Do NOT Make These Mistakes (Especially After 50)

Are these unhealthy habits sabotaging your health? Learn about the top common health mistakes to avoid, especially for people over 50. Even if you’re under 50, you’ll want to avoid these mistakes!
0:00 Introduction: Unhealthy mistakes to avoid
0:32 The top common health mistakes
1:53 Vitamin D
2:54 Magnesium
3:14 Zinc
3:29 Avoid these mistakes with supplements
5:20 The worst diet advice for menopause
6:33 Dietary health mistakes to avoid
8:13 Frequent eating
9:03 Autoimmune diseases
10:34 The importance of gut health
Simple choices could be the reason why you’re not healthy. These unhealthy habits can be especially problematic if you’re over 50.
1. Don’t take health advice from inexperienced people.
2. Don’t be too quick to accept a diagnosis.
3. Avoid solutions that create more problems.
4. Avoid excessive stress.
The most important nutrient for people over 50 is vitamin D. Vitamin D influences 10% of your genes. You need at least 10,000 IU of vitamin D or more to produce a therapeutic effect. Doctors worldwide are using vitamin D3 for many health concerns, including autoimmune diseases, eye problems, and fibroids.
Magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D work together in a synergistic relationship. Magnesium is vital for heart health and energy. Avoid calcium and iron supplements as you age. It’s very difficult to rid the body of excess iron.
You don’t need to avoid salt! Opt for sea salt and make sure you’re getting plenty of potassium. Sodium deficiency can cause increased cortisol levels, which can interfere with sleep.
Cholesterol is an essential building block of sex hormones, so you must get enough after menopause. Cholesterol is essential for our brain, bile salts, and other hormones. Butter, eggs, dairy, and shellfish are the best dietary sources of cholesterol.
Focus on removing carbs from the diet and prioritizing quality protein. Grass-fed beef or lamb is the best source of protein.
Frequent eating stimulates insulin, which is the root cause of many chronic illnesses, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and a fatty liver.
Autoimmune diseases are related to low vitamin D and the microbes, viruses, and other pathogens that downgrade the vitamin D receptor. After severe stress or shock, your immune system becomes suppressed, leaving you vulnerable to autoimmune disease.
It’s vital to understand the importance of the microbiome as an organ, especially when you’re over 50. When you take an antibiotic, your microbes don’t always return. Gut health supports immune function, neurotransmitter production, mood, cognitive function, digestion, nutrient production, sleep, and even protects us against cancer.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope you’ll avoid these common health mistakes, especially if you’re over 50. I’ll see you in the next video.
If youtube told me I can subscribe to only one channel, this would be it without any hesitation. Thank you Dr.Berg!
Very well said
Plus knees over toes guy.i ve no connection except he cured my knees.
Health knees can lead to a well healed (heeled) person.
Add Dr mandell
Me too!
I voted for Dr. Berg as an RFK MAHA consultant group. Dr. Berg helps people hear what their doctor WILL NOT tell them.
Me too! ♥️Dr Berg is awesome!!
I did too, he’s brilliant and I listen to him.
I was going to do that but missed the link—-
Any help finding that link?
Me too!!✌️
I did too.
I had a stressful job. I was driving 3 hours a day. I was my husband’s caretaker, too. It caught up with me and i developed diverticulitis, spondylitis, vertigo. I landed in the hospital. It took a lot of life changes and a couple of years to detox. Thank you for teaching me what my Dr wouldn’t. Your videos last longer than my dr visits.
Good for you. I’m 44 and am not in the best health. I used to be so healthy. It’s depressing
@@zzizahacallarhonestly, don’t underestimate the resilience of your body, just have the courage to provide it with what it needs now. Bless your persistence, be well asap.⚓🙏🌱
That’s great! I wish I focused more on stress and nutrition when I was younger. Now I’m in my 50’s trying to get healthy
@@salvalopeIt’s never too late. The fact that your trying to start now is great. I’m sure there are some in their 60s and 70s wishing they knew this information in their 50s. 😊
I’m 56 years old and I feel like I’m in my 30s. I actually feel better than I did when I was in my 30s because as I got older I became healthier. Whenever my Doctor has tried to offer me anything for like borderline cholesterol or anything I tell her straight to her face I am very anti pharmaceutical. I had An issue with a nerve down my right leg. After an MRI and a nerve conduction study They wanted to give me Gabapenton for it and I refused and Because 2 days before that final appointment I did a yoga class and got tremendous relief. I completely got rid of it with yoga I don’t eat a lot of food either and I do a lot of intermittent fasting.. I’m also a court reporter and I have to say my brain is so much sharper than people that are younger than me.
I was misdiagnosed at the hospital. I told them I disagreed with their decision but they wouldn’t listen. After 2 treatments, I didn’t need, they announced they were wrong, didn’t know what was wrong and were going to experiment more! I ended up being escorted out of the hospital by security because I was livid at one doctor who continually hurt me. Stress from the medical system galore.
How many allergies did you list on your intake paperwork?
I’m sorry. How terrible. I hope you’re getting the treatment you need now.
Thank you for telling your story since it reinforces my desire to stay the heck away from doctors and hospitals.
A badge of honor.
Congratulations for standing up against the system that kills millions.
Happened to me too. I told the Dr what I was exposed to and asked to be tested for it. He said he will but instead he falsely diagnosed me. I asked for test results for exposure. He said there are none and I got a whopper of a bill. I was going to sue but they accepted a hardship case and I did not have to pay. And guess what, when I was no longer exposed by moving away… I was healed. That was 20 years ago
Im 64 and former couch pillow seeking health and fitness through Dr.Berg-
Intermittent fasting is key-
First meal noon- last meal 6 pm= 18 hours of fasting!
Autophagy cleans out your defective mitochondria!
❤love yourself!
I’ve never heard of couch pillow, I ve heard it said couch potato 🥔😂
Do you do this fast everyday? I’m 66 and have been doing the same for a couple of years (18hours) but just twice a week, I have definitely felt the benefits along with diet change leaning towards keto
Intermittent fasting is great, unfortunately it’s almost impossible for me to do when waking up @ 4am to start work @ 6am. My body wants food:)
I’m 70 and intermittent fasting just feels good to me. I feel so such better after a 16hr fast.
He mentioned stress,by far the worst thing that impacts our health.We can literally make ourselves sick if we don’t know how to relax!
It just makes me wonder how much that affects the health stats we’ve seen since 2020. I know I had things like psoriasis come out of nowhere that were from stress overload. I suppose it could’ve been shedding but I’ve been so stressed.
Yes, stress is a big killer
@mamandapanda185 I never had it, then suddenly my body was covered with it. I left my cheating husband and it completely disappeared! Stress plays a huge part on our health!
Stress changes our biochemistry, realeses stress hormones…and this affects long term our bodies.
Even acute stress…or chronic or both.
Also, stress depletes rapidly all our nutrients.
Go figure if the stress is prolonged, decades even and acute also in the mix.
A little stress here and there is maybe ok.
But i think, most have of everything to much stresses.
This man is a “non-cape wearing hero”.❤❤❤❤❤
People from Cape Canaveral agree.
I bet he has a cape in his closet somewhere?
Absolutely agree! True heroes don’t need capes—they inspire and make a difference with their actions.
Dance hard
Sing loud
Sleep soundly
Eat healthy heartily
But stop eating all the time
Love strongly
Smile broadly
Hug warmly
Share gladly
Walk often
Walk farther than you ever have
Stay busy but recreate too.
Sometimes do nothing! Just lay out and lounge
Do your hobbies
Learn to do something new
Change your own car oil
Do things you like
Better yet, Do things you love
…..and, LISTEN TO DR. BERG!😊
Listen to God,praise God, THANK JESUS CHRIST ALWAYS
Thank You,God bless You 🙏
That’s quite a variety(!) Sounds WORKABLE.
What is but stol eating?
Ooops my typo
I’ll edit correct it 😊
FINALLY someone saying to do the opposite of what your doc says about nutrition. I have done the opposite of what my doc recommended and I have never felt better.
@@bobby123321bvbv 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
91 years old no medication. Thank you Lord.
What’s your Secret ?
You should thank your genetics, environment, and lifestyle-not “the lord” lol
@@arlenchan3554” the lord” haha
Awesome! I often surprise medical professionals, when I say I’m on no meds… I’m only 58.
66, no meds, sleep very well, 2 meals a day, local honey every day, apple cider vinegar every day, elderberry syrup every day, oil pulling every morning, food grade diatomaceous earth 2-3 times/week, take supplements every day D3, C, zinc, magnesium, liquid B complex, quercetin and chlorella …. I feel amazing and have tons of energy! I walk 3-5 miles/day too. Thank you Dr Berg, you have influenced me a ton! ❤❤❤😊🎉
What is oil pulling?
@@sakthimilstoremilltec1709 do you mean, these oils are the first thing you consume after you get up in the morning? Or is there a more specific protocol?
@@tdeo2141 you put the oil in your mouth, swirl it, gargle it, for 1-3 minutes, then spit it out. That’s what at least I’ve heard. I do that and it’s awesome.
@@vonbullfrog6658 – Probably easier if you look up oil pulling on YT. ❤
The fact that we get free videos from Dr. Berg on YouTube is priceless; keeping the education and knowledge alive. 🙏🙏🙏
Such a huge blessing I’m so thankful
Happy to share videos that can help you all.
@@Drbergi take 5000IU of D3. Im 57. Is that not enough?
Do i take it together at the same time with K2 or take them separate at different times of the day? I hear mixed info out there.
Whats happening that i cant comment on your videos sometimes, thats why i had to come inside someone elses comment to see if it posts. Lets see.
I think you can take together bc the one he sells comes together
@@MilenaKoncar A few medical websites indicate to take both the D3 and K2 together, best for breakfast or lunch (when we’re usually synthesizing D3 from the sun). Your dosage seems ok but blood testing will indicate any deficiencies especially if you work with a licensed nutritionist / functional medicine doctor.
Thank you Dr. Berg, i grew up in Europe and we were very poor so we only ate the food that u talk about. Till this day i can’t eat junk food or much sweets. The sweets i eat is dark chocolate 90%.
I am 73 and have no heath issues.
1:30 D3, magnesium, zinc
5:20 Cholesterol
6:55 *Proteins*
8:10 2MAD
10:35 Gut microbiome
What is 2MAD?
@@kisutis 2 meals a day
@@kisutis OMAD = one meal a day
2 meals a day@@kisutis
I have always been overweight and tried every diet under the book. It was only by chance I met someone in a clothing shop who heard me muttering about the lack of XXL clothing. He told me about Dr Berg and keto diet/intermittent fasting. In a year I have lost 5 stones following the 16/8 eating plan in cutting Carbs and controlling my insulin spikes. I used to get out of breath climbing stairs, my knees, back, ankles all hurt. I used to suffer heartburn and sleep disorder. People who’ve not seen me for a little while have complimented me on my weight loss and how good my skin looks. I’m not sure if he reads the YouTube comments but thank you Dr Berg for your amazing advice which has transformed my life and probably added 15 years to my lifespan.
Whoa, NICE!!
5 stones=70 pounds. Who measures their weight in stones?
@@Anthony_The_Disney_GuyPeople in the UK, we use stones and pounds!
I have lost 3 stones. My goal is 5. I have found carnivore to be the easiest ketogenic diet for me. I’m really stalled because I’m putting on muscle. But still losing fat.
@@Anthony_The_Disney_GuyScott’s and those of us who are into such archane systems.
Turning 70 and feeling grateful every day. Praise God for the gift of health! ☺🙏
Wishing you a very happy birthday! Keep doing great!
@@Drberg Thank you so much. God bless you ❤
This was such a clear and concise explanation of common health pitfalls and how to avoid them. I particularly found the insights on vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc invaluable, especially how they work together to improve overall health. The advice about gut health and the dangers of excess iron and calcium was a great reminder of the nuances of nutrition that often get overlooked. Thanks for taking the time to share such actionable information!
Will be 73 on 19 December.Thank God for the Blessings of having good health.
I’ll be 58 on 12/20. Happy Birthday to us!🎉
I thank God daily for my life, waking up each day and being able to enjoy life, be there for my three children and family and friends, and try and spread some foodness each day. Thank you our father almighty. ❤
Amen 🙌
This just reminded me of something about keto diet, this book called “The 23 Former Doctor Truths by Lauren Clark”. My health shifted in a whole new way.