Do NOT Ignore This!

Junk food companies flood the market with ultra-processed, addictive foods, while pharmaceutical companies sell you pills to "fix" the symptoms these foods cause. But here’s the truth: chronic disease is mostly caused by diet.
#health #healthtips #nutrition #drberg #bigpharma #junkfood #ultraprocessedfoods #foodindustry
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#health #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle #intermittentfasting #lowcarb
It has to be broken down like this for people to get it! Some people I know really believe there’s ‘healthly options’ at McDonald’s 😂
@@InfiniteLife.. Lola I DO NOT EAT , fast foods
Unfortunately, I have a few people in my family that think this way.
Maybe a salad with your own chemical free dressing
Order only beef patties a la carte.
@@thehappyhickmanhomestead3911 or a gmo grown fruit bag with the cut up little apples and grapes that sit in the plastic bag for days and absorb the carcinogenic chemicals 😂🤦♀️ to be fair that’s most shops now here in uk, if you buy food on the go for convenience.
Salad boxes etc anything considered health comes in plastic packaging even nuts and seeds.
Yesterday evening my Gall bladder/Liver, And My Kidney’s were aching. I do not want to go to the doctors, as, I, do not trust them. Today all feels good inside. I listen to your videos. I will go look in archive, and, do what you suggested
My symptoms like your describing occur everytime I consume more sweets than usual.
Well-wishes ❤
@ I really don’t eat sweets. Fresh fruit, tho
@@EarmuffHugger I really don’t eat sweets, strawberries, are in bloom here. I have been eating those.
Makes sense. Glad the information helps. Do well!
God bless you Dr Berg richly in all your endeavors.
DR. BERG!!! ❤️
Thanks Zara!
Thanks, Dr. Eric Berg informative video. 👍
Most welcome, Dolores! Thanks for all your support!
And here I am who is intermittent fasting for 16/18 hrs a day. Eat ing low carb no sugars no snacks but still my sugar is so high. Also my food taking too long to digest. Tell me what is going on with my body. I have no gallbladder and had a complete hysterectomy! I am trying my best . All my muscles are so painful evermusle in my body hurts. I drink herbal tea most of the day to help for my water intake. This tea is made iwith curumin tumeric, ginger herbal a tea bag Yerba Matte and no sugar or milk a pinch of black pepper it taste really bad but I drink it anyways . So what am I doing wrong? I have lost all my weight now my muscles have all break down. Someone said I am not eating enough protein or fats . And another one said I need resistance training with weights. I am giving up I don’t take any medication for anything I am 71 years old . I feel like giving up my doctor is of no help if I mentioned a doctor I looked on YouTube including Dr Berg he says to me to stop looking at any doc on YT just listen to him. I left his office and never went back. So now I am just trying to follow ing YouTube doctors to help me. I feel like just throwing in the towel just give up. I had a lot of stress when hubby was diagnosed with Cancer. And me fighting to have him change his diet etc he believes in doctors and their meds.
My neighbor is plagued with so many health issues, she eats nothing but junk, I suggested that she change the way she eats, she said that she knows. People are their worst enemies.
Addiction is real
@@deem4735 It really is an addiction. 😢
An adict knows what they are doing is wrong, but they can’t stop themselves
Maybe it will help her to read or watch something from Dr. Gabor mate? Good information is a good start. All the best ❤
Do you live next to my sister? 😂😔
This is a real Dr. I have no confidence in our medical system and FDA NIH etc.
He’s only a trained chiropractor and has zero medical background
stereotyping and making monoliths of any system or organization is only a first step, but we cannot throw the babies out with the bathwater. We must rise up and show the food industry that they need to deliver real and whole food because that is what we will buy: low or no processed, no or low isolated sugars, etc. Sadly, we are wired to go for the fat and sugar, and whole foods are just not easy to access.
So many Americans do not want regulation, but shouldn’t highly processed added sugar foods carry warning labels, some of them outlawed?
Degree means nothing, you can gain knowledge by reading books . @@TheToddsvlog
You either eat food, or processed edibles. Most of the aisles in grocery stores are devoted to processed edibles.
Yep. Anything that comes in a box or can’s were not meant to be eaten by humans. I stay away from the middle aisles of the grocery store unless it’s for non-food stuff. Only the veggie, dairy, and meat sections of the grocery store for me.
It’s frightening walking down the grocery store isles.
@morgienaicker7353 It is frightening. You have to imagine that pretty much everything in those aisles has come from a plant, on a conveyor belt, and is filled with ingredients that are unnaturally processed into a product not designed for our bodies.
Nothing but the truth
Diet is everything ❤We need food to not be sprayed,animals to be grass fed, free roaming chickens.,stay as natural as you can….❤Devil comes at us in so many ways .
yeah I challenge my dr this week. i said stop trying to give me new prescriptions until you can find the root cause.of my medical problems. its time we patients take a stand
He wasnt taught in medical school to find root cause. Medical schools are funded by BigPharma. They teach doctors to prescribe for symptoms, am afraid
Stop being patient with those who Doctor you. Better yet, stop going to those who secretly alter you and change your original meaning and purpose.
God bless you richly in all your endeavors Dr Berg.
You have enlightened me on the path to wellness. We need more doctors like you. Keep up the good fight.
Dr. Berg has been my only doctor for many years. ❤
Thank you for telling the truth 👏
The food industry has created a closed loop of profit . They have stock in toxic food system and they own big pharma to treat symptoms of the toxic food system.
Thank you Dr Berg we are living in a crazy world i myself always want to eat healthy but it’s so hard to mention it to friends and family they don’t want to s listen they always think they know best not caring whether they hurt you are not when you care about health.
You are the real doctor. I’ve been following your guidance for years.
I recently just quit my cholesterol meds..I’ve had it with doctors shaming you into meds …now I know the truth about cholesterol
I had my first heart surgery at 35. I am now 55. They put me on statins which almost completely destroyed my health and quality of life. I quit them years ago and I feel better than ever.
Dr Berg you are amazing. Thank you so much for your tireless effort to educate people. I am so lycky having grown up in Continental Europe on a very healthy diet. I actually crave healthy food. Having lived in the UK for all my adult life i immediately realized how terrible people eat here – most if them. Almost as bad as in the US. Its gotten better over the past decade in terms of what is on offer and my partner and I manage to have a very healthy diet, ketogenic with intermittent fasting. I am 54 and have no health issues, same weight as in my 20s. My partner is 65 and the same. The majority of people here are so uneducated when it comes to food. They got the best produce at their fingertips from local farms and what do they eat? Take aways, junk food and rubbish. Your work is so important!!!!
Hello ,,,happened all over the world,,,thank U Dr berc ,,may ALLAH grant u his blessings for saving humans.
Respect and love from Pakistan