Destroys You Immune System #wellness #smb #smallbusiness #health #diet #immunehealth #shorts

I couldn’t disagree more with modern healthcare…
I will be particular with my words because I know the gatekeepers which run this platform will not approve this message.
Almost everything you have heard about how your immune system works and how you could contract a virus has been a lie.
“Stand 6 feet apart”, “Wear a mask at all times”, “Go get the xxx or you don’t care about grandma”
Not one of these statements has any real scientific evidence behind it, and not a single person who told you this will take accountability that it is wrong.
The “expert class” will have you believe that your body is flawed and needs their intervention otherwise you cannot survive. Turns out that is a good belief system to brain wash you with considering they get filthy rich from it. They scare you to believe you cannot make it through a season of life without their product.
What they are NOT telling you is that your body is innately intelligent and knows exactly what to do as long as you take care of it and give it the tools it needs to thrive. Your immune system needs particular nutrients to be healthy and when lacking these nutrients it cannot function to its optimum potential.
Nutrients like vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, & NAC all play a critical role in your immune systems ability to not only destroy a pathogen, but adapt and protect you for years to come.
This is why I urged everyone not only for the past 3 years but still today to focus on real immune boosters. I developed one of the best immune supports for the Wellness Warriors called “Immune Essentials” that includes all of the nutrients I just mentioned because I think its so important.
Take control of your health, become empowered, get inspired to improve your health, understand that your body is uniquely intelligent, don’t listen to all the fear mongering. Take care of your body and it will take care of you.
You don’t need to override your immune system because its flawed, you just need to give your immune system the tools to do its job because its wildly intelligent.
Stay Healthy – Dr. Z
Thank you for the information! It’s not vegetable, but what about cottonseed oil? It’s on the ingredient list of many things I see! And is awful!
Stick to animal fats. If you must, cold pressed avacado and or olive oil would be ok, but not optimal.
Facts! Stick to animal fats. FORMER metabolically unhealthy T2D.
I would give anything for my wife to believe this.