Before You Eat Breakfast – The Truth About Oatmeal, Eggs, Bacon & Dairy: Dr. Berg

What you eat for breakfast affects how you feel for the rest of the day. Discover the best breakfast foods that boost morning energy and improve cognitive function throughout the day. Find out how a healthy morning breakfast can significantly change your overall well-being.
Check out the NEW Collagen Peptide product here: 🛒
0:00 Introduction: How breakfast affects your day
1:22 The problem with carbs for breakfast
1:30 Collagen Peptides
4:09 Protein for a healthy breakfast
4:30 Eggs for breakfast
4:53 What to eat for breakfast
7:48 The importance of sleep
How to Fix Your Gut:
What you eat for breakfast affects your ability to focus, your creative ability to solve problems, and how well you sleep at night.
A carb-heavy breakfast promotes insulin resistance, which inhibits your ability to absorb fuel. The first place you’ll notice this is in your brain.
Ketones are a much better fuel for your brain than sugar. To make ketones, you need to lower your carbs and sugar. You can also produce ketones by fasting. While fasting, your body must convert to making ketones for energy.
Carbohydrate breakfast foods leave you hungry within an hour-and-a-half of eating. Sugary cereal is a poor choice for breakfast. Magic Spoon or keto-friendly granola without added sugar is a better option.
Oatmeal is generally one of the most ultra-processed foods. If you want to eat oatmeal for breakfast, look for regular oatmeal without sugar. The best option for oatmeal is steel-cut oats, although they take longer to cook.
Oatmeal and wheat are heavily sprayed with glyphosate, which has been shown to cause cancer and problems with your gut. Choose organic to avoid this problem.
Replacing your breakfast food with protein such as meat, bacon, and eggs can significantly change your energy levels and cognitive function. Eggs and bacon are the perfect healthy morning breakfast. You can also add avocado or cheese. Cheese is very nutritious, a good source of protein, and has good bacteria due to the fermentation process.
Yogurt is a great breakfast option. Choose organic Greek or Bulgarian yogurt without added sugar, or make your own yogurt. Instead of giving your kids Wonder bread, try a sprouted bread like Ezekiel bread. Add peanut butter for extra protein. Red meat and pork sausage are also great breakfast foods.
It’s important to prioritize sleep! Losing just one hour of sleep can significantly affect your blood sugar and cognitive state.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#health #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle #intermittentfasting #lowcarb
Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the importance of a healthy morning breakfast. I’ll see you in the next video.
I have started omad and my only meal is breakfast @ 4.00 pm. It feels great, no cravings, No fatigue, I feel very energetic
I’m using similar scheme and it’s perfect for me too.
P.S. best diet is total fasting ; )
OMAD and fasting is the way to live your life. This whole notion you need to eat 3 meals a day or more is why we got such fatties in teh US.
Same here! OMAD also at 4pm! First and only meal of the day chock full of protein! Started it by accident after I got Invisalign, because I didn’t like having to take off my aligners at work if I ate lunch. Not enough time to eat, brush my teeth, and use my portable water floss at work before putting the aligners back on. Now on OMAD I’ve got a lot of energy, I don’t feel the need to take afternoon naps anymore, and my body is super trim 😂
Are you a tradesman or a manual labourer for a living ?
@@bobdobric6787 what
Water 500ml lemon juice 2 tbs apple cider vinegar and sea salt is my breakfast. One meal after a 22. 24 hour fast usually baked salmon and fresh fruit. Lost 10kg feeling fab.
What fruit do you eat?
you will die faster that you think🤐
Dr Berg, thank you for offering sound insight to breakfast meals; it is fully appreciated.
Yes. He’s made more videos on breakfasts.
If there’s a global award,Dr Eric would win,he’s saving lives thanks Doctor
He saved my life! Doctors were making me sicker. Wish I found Berg sooner.
Unfortunately he wouldn’t because they don’t recognize his contributions! We love him though ❤
Absolutely. I’ve learned more and have been able to actually take my health into my own hands instead of being vulnerable to doctors that aren’t really fixing the problem.
I second that motion! My life has changed since quitting drinking 4 years ago and finding Dr Berg. It is a good feeling having a person like him who I can trust. A rock for me anyway.
Dr. Berg, You are absolutely right about Bulgarian yogurt! I live in Bulgaria and making yogurt is our tradition for centuries. Bacteria in fermented milk are beneficial for our microbiome and longevity. Immunity and health start in the gut. Gut health is the most important thing. I know several people here who are 86+ who eat mostly yogurt and cheese, they are in great mental and physical condition and they do not take any medications.
Lactobacillus bulgaricus is a unique strain of lactobacillus that has no side effects but has many benefits even against cancer.
I concur. Bulgaria has amazingly fresh, organic produce.
Bulgarian dairy products are just phenomenal and I never understood why – seems to just be of a higher quality yet affordable as well
@@Cronus66 We use our own bacteria that grows naturally only in our nature, or at least we discovered it here for the first time – Lactobacillus bulgaricus. It can be found naturally in snowdrops, from which we also make probiotics. In other countries, for making yogurt they use other cultures of bacteria developed in laboratories… We have European standards for raising cows and milk, which we do not feed with pesticides and other harmful things. Many people living in small Bulgarian villages produce their own yogurt. They also raise sheep and goats. They take them to pasture on natural grass.
No, he’s too profit centered.
I used to be a sweet eater first thing in the morning followed by processed foods the rest of the day. I recently changed everything and now find myself 52 pounds lighter, off 4 daily medications, by skipping breakfast every day on an 18:6 IF followed by 3 eggs 3 pieces of bacon + protein shake (in milk) for lunch and a meat based dinner of fish, pork, chicken, elk or beef. I cannot eat sweets in the mornings without getting sick now. Best thing I’ve ever done.
Awesome 👏
I have read many books, I listened to many Youtube videos by many of the world’s leading gurus and health experts but nothing came close to the hidden herbs by anette ray. I recommend everyone giving it a read.
It’s no longer in publication!!!!
Be gone bot
Anyone notice that mass produced eggs are really yellow, and if you get an egg from someone who has their own chickens in the yard, those egg yolks are very orange. Big time difference there.
They started to feed chickens food that makes their eggs yolks orange now!
Exactly! Orange is much better in the yolk color and it is an indication of how the chicken was raised. I got ‘cage free’ recently from Aldi and they are yellow! Could not find any pasture raised at the time, so I got stuck. Glad for you that you can source locally and get some that are more appropriate for a human menu. 🤗
That’s true!
I know 6 ladies who have chickens so I can regularly have a supply…til winter when laying slows, bleh
Keep it going Dr.Berg! You have my quality of life nearly as good as it was in my 20s 20 years later!
Thank you Dr. Berg for your work. It already changed my life significantly. Still a way to go – but I’m gonna hold the line. And watching your regular videos / updates are helping a lot. Thank you very much.
I love a scrambled egg with some cheese, fresh salsa and avocado!
EXACTLY what I had this morning, plus green, ginger tea with lemon.
Yum! 😋
Dr Berg, I just had my usual.breakfast at around 10am: bacon, egg, sesame seed crispbread with loads of butter and green tea. Our butter, cheese and eggs are excellent here in Switzerland. I prefer grassfed meat imported from my homeland, Ireland. Thank you for everything you do for us, I have learned so much from you since I discovered you a couple of years ago. I wish I had known sooner, I could have kept my skin younger looking, avoided swollen legs and arthritis😅
I bet 😂Millions of us too.
By the way, regarding importing grassfed meat from Ireland, which ranch/farm would you recommend? I hope to get to Ireland in summer and visit a few farms and ranches.
I make steel cut Organic oatmeal with equal amounts of pureed lentils, and dehydrated ground green blend, ground cinnamon and ginger, coconut oil and diced apples. It is delicious and is more balanced that straight up oatmeal.
i make something similar in large batch and freeze in smaller batches. i’ve never tried adding lentils, though. will have to give it a try.
Organic steel cut oats pressure cooked in an instant pot with hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, raspberries and Ceylon cinnamon.
Blood sugar 2 hours after eating is in normal range!
Too many lectins tbh kills yer gut lining
Healing information. Thanks for sharing Dr Berg
Pop tarts … lived on those for quite a while, … so glad I re-found my love for meat and not stuff sugar down my throat all the time
I skip breakfast 🥞. I have fell into an eating schedule of about 10:00 and 4:00. It works for me
I ate a crappy low fat/high carb diet most of my life and didn’t even realize how rotten I felt. Then 2 years ago I switched to a keto diet and I can’t believe how good I now feel. My last blood test showed that although I am chronologically 72 years old, my blood test showed that I have a body of a 60 year old. I have not eaten oats for 2 years and my brain is sharper now that it was in my 40s. Thank you Dr. Berg.
Awesome 👏 I wish more people could try this!
Blood tests cannot show you a “body” age.
Who else just randomly found Doctor Berg videos one day, and had been watching ever since?! 🤷🤷🤷
That’s what happened to me. I can’t afford most of what he recommends but I still can get bits of information here and there. Concepts. Philosophies. Just information I guess. You can learn A LOT listening to Dr Berg
Looks like 13M people?
Me! And lost 80 pounds since!
Me, 35 lb. loss. Plus, magnesium glycinate, olive oil based D3, K2 MK-7, zinc, and copper.
You gotta admit though-Life Cereal was super yummy ! I miss the days of cereal with Saturday morning cartoons, life was simple and I didn’t know that my food was trying to kill me.
What about Count Chocula?
Cah…ooooookie crisp !😂
I eat 3 pastured raised eggs cooked in grass fed butter with sea salt every single morning. I feel full for a long time.