How Not Sleeping Is Killing You: SLOWLY

Chronic sleep deprivation can increase your risk for premature death! In this video, I’ll cover the dangers of not sleeping enough and the numerous health risks of poor sleep. Find out how to sleep better with my restful sleep tips.
0:00 Introduction: Not sleeping is killing you!
0:09 How lack of sleep affects your health
0:37 Sleep effects on your brain
1:03 Alcohol and sleep quality
1:18 Sleep and the immune system
1:33 REM sleep vs. deep sleep
3:17 How to improve sleep
6:59 The most important nutrients for restful sleep
7:50 L. reuteri for better sleep
How to Fix Your Gut:
L. reuteri strain
Super Gut book link:
Yogurt Recipe:
How to Make It:
Yogurt Maker—
Yogurt Jars—
Yogurt Containers—
If you’re consistently getting less than 6 hours of sleep, you increase your risk of premature death, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and more!
Sleep is the best way to clean the brain of damaged proteins, but this only occurs when you get real sleep. Sleep medication can sedate you but will not enhance your sleep quality. Alcohol significantly decreases sleep quality, causing snoring, sleep apnea, and tossing and turning.
Sleep is essential for repairing and restoring the entire body, especially the immune system. Without sleep, the immune system shuts down, leaving you vulnerable to infection.
REM sleep supports parts of the brain involved in creativity, memory, and problem-solving. It improves social interaction, emotional stability, empathy, and your mood throughout the day.
Most repair occurs during non-REM sleep, also known as deep or delta-wave sleep. As you age, non-REM delta wave sleep decreases significantly. Delta wave sleep is vital for fat burning, cell repair, and cell regeneration. It’s also when your body fights infections most effectively.
To improve your sleep quality, try the following restful sleep tips:
•Avoid alcohol
•Drink kombucha tea
•Exercise regularly
•Avoid eating too late
•Avoid eating too much protein
•Sleep in a cool, dark room
•Avoid too much caffeine
•Avoid excessive blue light
•Turn lights off a few hours before bed
•Get plenty of sun during the day
•Go to bed when you’re tired
•Avoid stimulating shows/movies before bed
Magnesium, vitamin D, and zinc are the most important nutrients for sleep. L. reuteri is a microbe that can help boost oxytocin and serotonin and improve sleep. Sodium is also vital for restful sleep.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#health #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle #intermittentfasting #lowcarb
Thanks for watching! I hope these tips improve your sleep quality. I’ll see you in the next video.
Thanks for your wisdom, and wonderful videos ~. Always appreciative 😊🌺
I also noticed that sleeping deprivation is definitely linked to vision different degeneration conditions
very true
I got that problem…
Most people will be watching this at 2am 👀
Nope, 7am for me
True 😂
4 am
20:15 H for me.
4:28am. 😢 I can’t sleep!
I basically take a series of naps during the night. I sleep 3 to 4 hours then wake for several in between. I feel so tired all the time. I will try these. I sleep good, maybe 1 to 2 nights a year.
Not alone. Exactly the same. I cant even get to sleep without melatonin. If I dont take it, I wont sleep at all.
I’ve heard that reducing phone or electronic device use before bed can help you sleep better.
Bei mir war es die letzten 10 Jahre so. Es hat sich geändert ca. 4 Wochen nachdem ich die carnivore Ernährung angefangen habe (+☕+🥛+🧄+🌰) So glücklich, wieder 7 Stunden durchschlafen zu können.
If you use caffeine, don’t have it within six or seven hours of bedtime. NONE. Don’t eat meals within four or five hours of bedtime. Don’t drink anything within three or four hours of bedtime. I always have a glass of water right when I get up, with some of Dr. Berg’s electrolyte powder in it.
Sometimes I’m thirsty right before bed, and I’ll take a couple swallows of water, but I try to avoid that by drinking enough water earlier, as I said.
You need to work on sleep hygiene. Perhaps your room is too warm for instance
When I hear about all the problems you get without good sleep I will worry about those and even get less sleep😳
Those are my thoughts as well.❤
Love and blessings dear one.
2:43 thank you doctor berg always interesting always listening to you .
Very sweet of you to worry about us, I can’t sleep ever and I look like a zombie all the time but I’m fully aware.
My sleep is interrupted every night ( technically morning) at the same time. It’s frustrating.
He made a video on that
My dad was a heavy sleeper. Went to bed early and got up after sunrise. Unfortunately Alzheimer was not avoided by his steady no-dreaming good sleep. He ate healthy ( lived in north of Norway) and was active and out in nature every day.
The only thing that frustrated him was what he watched on tv. ( or radio, only source of tech in the house) The state of the World)
All good advices but no guarantee 😢
@Nehita1111 don’t think too negative ma’am it will come to you there are always exceptions these contents improves general health of the society
take care🌹
Thank you for sharing about your dad’s life. It sounds like he led a healthy and grounded lifestyle, with a deep connection to nature and simple living—qualities we can all admire. It’s a reminder that even with good habits, some things like Alzheimer’s can be beyond our control. The way he cared about the state of the world shows a compassionate and thoughtful spirit. Sending you warmth and understanding—he sounds like he was a remarkable person. 😢💛
Very similar story to my dad😢
Unless you watched him sleep a lot, how do you know he was a heavy sleeper? Sleeping for so many hours could be a sign of low quality sleep. Or like me, I can wake up and spend hours trying to get back to sleep.
Northern Norway has SO little sunlight in the winter, he’d need to be supplementing with D vitamin and K.
I’m in central West coast Denmark, and even at these “sunnier latitudes”, I struggle with proper sleep and lethargy. I’ve increased to 30,000IU with corresponding K, Mag, zinc, and potassium. We’ll see how that goes.
Venlig hilsen fra Danmark!
(Say hello to Maj-britt from Sætre i Hurum!)
I’ve always found that if you don’t sleep well the night before your sugar will be higher all day… So it’s really important that you not eat carbs the next day or limit them.
Also listen to a doctor and he said that the best thing to do if you can’t sleep is to get up then and do something clean the bathroom, clean your kitchen. Do something constructive. And then when you feel tired again in an hour or so go back to sleep.
Sugar next day is high due to cortisol stress triggering, cortisol is a glucocorticoid, meaning increases blood glucose when it is increased
Great!!! Something else to keep me from sleeping at night!!! 😳
@soteriacharis6338. …was going to say the exact same thing.
The most crucial for good sleep is to don’t have stress
Wise words!!!
Indeed! But difficult sometimes
Easier said than done
So true cause that’s what’s keeping me up at night.😒
Absolutely agree! 😴 Sleep is so underrated, but it’s literally the foundation of our health and well-being. This video is such an important wake-up call (no pun intended) to prioritize rest before it’s too late. Thanks for spreading awareness!
100% agree! Some of the most healthy things we can do for ourselves, is often so simple 🙏
Started taking magnesium…has helped immensely. Now if the night menopausal hot flashes go away im golden 😂😂
Start taking black kohosh
Dr. Berg has a video about menopause and how the extreme symptoms of menopause are not normal or natural. They are caused from overworked adrenals and there’s a natural way to reverse the awful side effects without drugs
Oh man, I just slept 3 hrs last night. The synchronicity of this is crazy, thanks for the tips
Since I had a baby haven’t gotten much sleep. He’s 18 months old now. Can’t wait for him to grow so I can finally get more quality sleep
Chammomile Lavender lotion on the baby’s legs and feet helps them to sleep better so you can sleep better. Gripe water that is for nighttime usually will have chamomile in it as well and help baby sleep better so you can sleep better. A soothing sound machine or baby sleep time songs from YouTube helps as well. I struggled to get sleep when my child was a baby until I tried these wonderful tips. 😊 Wishing you lots of sleep!
Yikes, a year and half, I’d be dead.
Welcome to parenthood!
Sorry, but it only gets worse… you’ll be up when they’re sick, up helping them study, up wondering where they are and if they’re safe. But, they’re yours & they are a blessing from God!!!
@@pastorshawnbitner7316Until they get older and you get older they show you how they appreciate your hard work by trying to put you in a nursing home.
This Doctor needs to be cloned and put into EVERY medical school to re-educate doctors with correct information about HEALTH. He is brilliant, and a gem of a person to anyone with common sense about how to improve their health in a sustained way. I just love learning from his simple to understand videos. I respect this man immensely. 🙏🙏 🤷
You’ve helped me so much over the years, Dr. BERG. I am a menopausal woman who has struggled with sleep problems. I would also add getting rid of EMFs in bedroom. I recently stumbled upon dangers of EMFs and decided to take action. I instantly started sleeping better. Thank you again for all your videos.
Amazing. Thanks for following my advice. Take care.
Dr. Berg- What about your sleep aid capsules? Do you still recommend them?
Eat healthy, exercise and walk a mile daily, take vitamin tabs, eat black garlic and fermented cabbage such as Sauerkraut & kimchi, take one spoon of extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar, drink kombucha, kefir yogurt drink & matcha green tea and sleep well.. That’s what I’ve done and just celebrated my 70th birthday lately. 😊😊😊
Circadian rhythm is absolute key, rising and falling at the same time everyday helps so much. I fall asleep within 15 minutes of putting my head on my pillow, my job requires me to be outside doing physical exertion so I sleep like a baby without any assistance from outside chemicals.
…this man is not a ‘doctor’…
He’s a HEALER!
Thinking about all the health problems of the world is the best way of getting sick, no matter what you do to try and be healthy.
The best doctor is the one that mentors and empower the patient to have control of the own health.