4 Parasite Killers!! #nutritiontips #wellnesswarriors #parasitecleanse

I have been the unfortunate recipient of a parasite and let me tell you… no bueno!
(Follow @dr.nickzyrowski for daily health tips)
The internet is littered with “get rid of parasites” advice, and let me tell you… most of it is garbage.
As someone who has had issues with this and deals with these types of issues clinically I can tell you getting rid of parasites takes time and isn’t easy.
In fact, it can be hard to even test for them accurately… which is why many people rely on symptoms and testing as a way of knowing whether they are gone or not..
But enough about that… start incorporating some of these foods along with a sugar free diet. Parasites thrive on simple carbs, so stop feeding them!
Go sugar free, complex carbs only.
Next, use an effective support that is going to help clear these monsters from your body. I personally like the Clear 1 and 2 by Allumentum labs.
Stay Healthy! Dr. Z
I wonder any of these are good for dogs