How To CLEAN Your LIVER in 3 Days!

This liver cleanse is better than any I’ve ever talked about before. Find out how to detox your liver fast!
Video on TUDCA:
0:00 Introduction: How to cleanse the liver
0:10 Liver cleanses and detoxes
0:35 Liver detoxification
1:52 How to trigger autophagy
2:40 The best “liver cleanse”
3:14 Dry fasting benefits
5:00 Liver cleansing foods
6:30 Prevent negative liver detox reaction
8:05 Learn more about liver detoxification
Today, I’m going to show you how to cleanse your liver in just three days.
I’ve tested many different liver cleanses, and most have left me sick in bed. But what I’m going to share today is different.
This natural liver cleanse is also different from the liver detoxes and liver cleanses I’ve mentioned in the past, like apple cider vinegar, lemon, or ginger—it’s even better.
To support and speed up liver detoxification, we need to trigger autophagy.
The best ways to trigger autophagy:
1. Dry fasting
2. Water fasting
3. Calorie restriction
4. Sleep
5. Exercise
6. Keto diet
7. Phytonutrients
Dry fasting is one of the most powerful ways to trigger autophagy and truly cleanse the liver cells.
With dry fasting, you don’t consume any food or water. To cleanse the liver, you may want to consider dry fasting for a full day—starting at sunrise and ending at sunset.
The effects of just one day of dry fasting are equivalent to three days of water fasting.
Additional benefits of dry fasting:
• Enhanced immunity
• Liver and kidney support
• Mental clarity
• Decreased inflammation
When the sun sets, you’ll eat your one meal for the day, which should consist of meat and cruciferous vegetables. These foods are also great for cleaning the liver.
Try dry fasting for three days of the month (they don't need to be consecutive) and see how you feel.
Before you start dry fasting, take bile salts or TUDCA, consume beets, or drink apple cider vinegar with water to help thin your bile. This can help prevent any negative liver detox side effects.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! Try this "liver cleanse" to support your liver and overall health. I'll see you in the next video.
It’s been a rough ride, with DR BERG not uploading a video since Monday.
We all came through it though 💪🏼
I, too, was curious thinking his videos were being blocked for some reason. 😅
A form of fasting !
took time off. It’s allowed, ya know…
Milk Thistle , NAC, TUDCA, omega 3 , vitamin b100
Tudca made my hair fall out
@@kathyterese7054then skip that one
@@DoomBowser64 too late.
Yep I can take all the rest!
I will do dry fasting in the winter. We have a heatwave in Greece now.
Trust me, you will see better results when the heat is there …
Maybe but I don’t think I will manage it. Iam sitting watching videos and sweating a lot.
Midwest too… I work tree service outside in the sun, brutal, drink 1 gallon of fluids and no peeing, I sweat it all away most days… This whole week 93⁰-98⁰ in the shade mid afternoon… I have to have fluids for now, when I vacation I am going to try.
Since you all recommend it if it cools slightly I might try. It’s about 98-108 degrees the last couple of days.
Thanks Dr. I’ll try it
Started T 420 Lost 140 got 100 left to lose and ❤❤
Great video
wow Congratulations!
140 lbs lost is like losing 23 cats out of the body!
Well done, hope the quest goes well.
@@SpamMouse 140lbs lost is like losing 590 units of average sized mice🐭👍
Doctor what do you think if 2 3 billion people do fast for 1 month and dry fast. Even in extreme temperatures. Is it impressing or not.
With your guidance I recovered from chronic joint pain and inflammation Thank you Mr Eric . Lots of Love from India❤
How? please!!!!!
Can you please send the link, thanks
@@bobbiduval7961 Intermittent fasting + Vitamin D 👍
I would like to know how also. Thanks in advance
Can u please make an updated video on lymphatic system and lymphatic drainage ? What do u think about “ the big 6” by dr Perry Nickelson? How a congested lymphatic system is making us sick and we can’t properly detox without opening the drainage pathways first
Research dry brushing and rebounding for lymphatic system!
@@colbyrulesmydoggie4839thx I know a lot about it but I just want dr Bergs opinion and Tipps because his videos are always better than anyone’s lol I love Eric ❤
The lymphatic system is the only one without a pump, we have to exercise to get it to work.
@@KillrMillr7the Cisterna chyli is the pump of the lymphatic system deep diaphragm breathing actives it look it up it’s the thick’s lymphatic pathway
@@DanielJones-sx8qz I’ll check it out, just remember in anatomy/biology class hearing that.
I’ve done multiple 10-day dry fasts. Have to be super cautious about such long terms. 1-3 days should be very safe and healthy
Like 10 days no water no food ? Or 10 days each day one meal ?
@@Waelbkr 10 days no water no food streak
@@alexander_mmm Jeez….
are you working while doing it?
@@Tracy-wr7mj mostly not, could do some limited online though
I was worried about dry fasting but I really like wet fasting and I’m highly motivated by autophagy,
so I’m gonna start tomorrow!!!
Thank you
Dr. Berg!
Dry fasting is much easier to do then water fasting as you are not hungry or thirsty while dry fasting.
Muslims practice dry fasting for a month every year
Yeah… I’m really skeptical about dry fasting too. Seems like they rely on very old Soviet science for a lot of their claims. Too risky for the kidneys if you ask me..
I switched from water fasting to a 36 hour dry fast one a month. Easier than you think. It’s like a reset for my marginally high blood pressure and blood sugar.
Meee to!
Wouldn’t it be incredible if we had a healthcare system where the doctors weren’t suffering from drug/alcohol induced liver disease themselves, and patients could trust their orders 😐 For instance, people just assume the spell-checker on devices are ALWAYS correct, like when spelling a word ending with -ing, the short way is to put in’, but the “spell-checker” turns it into a ‘n. What I’m saying is that I won’t allow myself to be brainwashed by the title of something, especially when it comes to health! Thank you, Dr. Berg! Have a great Friday, everyone! 🙂
In a different timeline my friend, in a different timeline.
Absolutely agreed.Goal is confusion and making money.
I really like my current PA as far as her knowledge and caring personality, however she is very overweight. I’m not judging her, but have to wonder if she has ever even heard of holistic health. Surely she must be aware of the health problems that occur from being overweight??
Cabbage is my absolute favorite and got to for digestion regulation, water removal and over all gut health. I have eaten cabbage all of my life. Bok choy is another great vegetable. Works great in a stir fry! I dry fast and dont even realize that I’m doing it. I recently had blood work done and my liver levels were off so I was thinking of a way to cleanse it without getting sick. Wheatgrass taken is liquid form over the course of a few days will do but the first couple of days, it will make you throw up!! Ugh! I will never do that again EVER!
Wheatgrass does that to me too!
I think I’m still allergic to wheat.
Hopefully this will help a lot of people, so many are hurting and getting sick 😢
people are poison animals eaters that’s while they’re sick
*Add a pinch of salt to water at sunset after a dry fast day.*
Break your fast with a piece of date. .it contains all the electrolytes needed for the body..this is what recommend by our beloved Prophet Muhammad in Islam
i drink liters of water with seasalt everyday
@@afshifaisal8317Mohammed said and did so many things that one would not want to emulate but I guess eating a date is fairly innocuous
I knew it! Thank you, I will do this soon. Maybe tomorrow. When people see me skip a meal, they freak out and say I’m starving myself. It’s ridiculous how uninformed people are.
You don’t need to skip meal. You just condense it within a small timeframe.
@@ayaan5015 when I skip a meal is when I’m intermittent fasting
@@ayaan5015which, if you compare it to standard meal times, is essentially skipping a meal.. 😂
Yeah, good thing you learned this from a YouTube dr
@@grievousmink3889 if it works it works.
In the Bahai religion we have 19 days of fasting, morning till sunset and it’s not only the body it’s also mentally as well
Think also the best detox would be to stop putting the toxins in. Cut the refined sugar, the high fructose corn syrup, and the omega 6 fatty acids. Doing so will amplify any detox regimine.
Never knew dry fasting was this powerful
Waw wanna try dry fasting
A 24 hour dry fast is optimal. Prepare a day ahead by hydrating with lemon water. It’s quite rejuvinating.
I am weary of these recommendations for the fact that people may be un aware of their oxalate, kidney function and other issues. We live in a toxic world. People may be low on minerals and hydration status.
May be this is why I feel much more better the first three months after ramadan
Ramadan is one of the reasons Muslims have less diabetes and cancer. It’s amazing what one month of OMAD does!
Personally, I attempted a dry fast for three days During day two, my kidneys began to hurt. I had to discontinue the dry fast. The pain then went away. Dry fasting isn’t for everyone, especially for extended periods of time
This is the thing we do during Ramadan. Dry fasting for 29/30 days.
Yes we have already been told
I know, but most people don’t follow right diet to potentiate its effect. Fasting with good sleep and diet have synergistic effect.
This is how I reversed my NAFLD/insulin resistance. Autophagy fasting. 3 years of religiously triggering autophagy through fasting with intermittent 17 + hour fast/3 day fast along with exercise. And occasional water fast. Typical month for me would look like this. 2, 3-day fasts during the month, OMAD most days, 36 hour fast once a week, and all other days 17+ hours of fasting. It also reversed other health problems as well. My Fibro scan before keto and fasting I was stage F4… forgive me, but I can’t remember my cap score but what I do know is that now I am F0. And my caps score is normal! And Dr Mindy says your body is a miracle if you give it the ability to do so it will repair itself! Thank you Dr. Berg…. I can never repay you for all the knowledge and teachings you’ve brought forward. It has truly saved my life!