Do This BEFORE Fasting! #shorts #wellnesstips #nutriton #diet #weightloss #healthyliving
Many people find themselves unsuccessful with fasting, here is why…
The truth is that you need to prepare your body for a fast, not just show up to the fast hyped up on caffeine and sugar, unprepared for the massive crash you are about to experience.
Brain Fog
Can’t sleep at night.
Instead, prime your physiology to manage the fast with ease by changing your diet a week in advance.
Smart strategies will find you success.
Stay Healthy! Dr. Z
Posted in Health Topics
And yet, I hear that you can take black coffee while you’re fasting..
This so so true
If I could cut carbs, sugar and caffeine, why would I fast?
😂 lol
That’s a comfortable way to start a fast
I fasted 3day water fast without all that it’s good on me