How to Do Mountain Climbers | The Right Way | Well+Good

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Mountain climbers are a staple in core workouts & HIIT classes alike, but are you doing them with correct form? Charlee Atkins teaches us how to do a mountain climber the right way, so that we can crush them in all of our workouts! #howtodomountainclimbers #therightway #wellandgood
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was in the middle of this exercise when I thought of looking it up, turned out I was doing it wrong. thanks!
InnlLjkkkrk alcoólico!z…&#/./:,..,
Literally came here for the exact same reason 😂
Me too!
Same lmfao
awesome! That is perfect teaching! Im doing it your way, so but keeping form. Thanks
Works pretty much all of the lower body while using push muscles for stabilisation I do these after burpees at the end of a HIIT round bloody agonising but of course thats a good thing
Burpees and now this. Your explanations are awesome, videos are straightforward without any bs, LOVE IT!
instantly realized the difference, thank you!
always knew I was doing it wrong but the delusion was comforting! thank you for this
HAHAH same
Thanks very much. I tried this today and KNEW I wasn’t doing it right.
WTF! A video that has no ads, no dumb intro and goes STRAIGHT to actual informational stuff with good form?! WHAT IS THIS?! #Subscribed
I mean it’s only a minute
Literally watching an ad rn
@Fernando Hernandez same a 20 second unskippable add
@Waheeb Jadoun its probably YouTube doing his own thing
Bro why do you sound like an infomercial? 😂
Thank you, quick and straight to the point
Isn’t your core supposed to be tight as opposed to flat back?
0:30 that “so if I set me self up directly” was so smooth I almost didn’t notice it 😂 👍
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Thank you so much! I was doing it all wrong and had no idea. I had to subscribe!
did it in class today, realized I did it wrong, lmao! Thanks! I’ll remember this for next week.
Thanks! I didn’t know how to do it perfectly, i still don’t know if its better but i need it for P.E
Omg. I have hated/avoided mountain climbers my whole life and turns out I was doing them wrong
So that’s how you do it! My phone app made it look as if I had to jump between the positions and land with both feet. Thanks!
I was doing this so wrong. Now I have to do 100 the correct way🥴
I just watched this amazing video. I’m about to hit these tomorrow at the gym and kick my workout up a notch. I am so excited!! New sub here! Your videos are concise and informative 👍.