Drink 1 Cup Per Day for Depression

Check out this natural and effective drink that may help combat depression without the side effects that can accompany pharmaceutical drugs.
Watch the Interview Here:
0:00 Introduction: Drink that can help with depression
0:48 What causes depression?
1:10 Benefits of green tea
2:49 How much green tea to drink
3:00 Other natural methods to combat depression
Let’s discuss the many benefits of green tea and how it can help with depression. But what exactly is green tea?
Green tea is a drink made from unfermented leaves, which makes it different from other types of tea. It contains many pharmacologically active compounds that have been found to have numerous health benefits.
One of these benefits is its ability to reduce depression. Studies have shown that drinking just three cups of green tea per week can reduce depression by 21 percent, while drinking one cup per day versus four cups per day can bump up the reduction of depression by 51 percent.
But how exactly does green tea help with depression?
Green tea has been found to have an impact on certain areas of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens, which are involved in addiction.
It also affects the hippocampus, which plays a role in cognitive function, memory, and learning.
Another compound found in green tea is L-theanine, an amino acid that helps with mood stabilization and has been shown to improve depression directly.
But the benefits of green tea don’t stop there. Studies have also shown it to be anti-carcinogenic, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective. It has even been found to reverse age-related cognitive decline.
But drinking green tea isn’t the only natural way to combat depression. Here are some other methods you can try:
• Exercise: A study found that exercise may have effects similar to Zoloft in reducing symptoms of depression. High-intensity interval training has been proven to be particularly beneficial for those with depression and anxiety.
• Vitamin D: Deficiency in this essential nutrient has been linked to a higher risk of depression, so get enough sunlight and take a vitamin D supplement.
• Fasting: Fasting has been found to have survival properties that can help our bodies function better, including reducing symptoms of depression.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! Remember to drink at least one cup of green tea per day and try incorporating these other natural methods into your routine for a happier, healthier life. I’ll see you in the next video.
I wouldn’t be surprised if just getting more nutrients like calcium and magnesium would do more to treat depression than those antidepressants.
Plus sunlight , omega 3 and exercise🙌🏻
Jezcze wit C w duzych ilościach:)))
Switch over to carnivore diet… I have come across some videos here on u2be made by MDs that are claiming big gains in that area by using carnivore diet. Check it out.
Even getting out for a walk! Just get outside and go around your block and notice things. I’m in my 70’s and try to have a little walk every day. Do it and have some fun!
Will definitely add green tea to my daily routine.
It can cause stomach pain , best drink with food not on an empty stomach.
Caffeine hurts my stomach so fresh ginger really helps my stomach
Drink coffee / caffeinated tea after eating something so as not to on an empty belly
I’ve found extreme nausea with any Tea on an empty stomach. Even a few bits of oatmeal is enough to stop that from happening though.
Add some turmeric and honey. Yummmmm
Could try cold brewing
@@solocamo3654that happened to me!!
After reading about how millions of pounds of toxic substances yearly are released into Texas, Indiana, Alaska, California, etc. waters, it wouldn’t hurt to add a bunch of Sun Chlorella to that green tea! 💯 Thank you, Dr. Berg, for sharing this remedy with us! Have a great Sunday, y’all! 🙂
How would I do that
@@blackkurosaki4565just mix it in
Louisiana arguably has more toxic substances pumped and dumped among the states mentioned
Please provide your research. Never heard of this.
What about Ze sad trails sprayed into the atmosphere?
Thank you, Dr Berg. Wishing everyone here an amazing day! ❤🎉❤
You too!
Micro sprints, running like you had a tiger behind you, while counting “1 elephant, 2 elephants, 3 elephants, 4 elephants, 5 elephants and stop” this has rapidly reset my daughter’s depression, insomnia and fatigue, it’s the #1 remedy.
Micro sprints?
@@Emoney13777 Small runs (10 seconds)
@@Emoney13777 MacroJogs
How many reps and rest in between
Or, walking heal to toe as fast as you can for 60 seconds, then continue walking to catch breath and do again. 3 reps and done. Proven the best for entire cardiovascular system. Don’t feel bad if you can’t do 60 seconds at first, it’s tougher than you might expect
Family problems lead to depression. No amount of tea can fix that.
@bird271828. I agree but if any inexpensive substance can help a little bit, I’m all for it. Anything that can help you feel more in control is helpful.
I feel ya. But tea can for sure help your body cope and then take the next steps. It starts with the mindset too. If you don’t think tea will help at all then it probably won’t. But if you test different blends and study herbal medicine you can find a healthier path in all areas. I’m not a doctor but I’ve managed depression most of my life with the help of teas and herbs. Most healing opportunities I have had to learn because I’m already to so many meds I’ve always been into naturally healing methods and nutrition. It’s a fascinating journey.
Dumb comment. Your diet directly affects your state of mind. Ppl like you will go depressed their entire lives blaming it on external things. Time to wake up
Faith in God is a great help🥰
Maybe try to change the way you look at things. Adjust your mindset will help.
Green Tea, Vitamin D, HIIT excercise and Fasting reduces Depression and Stress..
Thank you Dr Berg! 😺👍
What about capitalism?
@@Joe-qv7jk Capitalism leads to Colonial Imperialism, when that happens, resistance becomes duty..Viva Revolution! 🫠
I think one antidepressant tablet can do better.
walking is way better for you than HIIT
You don’t need HIIT, a study showed that walking 12,000 steps a day does wonders for mental health. I can testify to that, as I’ve been walking between 10k-15k steps a day for over a year, and my PTSD symptoms are almost gone and I’m in a much better mood.
Great one Dr! L Theanine is supposed to help with anxiety. L Theanine is found in Matcha Green tea, and green tea. I have been trying some of Charles Atlas tension book and exercises.Fasting and Vitamin D, great tips.
I drink 1-2 cups of loose leaf green tea every morning, before my workout. Instead of coffee:) love it.
Husband and I love your vitamins Dr Berg! Seriously life changing!!!! We did Keto— he lost 85lbs! I lost 65lbs! We still fast and eat keto meals. We also” ground “ twice per day. We feel better, he was told he had to take blood pressure meds, insulin, he had severe depression, anxiety, beginnings of Alzheimer’s… he was 100% disabled per the VA. Thanks to you… he stopped drinking alcohol, started green tea, eating better and feeling better. Only thing is he was a Camp Lejeune Marine…. Chemical damage to brain and nerves. However…. his mood, health and outlook are much better and depression is minimal…. Thank you! If you only had an idea of how powerful your words are and life changing your education is – the VA doctors are amazed. You have a heart Gold! 🏆🥹
Wow. Awesome. One day at a time. Thank you for sharing. Hugs.
Don’t give up! Longer fasts may help your husband through autophagy. Along with colostrum!
I’d like to add taking long walks in places you love… woods… trails… your neighborhood or nearby…… anywhere.
big fan of woods myself…
Where I live in the US, we have lots of Rails-to-Trails to walk on, and they are awesome. There’s lots of flowing streams and small waterfalls next to them which I also find therapeutic.
Fan of woods just not the tics
Zinc, I repeat, zinc. And too much copper. One of the most (if not THE most) important pair of minerals to look out for when we have any kind of mental problem.
Would you be able to elaborate?
Love the story of the suicidal guy that inadvertently fasted and healed himself. Dr. Berg you are so wonderful and I so appreciate you!
69th like ✊️🤮👍
I’m so glad that guy went with the fasting. I once did the same for 3 days with similar self harm motives but by the end I felt so much better despite being a little ruined, because I was still going around doing all my daily tasks without EVEN WATER! Now though I’d definitely fast with water and minerals. It was a wonderful lesson.
I have dealt with low mood my entire adult life. 10 months of Keto has helped a lot. I went off Keto when on vacation a couple weeks back in Florida. I had a depressive episode and ended up in bed by 6:30 pm on night. Anyhow I’m back on track. Just added in long walks, sitting out in the sun and now green tea is next. I am due for my annual physical and am going to wean off of Effexor. Been on it for 20 years. Thanks for everything Dr. Berg.
Magnesium Helps With Depression & Anxiety 🎉
I’ve been exercising on a consistent basis, fasting & taking vitamin D has severely decreased depression for me. I’m definitely going to drink more tea. Thank you Dr.
My beautiful brother just passed from cancer,we are all crushed. This video will help me for sure, thanks doc
First of all, sorry for your loss❤ Secondly good social relations help the mood.
Sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family 🙏💓🌹
Sending hugs to you!!
I’m so sorry for your loss & I pray God will pour out His mighty awesome power & love & peace & blessings & comfort in every way today!!
WOW, Dr. B. I am so depressed right now because of a great loss due to my stupidity(!) I will try your formula (but I will still look to Jesus ultimately.) Thank you!
I have said it once and i REPEAT it again – Dr Berg’s content NEEDS to be shared across social media and spread out to your loved ones. This guy is potentially saving so many lives.
Totally agree ❤️