Eye Floaters: What Are They & How to Get Rid of Them

Discover the best natural remedies to get rid of eye floaters!
0:00 Introduction: Eye floaters explained
0:10 What are eye floaters?
1:30 What causes eye floaters?
1:50 The best ways to get rid of eye floaters
4:00 The best foods for eye floaters
4:10 Make sure you can always find unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter!
4:32 Learn more about eye health!
Let’s talk about how to get rid of eye floaters.
Eye floaters are an accumulation of collagen fiber in a certain form that’s damaged—it’s been glycated. This means it’s stuck to a sugar molecule.
When a protein is connected to a sugar, or sugar is connected to a fat, it becomes unavailable and can clog up the body.
A lack of antioxidants, as well as a high-carb diet, can contribute to glycation.
But there are things you can do to help prevent glycation. Taking these natural remedies for eye floaters on an empty stomach may be best so they don’t interfere with other proteins.
The best natural remedies for eye floaters:
1. Choline (1000 mg per day)
2. Inositol (500 mg per day)
3. Methionine (200 mg per day)
4. L-lysine (one to three grams)
These remedies can take time to work—even months. To help enhance and speed up the process, you can try intermittent and prolonged fasting.
It’s also crucial to start cutting sugar out of your diet. Getting on the Healthy Keto® diet may help balance your blood sugar levels and increase your antioxidants to get rid of floaters.
The best foods to consume to help get rid of eye floaters:
1. Vegetables high in vitamin C
2. Meats and seafood high in zinc
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! Try these tips to get rid of eye floaters. I’ll see you in the next video.
Choline – 1000 mg
Inositol – 500 mg
Methionine – 200 mg
L-Lysine – 1-3 grams
All on empty stomach.
Vegetables high in vitamin C.
Meat/seafood high in Zinc.
Plus intermittent fasting and reduce sugar.
Yeah, try to get THAT information out of your eye doctor!
Thank you Dr. Berg!
You forgot the vegetables!
I was told by the eye surgeon that operated on Prince Albert of Monaco (Dr. Rakic of CHU in Liège) that nothing can be done safely if you’re young because the only thing to do is remove that vitrous body. When you’re young your retina sticks to that body and you risk tearing the retina. When you’re old (60-ish) it doesn’t stick anymore and you can attempt to replace the vitrous body. I’ve had floaters since I was 5 years old. I am definitely trying this!
I looked at WEBMD, Mao clinic, Healthline , nothing on nutrition or anything Dr. Berg mentioned. So sick of Western Medicine?
@@richardjacobs7632 I bet there’s a Chinese herb for this optical problem
Trying this. Went to my optometrist/ retina specialist due to a heavy floater in my right eye. He said, due to my 60 year old age that it was common and it won’t go away. I Don’t believe him!
Hi Dr Berg, thank you as always for your wise words and approach to medical problems. So informative .
I have a request, ive been suffering intermittently from Cyclic vomiting syndrome for over 20 years. In the past 12 months it has recurred after years of no symptoms (which coincided with pregnancy and then 18 months post-partum). Is this a topic that you might cover in the future? I know it’s very obscure but I’m sure many people would be able to benefit.
Thanks again, Vanessa
Had eye floaters for 2 years…went on carnivore diet! Lost 52lbs. I haven’t had eye floaters for 6 months now! Wonderful feeling….thanks , Mr. Berg! Love Ya!!!🤩👍🏻
I just realized mine are gone after reading your comment. Carnivore for 3 months.
The carnivore diet wouldn’t be necessary if these food companies would stop putting so much garbage in their recipes.
carnivore diet increased hyaluronic acid which holds vitreous fluid in the body
Carnivore is life! It’s been an absolute miracle for me.
Wow great 😃
Great information. My optometrist never told me what floaters were. Since I’ve been doing OMAD and IF 20:4, eating 4 eggs a day, and drastically lowered my sugars, I have noticed my floaters are greatly reduced. Will definitely continue eating healthy. Thank you for the info.
Same here… was told what they are but never advised what to do about them. Suddenly realized they were gone after 6 months OMAD.
What is “OMAD and IF 20:4”? Please explain.
OMAD = One Meal a Day
IF 20:4 = Intermittent Fasting, no “eating” for 20 hours
@@phillipproussier3723 one meal a day … 20 hours fasting : 4 hour eating window. No calorie restrictions just very limited carbs which trains the body to burn stored and dietary fat. Aka low carb, high fat (LCHF) 75% fats (no corn, soybean, canola, vegetable oils which are inflammatory) 20% protein and 5% carbs. Dr Berg’s website can explain in better detail than in the comments section or just search here using his name and what you are looking for
@@phillipproussier3723One Meal A Day
Intermittent Fasting, 20 hours no food, 4 hour window to eat
Whoa, I had no idea there was a name for this, let alone other people had this! Thankfully I haven’t had them for around a decade now, as almost that long ago I stopped putting sugar in my morning coffee and drastically reduced the amount of bread and pasta in my diet! Thanks again for more interesting and amazing health information, Dr. Berg! ❤️
I have floaters. I’ve had one since I was a teenager. But I’ve also come to realize that I’ve always been B 1 deficient. And for some reason I think that B1 deficiency and oxalates go hand in hand.
I started reducing my oxalate intake and then I’ve been increasing my B1 and I’ve noticed my floaters have decreased significantly.
Reduced almost immediately
what did you eat
@@colleenshea2293 I cut out potatoes and sweet potatoes. I cut out beets spinach and avocados and tea.
I did eat good meats, such as lamb or pork, or fish. Eggs–eggs are very good–I also ate skyr yogurt, bananas and a few other fruits to keep my vitamin C levels up. Veggies such as brussel sprouts, kale, asparagus.
Just get a list of all oxalates and reduce by 80%. I did have coffee, but cut out teas. But for every coffee I had I offset it with more food based B1.
I found my joints ached less and my sight was better.
how did you increase b1
@@colleenshea2293I ate foods high and b1 like eggs, bacon or pork and fish. And also some of the vegetables I mentioned previously have B1; Nutritional yeast and then occasionally took benfoteamine…
Coffee isn’t high in oxalate but it does deplete b1
AlliThiamine has been very helpful in our family. Thiamine is such an important co-factor, signs of deficiency can arise in just about any organ or tissue .. not just nervous system, and mitochondrial energy function. It is the original anti-stress vitamin and we have all had lots of that in the past 3 years.
Hi Dr Berg, I went to my specialist eye doctor and asked him about the floaters and he said they will never go away,they just get worse as you get older. I’m 70 And mine did go away after I started doing Keto. And I came to the conclusion that it was the sugar that was causing my eye problems. And he told me I was wrong, unbelievable these people are allowed to practice. Thank you for this video 🎉❤
It’s more unbelievable that they would just say NO. How about a humble, I don’t know?
@@HomesteadingForHealth yes absolutely ,thank you.
I told it similiar by eye specalist. true, I have no floaters since I stopped lifting heavy boxes. etc.
That is why optician clinics are now in high value real estate on the best street corners in town. Criminal
Mine got worse when I cut sugar. 🤷🏼♀️
Why would Dr Berg be censored?? He’s just putting out health based content that’s truly helping people. I’ve seen tons of his videos now, and not once ever, has he said or done anything wrong. What could he possibly be censored for?!
Unfortunately, the reason why they are doing this is NOT because of misinformation, its because of competition.
@@DrEricBergDC молодец жарайсың 👍
Big pharma, hospitals, big conglomerate food producers, government who are paid lackey’s (see Fauci) to censor what you need to see, and many more. They are your enemy.
In the new world order supplements and food created by God will be illegal. Under the cover of the guise of saving the world
Interesting video! I took serrapeptase for my painful knees. Didn’t help my knees at all but in 2 months my floaters went away as did shoulder pain from a botched surgery. Years later I went keto and have remained floater free.
PERFECT!!! I just figured on my own that serrapeptase would have that exact effect on eye floaters. And YOU are my confirmation!! That’s great to hear it did at least somewhat resolve an existing problem. I have them. My eyesight before was better than 20/20. A sarcoid damaged my eyes and them these annoying floaters. I have this bottle of serrapeptase looking at me every time I lift my head from the bed. I guess it’s time to get busy! Thanks for your testimony!
@@aaronmcneil3484 did it works?
How much of serrapeptase did you take at that time?
@@aaronmcneil3484 How much serrapeptase did you take at that time? How long have you taken the serrapeptase until your floaters went away?
@@Toggie511 120,000 spu daily
First time in my life that I’ve heard someone talking about this, I’m 53 now. Since I was a young kid, I always thought it was something normal. Thank you and so much gratitude, Dr. Berg and your staff for this awareness. 💛
Same here. 50 and since 1st grade I remember seeing my 1st one. Not that big of a deal unless I looked for it but over the years have got worse but all doctors and medical experts do not have or will not have a natural remedy nor a prescription.
Same here, 51 years old, never got any advice from my eye doctor. “Your eyes are aging.” Yeah, right …
Same here…can’t remember when I started seeing them but it’s a normal thing for me now.
Thanks for the info.
I never think about floaters until I notice them. They come and go for me. If this takes months to work I would not know it works since I rarely notice floaters. Sometimes I notice them a couple days in a row, then a month and no floaters.
I’m 51 and I remember having them since I was 6 or 7
I appreciate all that you do Dr. Eric Berg, thank you for sharing your knowledge free of charge with all of us who are living with discomfort and can’t afford expensive medical bills. I always look forward to watching your videos and increasing my knowledge throughout my time here on earth.
I had a time, two years ago, when my eyes were constantly dry and felt like sand was in my eyes. Itch followed and I started rubbing my eyes a bit too hard to relieve the itching. I realized I had eye floaters after that. Now I don’t scratch my eyes roughly. Thanks for all the extra info Dr. Berg
Digestive enzymes were also shown to reduce floaters. So bromelain and nattokinase are probably also worth a try(there’ve been two trials if I remember correctly).
Bromelain is super effective. Using it for 2 years now.
Dear DR. Berg, I owe you so much! I was diagnosed with diabetis in March, got a prescription for Metformin but never took it but got myself some ceylon cinnamon and ate keto, stopped consuming sugar and used erythriol instead. My blood results went from 7,4 in March to 6,4 in June and are now 5,7! I lost almost 20 pounds without starving or going through any hardships and I sleep ever so much better! I have eye floaters too, from early childhood on. All my eye doctor said was : “that’s normal, your eyes are aging.” Now I will try your method and I’m sure I will finally get rid of these ennerving little worms! Thank you so much and greetings from germany!
Wow, that’s great!
Do not use erythriol it is toxic to your heart, search on it and you will see new studies. Try out chromium and vanadium and cycling berberine as in for example 5 days on berberine and 2 days of or a couple of weeks on and a week of. It works great i fixed both my parents too high blood sugar with this. Read up on it, it works
“God helps those who help themselves”
The Bible doesn’t say that.
This is one of the reasons why I immensly appreciate your fantastic work Dr.Berg! 💖🧬
You show the bright side of science where , demonstrating at the same time beauty of nature through it and the complexity of the human body but
I noticed I had a few of these a very long time ago but couldn’t ever find information about it. And certainely not their origin and how to get ride of it.
*I also noticed there are some concentrical circles like round cells. I don’t know what are those.*
I hope, Doctor, that you continue to publish about the Eye Floaters. Everyone should talk about this so that people become aware. All the people I’ve known have the Eye Floaters, and they’re all around 20 years old. It’s different with adults It should be noted in the context that not only young people are affected by this, but even adults, and even children of a young age.
. I hope that if you discover anything new about this, you share it with us. Thank you.
I love this Dr. He even shows us the food sources for healing. God bless his health, family and prosperity 🙏 ❤
Thank you, Dr. Berg! I’ve been dealing with floaters for over a year, and there’s no way I’m having a laser, also known to cause vision loss, zapping my eye.❤
I have seen people who eyes are so red after laser surgery they look like they are on drugs. I like what you did.
Before August 2022 I had at least 2 floaters, 1 in each eye. I stopped eating sugar and high carbs and stuck to a one meal a day regimen. Today I have no floaters and have lost over 30kg (65+lbs)Thank you Dr Berg for waking me up.
Fantastic! Well done!
How many days after dieting did your floaters go away?
When do you take your meal? breakfast or lunch?
I noticed a change in 3-4 weeks@@md.habibullah691
generally mid-late afternoon. i choose a 4 hour period of eating @@user-ko4oc5sc5z
Floaters can also be Red Blood Cells (they look like fruit flies except they move when you look at them, so you know they are floaters, but basically little black dots rather than stringy stuff), and they can also be your eye jelly coming apart as you age. This happened to me, and I thought I had a retinal tear as I saw blue flashes at night when I glanced behind me to pull out in my car. I got it checked out, and they said the jelly was coming off my retina, but the retina was OK. It’s apparently now swimming in my eyes like macaroni, and I have a big blob of defocus swimming back and forth which is annoying. I wish they could just suck it out, but they’re obviously worried if they did it might tear my retina on the way out. If you see a sudden increase in the little black dots, you need to see your eye doctor IMMEDIATELY, because it means you might have ruptured a capillary for some reason. But I’ve had one or two all my life since childhood, no problemo.