Destroy Belly Fat By Avoiding This…

Burn belly fat naturally forever. No more yo-yo diets or a belly that keeps expanding. Get lean, lose the belly fat and get healthy.
🔴Blood Work Course
🔷 How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally Without Exercise:
🔷 #1 Absolute Best Way To Lose Belly Fat For Good – Doctor Explains:
🔷 10 Mistakes Stopping You From Losing Belly Fat – Real Doctor Reviews:
🔷 Lose Belly Fat With Breathing Exercises: Amazing Science! Doctor Explains:
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Welcome to Lose Belly Fat by Dr. Sten Ekberg; a series where I try to tackle the most important health issues of the day in a natural and safe way including the benefits of intermittent fasting, fasting and autophagy. If you have suggestion for the next topic leave your comment below. Remember to make your comments positive and uplifting even if you disagree with something that was said by me or others.
🔷 Lose Belly Fat Series:
🌿 This is a Holistic Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Holistic Health and Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete and holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. Learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Doctor Ekberg covers and explains health in an easy to understand way. There will be health tips like how to lose weight, what to eat, best nutrition, low carb diet, cold hands & feet, holistic health tips, pain relief, lower blood pressure, reverse diabetes naturally, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, keto diet explained, brain health tips, stretches & more from a real doctor.
Dr Sten Ekberg
Wellness For Life
5920 Odell St
CummingGA 30040
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING & LIKING. Let us know if you have any health questions in the comment section below the video. The goal of this channel is to educate you in easy to understand terms on what true holistic health is.
All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
Typical legal disclaimer (doctor occupational hazard): This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Sorry! Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor to obtain advice with respect to any particular health issue or condition. Nothing here should be construed to form an doctor patient relationship. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Wellness For Life and Dr. Sten Ekberg are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. But if you click, it really helps me make more of these videos!
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🔥Watch this video next to learn more about getting healthy🔷 How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally Without Exercise:
🔷 #1 Absolute Best Way To Lose Belly Fat For Good – Doctor Explains:
Tack så mycket Doctor Ekberg.
You have given me a full package of holistic info.
I’m suffering ALL these problems you’ve mentioned…plus being postmenopsusal😢.
From what you’ve said I might even have the combination of leaky gut?
Please would you also provide an exact package of foods that I need to stick to?
No dieticians, medical doctors in the medical fields are looking at these issues as one holistic problem. This has been sending me round in circles without helping me, such that I am now trying to find my own treatment.
Thanks so much Dr. Ekberg. I’m going to work on ME and will return soon to give you feedback.
Hi doc.Kindly make videos on diseases a common man is affected,causes, how to overcome naturally and supplements if required
I do all those and still have belly fat. I think one important thing missing on the list is that belly fat is hormone related , I have belly fat only since menopause. Crazy that very few doctors seem to acknowledge that.
Keep it coming! Sugar: check. Stress:…ah…
Thank you @jumb0j0ck. I appreciate the feedback. Keep learning of ways to counteract and manage stress. Thanks for watching.😄
I’ve long since decided I’m not giving up on my stress. Been married to him this long. 😆
@@KismetWLS Amen, LOL!
Thank you for teaching us! Around the time I hit perimenopause is when I realized I needed to say goodbye to sugar. I am now 55, and I do not have belly fat! I focus on protein, fat, and fiber at every meal, and I exercise. My weight stays where I want it. My stress level remains stable. I do not feel tired during the day. Once the sugar was completely eliminated from my diet, the cravings for it stopped. ❤
I cut it out several months ago and still crave it so bad. I am a total addict.
@@GenRNdont you have any defiences? Like you need some multivitamin?
My whole life I never even liked sugar … UNTIL I hit perimenopause. Gained 50 pound but down 25… it’s slowly coming off because my cravings are so bad. Ugh !
Does anyone use sweeteners in stead, and does it help, or are sweeteners just as bad? Tnx
Thank you @rachelmcgill8143 for sharing your great results and helping inspire others. That is so awesome. Cravings usually go away when we eliminate the thing we crave. Keep it up! 😄
I remember those days when I would be hungry every couple hours. I ate hundreds and hundreds of carbohydrates and sugar. That was just 20 months ago. Practicing keto and intermittent fasting now has changed me completely. I now wear 32 inch pants, never have trouble sleeping at night, never hungry or drained of energy. I do not take a pill or medication of any kind. It is the biggest change in my life that has ever happened.
Thank you @bug8502 for sharing your great results and helping inspire others. That is so awesome. I am thrilled that you have seen such great results. Keep it up! 😄
I think Keto is the best diet. But thats just an opinion
@@jeanpaultongeren125it seems to me to be pretty factual
Sounds like you’re feeling better! Keep going. Be that wiry old family ancient that beats all the kids at basketball out on the driveway at every family gathering!
Congratulations I am also following the keto and intermittent fasting I have lost 62 pounds over 3 years. Dr Ekberg is awesome. Keep up the good work 👏
I love sugar so much. I gave up sugar about 6 months ago but I still crave jt. The true sign of an addiction. Particularly soda because I love the burn. Since I’ve overhauled my diet I’ve gone from 280 lbs to 228 lbs in about 10 months. The secret has been to keep my blood sugar from spiking eating mostly meat and limited non-starchy vegetables and only eating one meal a day. I can’t believe how much better I feel and how my inflammation has disappeared. Thank you for all your advice. It has really helped me stay motivated!
How tall are you?
What can you do to end the craving?
Supplement B1, Benfotiamine, magnesium?
Thank you @GenRN for sharing your great results and helping inspire others. That is so awesome. I am thrilled that you have seen such great results. Keep it up! 😄
I should have kept reading! 😂 I just left you a message in reply to another comment you made. Sounds like you might be on it already, but maybe there’s something there… I had to cut the fuzzy, burn-y, carbonated drinks completely. I was a Coke addict for years – Coca Cola, that is! I had to find a substitute and for me that’s iced tea. I always liked it unsweetened, but found I now like it very lightly sweetened. I add 6 drops of stevia glycerite to a half gallon pitcher and it cuts the tannin taste without making it sweet. I had a real issue with stevia and couldn’t tolerate it and was following someone who uses it frequently. She said it was different, so I took a leap of faith and bought some and it doesn’t bother me at all and has none of that aftertaste, either. You might want to give it a try. That’s really the only way I use it. She used it, just a very few drops, in conjunction with other sweeteners to get a more natural flavor. I’m content with Swerve or Lakanto so I haven’t bothered to try.
@@Charles.Wright 5’4.5”. Not tall enough to be 228 😂, much less 280!! My fantasy goal is around 130. I was 116 when I graduated from college.
Stress is harmful for you. There were times that I was angry at the world, about things at my job, driving with others on the road, etc., and I could feel it doing something to my body. Unfortunately, I’m a perfectionist, or at least I tried to be, so I’m always fussing to make things perfect.
Relating to your comments. All together now and breathhhhhhh ❤😊
Similar mindset here. It helps to turn up the “appreciation dial” and for example when sitting at red lights, that can be you-time to reflect on positive past and future events.
Give it to Jesus 😊 ✝️
Two weeks in the carnivore and my hip pain is going away
Awesome! So happy for you! I’m pain free in my left leg but still healing on the right (too much skateboarding and basketball 50 years ago, 😂)
Keep doing it!
Last year on August 10th I decided to give a try to the carnivore. I planned to stay on it for 90 days. After 60 days I knew I will not stop at 90.
I’m now approaching 1 year. I can’t even imagine going back to eating plants. However, I still consume coffee and tea.
I’m 56 years old. I have reading glasses for about 10 years already. Couple of days ago I tried to read the book without them and I COULD!
I expected other health issues to go away, but this took me by surprise. I still have a long way to go in improving my health.
What I can say, don’t expect anything in particular. You will become healthier 100%. The response of your organism will be the biggest joy of your life! Just enjoy!
I understand, at two weeks it’s not an enjoyment. You need more time to get comfortable. I felt that after around 60 days.
Now, I can say that my eating habits or purpose if eating has changed totally. When I’n eating, I’m not looking for any combination of different tastes in food, but I’m waiting that that pleasant feeling of satiety which is coming with every bite of beef, fried eggs and butter. I have no idea how I can be bored of that feeling!😊
I’m not very old(38yo) but mine struggle with backpain (for 15 years) is away. 🎉
@@viktororlov566 thank you for the insight. I’m 59 years old. My hip is worn out. The doctors want to replace it. All the cartilage is gone and I am attempting to rebuild it with the carnivore diet. It seems like it’s working. The pain is not getting worse. I also have about 100 pounds to lose swelling in my right leg and foot that starting to go away also I had a numbness between my big toe and second toe on my right foot due to my back vertebrae being compressed that’s getting better. Also with the weight loss it’s coming off quick. I have some dark chocolate and asparagus once in a while, but I can’t give up my coffee or my tea either lol
I am also taking glucosamine chondroitin
supplement daily
I am really sensitive to stress, and it is really hard for me to make it go away. And when stressed it is very easy to get overwhelmed and start eating bad, and fall into an cycle. Because unhealthy diet gives only more stress
Try meditation! Meditation reduces stress, feel better after doing it. Davidji is on UTube. He teaches meditation. His teaching has greatly helped me!
Make sure to get enough magnesium everyday. It helps the body process stress in healthy way, and improves sleep, blood circulation, muscle health.
It’s not about making stress “go away”. It’s about coping correctly with the stresses in our lives.
I was just talking about this. My belly fat is out of control! Appreciate you Doc🙏🏾
95% of this video I already knew however I had to pull it from so many sources to learn it. It’s great to have it all in one video.
My grandpa said “EAT BREAD”
bcs he was raising 8 kids during the depression and ww2
He was also adamant about washing your hands after touching a doorknob and nobody was allowed to kiss him except on the cheek.. he used a neti pot daily.
He never went to a dr, was never sick, never overweight. until he had to visit a dr at 75, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He passed at 78 from a stroke.
I finally have unlearned that “Eat bread” mentality.
Meat, limited veggies and fruit. 2MAD/IF.
I’m doing better.
Eating bread might not be the worst thing in the world however eating bread you find in a supermarket is typically bad.
Isn’t it amazing how Subway restaurants convinced consumers to eat an entire loaf of bread a day?
Ancient Japanese medicine agreed little bread but animal meat causes yang cancer like prostate and melanoma
This makes so much sense! I never thought about metabolic stress. I was eating very strict keto and slacked off and I can feel a huge difference. Time for me to move off the nail.
I will be saving this video to watch as a regular reminder. The past few years, I’ve been experiencing high stress at my job and steadily gaining weight. I knew I was eating more junk food than I should, but I just couldn’t seem to stop myself. It sure is a vicious cycle…. stress => carbs => more stress => more carbs. I love to exercise and thankfully have kept up with my morning workouts (walking or low impact cardio – helps to energize me). As much as I used to love lifting, I’ve lost the motivation to get back into a regular strength training routine. I am starting your recommendations today – especially the breathing and meditation. Thank you for the great videos!!
Thank you Dr Ekberg for another great video teaching us about our body and the way things work. In my life, the stress factor is the hardest one to deal with. I can control what I eat, I can make conscious decisions about the food I consume but sometimes I feel I cannot control the world around me. To me, dealing with stress is the most difficult part to deal with. The regular exercise definitely helps to reduce it though. Once again, thank you for your dedication and time.
Converting to Catholic helped me so much with stress.
This is literally me. Years of chronic stress and worrying and now I am left with several food intolerances 😢
I used to also have Candida for 6 months straight and it only went away after I drastically reduced all of my stress. Now, I am on a journey to heal my gut for good ❤
I’ve Lost A 162 Pounds Following This Man’s Advice. With Walking At A Very Moderate Pace . I’ve Not Gained Any Weight In Over 2 Years. I No Longer Get Tired In The Middle Of The Day. I Can’t Put Into Words The Difference In How Much Better I Feel. Most Stuff In Restaurants And Half Of Walmart Grocery Is Very Bad For You. Sugar Is Like Poison.
Why Are There Capitals At The Beginning Of Every WORD?
@@gregorycook1652 I want to be like you when I grow up! To be honest, I’m 66 years old already. I’m still very unstable per perseverance on Dr. Ekberg’s advice. But you inspire me to go forward with this simple approach.
@@robbarrell So People Will Ask Me Why All My Words Start With Capitol Letters . Lol 😆
I needed to hear this again. It’s so easy to lose sight of “why” I’m trying to eat better and snack less and reduce stress in my life. The world around us is constantly showing us something to shove in our mouth holes to make us feel better or “reward” ourselves. We also face frustration and stress inducing situations almost hourly so we really do want to make it stop and “reward” ourselves with a sugary donut or chocolate or a small bag of chips. It’s such an insidious cycle though because of everything Dr. EKBERG just laid out. We give in to our cravings and then the cravings just get stronger as our bodies get weaker and sicker. But all while we are smiling and socializing and working and living our “normal” lives. It really takes some kind of health emergency or life event to wake us up to the reality of what is happening to us. Again big thanks Dr. Ekberg. You got me started on this better path 3 years ago!❤
Start at 27:00
Get Better:
1) eliminate all added sugars
2) eliminate all juice
3) reduce sweet fruit
4) reduce process food
5) breathing exercizes
6) meditate
7) plan your sleep & exercizes
8) make it important
Thank you
Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this ❤
Only 8 mins passed since this video is uploaded, already 182 thumbs up and 1460 views..❤.
As of today, lost 10lbs since 7/6 by transitioning to keto because of your gift of information. Working on reversing this fatty liver that I happened to see I had in some test results that NO ONE mentioned to me.
Thank you, Dr. Ekberg 🎉