How to Get Thick and Shiny Hair

If you want thick, shiny hair, this video’s for you. Find out how to get thicker hair with the best vitamins for hair health. Incorporate the best foods for hair growth into your diet today for shiny, lustrous locks.
0:00 Introduction: How to get thick and shiny hair
0:20 Biotin deficiency and hair health
2:07 How to make hair shiny with vitamin A
2:30 How to get thicker hair with omega-3 fatty acids
3:10 L. reuteri for healthy hair
3:47 Copper deficiency and hair health
6:44 Foods for hair growth
Magnesium Videos:
How to Fix Your Gut:
Soil, Grass and Cancer:
Today, I’m going to tell you how to get thick and shiny hair naturally! Biotin is a B vitamin that many people take for thick, shiny hair. It can come from the diet, but it can also come from the gut microbiome.
The good bacteria in your gut make biotin. This is why a common side effect of antibiotics is hair problems. When you stop taking biotin, you may notice that the problem comes right back, so it’s vital to address gut health when dealing with biotin deficiency.
Liver and egg yolks are the best sources of biotin. Nutritional yeast and salmon also contain biotin. Alcohol, raw eggs, and magnesium deficiency can interfere with biotin absorption. Zinc and copper are essential for biotin absorption and function.
Retinol, the active form of vitamin A, is only found in animal foods. Liver and egg yolks are the best sources, but you can also find vitamin A in shellfish and cod liver oil. Vitamin A helps control sebum, so it’s very beneficial for thick, shiny hair!
For healthy hair, reduce your omega-6 fat intake and increase your omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for healthy hair. Fish oil and cod liver oil are excellent sources of omega-3s.
L. reuteri is a microbe missing in 96% of the population. It increases sebum, which makes hair shiny, and it may also increase hair growth.
Copper is used in many different enzymes, including the enzyme that helps prevent iron accumulation in your tissues. Iron is vital for hair growth, but we need the right balance. NPK fertilizer in our foods is a common cause of copper deficiency. If the grass is deficient in copper, the animals that eat the grass will also be deficient.
Animals with copper deficiency have very dull hair. If this can happen to sheep and cows, it can definitely happen to us!
Overconsumption of iron, often from fortified wheat products, can lock up your copper and contribute to copper deficiency. Other contributors to copper deficiency include high fructose corn syrup and high zinc intake.
If you want healthy hair, add the following foods to your diet:
•Fermented foods (i.e. kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi)
•Egg yolks
•Cod liver oil/cod liver
•Organic foods
•Trace minerals
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope you’ll increase your intake of these essential vitamins for hair health. I’ll see you in the next video.
Dr Berg speaks, I listen, and react accordingly ❤
The video discusses how to get thick and shiny hair naturally by addressing nutrient deficiencies and gut health. It covers the importance of biotin, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, L. reuteri, and copper for hair health, as well as recommended foods and dietary changes.
So? Did you just write an alternate description for the video or am I missing something?
That is an ai
@@HellKlangRead username of that “person”.
During my adolescent years, I went on (the original version of) Weight Watchers. This required consuming 4-6 oz. of cooked liver each week. One of the results? People would ask me what shampoo I was using! Why? Because my waist-length hair was extremely thick and shiny. With? No split ends. Although my experience is anecdotal, it lends credence to Dr. Berg’s analysis…50 years later. These days, I consume liver in the desiccated form (grass-fed; from Argentina). Thank you, Dr. B.! ❤
Dr berg videos are the best christmas gifts
Amen & Amen ❤
Excellent video
He shows how everything in our bodies works together. There’s DEFINITELY a BALANCE!!!
I use a pure copper pitcher for drinking water. It’s no wonder the copper pipes have been removed.
Want to add … I leave the water in pitcher at least overnight. I have read a few glasses a day is enough as, like anything else, we don’t want overload.
@@MotherShip-u3kjust watched a video about the perfect ratio of zinc to copper 8 to 1 …. See playlist on copper or one with a long title
Where did you purchase the copper pitcher please?
@@ejayemmI would also like to know, 😊please…….
I had no idea the gut microbiome, copper, and even the way we farm could impact hair health so much. The tips on liver, probiotics, and omega-3s are super helpful. It’s amazing how food can fix so much naturally. Thanks for sharing such detailed insights—can’t wait to try these!
@@healthdailylife a little chocolate is a good source of copper😁
@@terrymitchell6012 the sugar will offset that good.
Very interesting. As a carnivore for 8 months, eating organic fatty steaks and eggs, I now have an ‘under fringe’ (bangs) where my hair is re growing after being thin for years on a vegetarian diet.
That’s because meats have a high absorption rate and plants not nearly enough.
Who goes “carno” after being vege for years? 😂 That doesn’t even make sense….
You’re a Primate, go ahead and look up “Primate diet”; that aught to point you in the right direction
@@GoOutside321 Quite a few go Carno from veggie. You feel better at first on veggie then after a few years the illnesses and health issues show up.
@@GoOutside321people that feel like crap for years being vegan .. women that can’t get pregnant, people that have autoimmune diseases, dementia or Alzheimer’s… and reverse all this just eating animal proteins and healthy fats
The only doctor I follow!!!
Dr. Mandell & Dr. Ken Berry
@@anonymous-m9k9z Who provides better info than most any Dr
Dr. Berry lost his license for reusing dirty needles. You should be proud to follow a low life 😂@@NotACrat
@@anonymous-m9k9zbro could be a carpenter for all I care. Small brain “trust the experts” types like yourself have a hard time grasping the idea that people can learn different fields from what they went into. Shocker, I know. Vaxxed mudbloods could never understand.
Same thing
Dr. Berg is my first doctor whenever I am sick with something.
Oh my, mine as well
Eat to not get sick in the first place.
I healed my fatty liver listening to this dude
@@Mark-R8 are you doing the lemon and ACV? Or is there one I am missing, if you don’t mind me asking?
@@LeafyLovey Sure thing, I limited carb intake like cheese, bread, pasta, fried foods, refined sugar and also hard liquor.
Mainly drank sparkling soda with lemon concentrate but the real game changer was taking Irish Sea Moss w/ Bladdewrack, Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, & Chanka Piedra supplements with plenty of fluids before bed. So basically a liver / kidneys cleanse. ACV gummies like candy LOL
Intermittent fasting speeds it up too. In 2 – 3 months I was golden.
Thank you. I started the L. Reuteri a few weeks ago due to your video. I had already read Super Gut. I am sleeping MUCH deeper, dreaming and generally happier. YAY!
Dr. William Davis fermented yogurt is soooo easy to make, once you get started. I love it! I mix blueberries and a bunch of raw nuts/coconut flakes/cinnamon and hemp seed in with my morning “fermented yogurt parfait “
Thanks for your awesome comment on the sleep and dreams, gotta check this out
Good for u
Where did you get L returi?
@ Amazon
My hair feels and looks so much better just by watching this video
😂😂😂you are bold as a egg
@@tinekes7974 I have a couple of strands on top 🥚
Mine too….. Hahaha.
RFK should hire Dr. Berg as an assistant for a healthier America.
I have a feeling he has dr berg in mind!
@firestar7774 Based on what?
Better yet! Get rid of RFK all together!
I saw on one of dr berg video a link to vote for him to get hired in the new Trump org and I voted for him, I saw he was leading considerably in comparison to the other candidates
Dr. Berg you saved my life. I was ready to loose a leg and wear a Clap mask, go under apnea surgery…etc…now I am 100 pounds off , built muscle and fitness, of course my diet changes drastically and I fast all weeks at least 72 hours.
Wow!!!! ❤ congrats for talking your health back away from the for profit system!
My two guys to go to is Dr. Berg and Dr. Ekberg, they are what real doctors and real medicine is supposed to be.
What a great change!
@@roxannamiguel7291 I don’t know if I’ve watched Dr. Ekburg. I’ll have to check them out. Thanks for the suggestion!
Very happy for you.
As a cosmetologist for over 20 years, I can absolutely tell you that healthy hair comes from diet or proper nutrition. I see this all the time with clients who go on these quick and fast weight loss programs. Whenever their hair starts to hit the telogen phase or natural shedding cycle, their hair falls out in handfuls. I usually advise them to start adding more healthy fats to their diet and it does help. It can take a while to reverse this, so I say keep going and be patient with the process. Thanks for the video, because I now have much more specifics on the vitamin and minerals needed.
On another note, I started taking your magnesium supplements and man what a difference they have made! Thank you! 😊
Wow that is really interesting. Thanks for sharing.
@michelleratliff1494 for hair ?
@kimclark399 also increase blood flow to the scalp. We hold a lot of tension in that area and most people have very tight scalps that restrict blood flow. Blood flow is what delivers the nutrients to the hair follicles. Just a daily 5min scalp massage does wonders …and it’s relaxing too 😜
how much fat and magnesium do you recommend?
How much does hypothyroidism of tsh 6 contribute to hairloss?
I have severe hair loss and no hair care has helped much. I don’t take thyroid pills anymore as I saw no change in hair loss, energy levels or improvement in tsh levels.
So do you think it’s because of poor diet or just thyroid problem?
Btw I’m 28 yrs.
This Doctor needs to be cloned and put into EVERY medical school to re-educate doctors with correct information about HEALTH. He is brilliant, and a gem of a person to anyone with common sense about how to improve their health in a sustained way. I just love learning from his simple to understand videos … I respect this man immensely. 🙏🏻🙏🏽🤷
My two guys to go to is Dr. Berg and Dr. Ekberg, they are what real doctors and real medicine is supposed to be.
I agree .. Very informative 🎉
Noo. Even more overpopulation
Real Dr God sent him
AMÉN TO THAT!!! I am a medical student and absolutely love Dr. Berg. I wish he were training us.
Biotin is a water soluble vitamin (B7) that needs to be consumed regularly .Food sources : liver, egg yolks, peanuts ,sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes , mushrooms , bananas, nutritional yeast , avocados and a small amount in broccoli . You must consume enough magnesium to absorb biotin . Magnesium sources : pumpkin seeds, spinach, dark chocolate , avocado , yogurt, banana . It is also recommended to use hair conditioner with biotin for thick, shiny hair.
Thank you for your explanations! Very helpful 🙏🏽
I like when there is a simple list of what to consume. All the information can be overwhelming. Thanks for simplifying this!
Be careful with the dark chocolate. High levels of arsenic can be in them.
Re conditioner, I’ve been using the ones with keratin, Suave keratin. Works great
I truly hope and wish Dr Berg is given some prestigious award in recognition for his immense knowledge and contribution. He is truly from a different league altogether.
I didn’t realize that L. Reuteri was also good for healthy hair. I’ve been taking for a couple of weeks now and I noticed that I’m in a good mood more often to the point of it being noticed by one of good friends. I look forward to the healthier hair benefit. I have also been taking a hair skin nail supplement that has biotin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, horsetail, and other ingredients in it. This video was right on time as I have been wanting my hair to be healthier. Thank you for sharing everything you know, learn and discover with us! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… Dr.Eric you’re awesome. 😀💜
Wondering if you make your own L reuteri or if you’ve found it to purchase. If so, would you share any info on where you found yours? Congratulations on your mood improvements, I would love that benefit.
May I ask which one you are taking please?
I am 67 and went gray then pure white 10 years ago. I had my minerals and heavy metals tested. I was supper low in copper..I added copper three months ago and now have little black hairs growing. My roots are darker….about a third of my hair. Definitely enough to be noticable.
Umm do you add a copper supplement or you took it through food?
Why are people used to not telling the answers asked by them .
@SkylightTeddy I do both. I eat foods high in copper but I am also aware that our food doesn’t have as many vitamins and minerals as it used to so I take trace minerals copper supplement. I also use copper on my hair.
@@Suz-v6d thanks
Give this man a NOBEL PRICE, because he won hearts of people.🎉