buddy
As an herbalist that would be a blessing.
I’m with RFK….. question everything, don’t let these chumps hide behind their flawed science
Should have been THE PRESIDENT!
@@c.d.meloneyIf only there was a system for making decisions like that…
Nice if he can get it done,it would be a new dawn for healing, that would nice.
Media can no longer be trusted…
We are blessed to have RFK🎉
& of course, Dr. Berg💯💫💙
Thank you Dr. Berg. I sure hope you can be on his team. MAHA make America healthy again!!
Thank you Dr berg. We can always count on you!
Right on Dr. Berg, right on!!!!
@@jamesmooney5348 and eveRything he does, or wants to do gets filteRed thru the “bRain” of a coRRupt malignant Narcissist man baby Responsible for k1lling hundreds of thousands of ppl with DisinfoRmation bc he didn’t want the higheR covid cases to make him look bad. MAGA Memory holed, or not thats the Reality! Buckle up!
“They kill Kennedys!” (c) Jackelin Kennedy
Yes, when one of Kennedy’s goes to politics… 😢
Halleluiah!!! Get rid of the suppression!
Thank you for sharing the truth, Dr. Berg! 🎉❤
No one actually knows what the truth is until it happens
As much as we would like it to happen, this might be false hopes.
It’s amazing how little buzz there is around Health and Beauty Mastery by Julian Bannett. It’s made me so much more conscious of my wellness routine.