2 STRETCHES for Fast Sciatica Pain Relief

Say goodbye to sciatic nerve pain by addressing 3 nutrient deficiencies and incorporating 2 simple sciatica exercises.
0:00 Introduction: 3 nutrient deficiencies behind sciatica
0:39 The sciatic nerve
1:30 Surgery for sciatic nerve pain
2:19 Sciatic pain and vitamin D
4:21 Magnesium deficiency and sciatica
5:40 Vitamin B12 and sciatic nerve pain
7:30 Sciatica pain relief exercises
Today, I’m going to share a few natural sciatica pain remedies! The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in the body. It extends from the lower back, down the back of the leg, to the bottom of the foot.
Surgery for sciatica can cause side effects like failed back surgery syndrome. Because 90% of sciatica pain will often resolve by itself, invasive procedures are best saved as a last resort.
Sciatic pain often gets worse in the winter, which would explain why vitamin D deficiency is a major contributor. If you’re dealing with inflammation, you need high amounts of vitamin D daily.
Vitamin D is a potent anti-inflammatory and works similarly to Prednisone without the side effects. It helps to repair the nerves, disc, connective tissue, and muscles involved with sciatica.
Magnesium deficiency can also contribute to sciatica because it’s essential for keeping your muscles relaxed. You also need adequate magnesium for vitamin D to work in the body.
Vitamin B12 is involved with several aspects of the nervous system and can cause numbness, tingling, and burning pain if you’re deficient. It’s highly anti-inflammatory, and a deficiency can also contribute to sciatica.
Most people don't get enough sun, so unless you’re taking 10,000 IU of vitamin D each day, you could end up deficient. If you have sciatica, try upping your dose of vitamin D3 to 20,000 to 30,000 IU daily.
Around 800 mg of magnesium each day can be beneficial for sciatica. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chocolate, almonds, leafy greens, bone broth, and spinach are good food sources of magnesium.
Red meat and other animal products provide plenty of vitamin B12.
Try these simple sciatica exercises focused on stretching the fascia to say goodbye to your sciatic nerve pain!
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope increasing vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin B12 can help provide sciatica pain relief. I’ll see you in the next video.
I’m in bed since yesterday with a swollen foot caused by a sciatica , I have no experience with this , and your video just appears as a miracle ! I can’t be on medication it makes sick I can’t stand medication, i need to get better and fast ! Hello from France 🇫🇷 and thanks for this video ! What specialist do I need to make an appointment with please ?
Good morning from New York. A good Chiropractor Doctor will help you
Why don’t you do what this man is telling you and then you won’t need a specialist. I’m a sciatica sufferer and these things allowed me to live a good portion of my life pain free!
I’m sorry you’re in pain, but I’m pretty sure sciatica won’t cause a swollen foot. But depending on what’s actually causing it, it could be serious. Especially if it’s from a blood clot or an infection. You really should consider getting it checked out, just to be safe.
Best wishes.
Dr berg I had sciatica it was in my lower back and went in 2 one side of my buttock down the back of my lag and all the way into my second so I was doing stretches all the time and I couldn’t walk much further than 50 m without having to stop 🛑 put one day I got my friend to do a lot of walking with me 3 x to 4 times a week and after 2 months I could walk without any pain whatsoever I’m just letting people know what worked for me ❤ I also take vitamin b the exercising helps 💪
Once again, you have perfect timing with this video. Thanks for all the info.
i have been taken vitamin D3 10.000iu a day for a week now i will be updating after 4 month ❤
Take it with magnesium and K2. Very important
What the commentor said to you PLUS a little fat in your meal. It helps vitamins d absorb
Once again Dr. Berg you really just don’t know how many PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD who are in TEARFUL PAIN that you will be curing including me I have been praying for an answer and I got it I know you don’t hear this enough but I appreciate
Y❤U 🙏
He has no idea what he’s talking about. He does a google search and reads from that search
@@centralfloridagmrsGo away!
I did a similar stretch while sitting on my bed with a leg off the side and cured a 4 year tailbone injury in about three weeks.
I’ve been taking Dr. Berg’s vitamins k2 and D3 for several years. There have been fewer episodes of back pain. I’m so fortunate to have found this wonderful man. ❤
Glad it helps you. Thanks for getting my supplement.
Can I ask what dosage of Vitamin D3 you have been taking daily?
@@Drberg I’ve been taking Dr Bergs vitamins because I know I can trust the products! Taking D3+K2 also the Multivitamin, and the B1 complex also have the wheatgrass juice powder & you’re Magnesium!
Love it! Thank you Dr Berg! 🙋🏻💕
I have had sciatica since 2016, and had severe pain for about a full year (literally in tears sharp stabbing pain). I went to many doctors and a specialist. Went down the whole list of options, except surgery because I wasn’t good candidate (I was on blood thinners at the time). The last thing the doctor told me to try (he said he didn’t think it would work) was physical therapy. So I went. It was tough and painful, by my therapist was excellent and gave me a dozen exercises/stretches to do every day, and after about 6-8 weeks, the pain was mostly gone. I kept going to PT twice a week for a year, and was totally pain free at that point. My therapist told me to just do those exercises 3 times a week at home, and 8 years later, I am still pain free and doing those exercises at home.
Please tell me what exercises.. I have this pain and hurts like hell. I cry as nothing helped me to get rid of sciatica.
Pls tell me those exercises
Pls tell me about your exercises?
I wish you could tell us what the excercises are I would definitely try doing them.
@@zmarko good for you ! Please tell us the exercises please 🙏🏻
Wonderful. Thanks for sharing your experience here. Stay safe and healthy!
I’m a 19 y/o on the carnivore diet, and I have been experiencing pain in my lower back, legs, and hips. I also have some other symptoms, including fatigue, lack of focus, headaches, and less energy. I watched a lot of your videos on Vitamin D. I do believe I am deficient(not much sun & no D3 supplement at the moment). I’ve not taken D3, which was 2000IU from the store, for a few months, due to what the ingredients were. Recently, I bought a bottle of your 10,000IU D3+K2 supplements. Awaiting delivery early this week! With that said, I just want to thank you for all of your information that you provide us with! I’m thankful we have doctors like you to steer us in the right direction!
How long have you been doing Carnivore?
Also, are you cheating regularly.
I was recently talking to a customer about Keto/Carnivore.
They were telling me that they’re currently trying it out, and that it wasn’t working for them.
As I finished washing my hands after servicing their equipment, I noticed as I walked past the teachers lounge later, there she was in the lounge, eating a piece of birthday cake as she and her co-workers were celebrating another teacher’s birthday.
The flour and sugar alone, is enough to destroy any progress towards resetting the body towards health.
Make sure to add electrolytes to the diet!
as a young man look into doing thai/indian squats which is the way that asian people take a dump in a hole in the ground..u can use a door frame using ur hands to lower yourself down into position and then to get back up…there are vabout this
@@davidjudd951 I don’t cheat. Been on carnivore for four months.
@@lovefrenchbrittany5236 yep! Got a recipe from Old Guy Carnivore and made some! Works wonderfully!
Shockingly, I just explained how each of these nutrients play a major role in the development of healthy testosterone levels to a guy at a health fair the other day! He’s 50-something years old, but his voice sounds like he’s a female toddler. Thanks, sir, for sharing these tips! Have a great Sunday, y’all! 🙂
I watched a video called the scariest “doctor” on youtube i would be skeptical about anything eric berg claims
@@FrankJames4-ki3bt have a great day, sir.
That is because you have no knowledge regarding biomedical supplement treatment
@@shahanazahamed2511 🍼
@@shahanazahamed2511 🍼
Those stretches feel very good. As a 30+ year runner I incorporated yoga to help strengthen my core & literally make myself stretch & get stronger. Yoga can be intimidating at first yet my desire to rid myself of low back pain and tight soas was worth it!
That’s nice. Thanks for sharing here what helps you. Stay safe1
I used to suffer from very painful sciatica. I had to take off work sometimes because I simply couldn’t walk nor get relief to get a good night’s rest. I went on keto 4 years ago. Haven’t had sciatica pain since. I was already taking vitamin D3 so I knew it wasn’t because of a deficiency. Once I cut out the excessive sugar, processed foods, bread and industrial seed oils, all pain and sickness went away.
Thanks to previous videos you did on sciatica and vitamin deficiencies my ongoing issues were resolved. I’d seen chiropractors, tried stretching and braces and nothing worked. I was reduced to tears some days the pain was so overwhelming. Within a few weeks of taking B vitamins and cutting out sugar I was without pain! All thanks to your info. Reducing the sugar and taking a few more supplements after listening to other videos resolved the reflux/GURD issues I had my entire adult life. Thank you for giving real solutions to people!
No problem. Glad my videos helped you. Wishing you good health!
I’ve suffered serious lower back pain and sciatica for almost 3 years.
After listening to you I upped my D3 to 15000 IU. Plus K2 and magnesium. If I still get a twinge, I take another 5000 before bed. It kicks in within an hour or two. People have mocked me and said it’s a placebo. I don’t care because it works.
Also 18 months ago I started taking 2000 D3 for osteoporosis. My asthma vanished along with my chronic sinusitis and I ceased using my CPAP machine.
No wonder big pharma is scared. I was listening to a D3 guru a while back who said blood tests for D3 didn’t actually measure what our immune system needs. He said around 10,000 per day is actually used by the body everyday.
I have a question about this, what about calcium deposition in joints when you take vit D, K, and Mg?
I am also taking vit D, but I’m worried about unnecessary calcium deposition
@@roxyroxanne1233~ you have to take 100 micrograms of K2 (not milligrams) per 5,000 IUs of D3. The K2 drives the calcium from the soft tissues and arteries to the bones and teeth. Then, no worries about calcifying. Also, take magnesium glycinate to make it all work efficiently.
@@roxyroxanne1233 I take no calcium supplements. 4 years ago a doctor had me on a massive dose because of possible osteoporosis. I had a chest X-ray and saw a calcium build up in a main heart artery. I do not trust doctors anymore. Most haven’t a clue. Take adequate K2 which I noted cleaned up the tartar on my teeth! That’s been a problem I had for years. Now we are all different so it’s a case of trying and noting the result.
Get a incline bench, I hang upside down 3 to 4 times a week and the results are marvelous
@@geesutton1399is this the same as an inverse table?
I suffered over 3 years in pain, the last year I could barely walk. Saw 4 different doctors who said I needed double hip replacement. But something just didn’t set right. Like they all said…well, your hip doesn’t look too bad right now but we can do a hip replacement if you want, that’s the only way to relieve the pain. I’m lucky my insurance allowed me to keep getting “other” opinions. Finally went to a neurosurgery group who did an MRI, told me my hip was fine, but I had some damaged nerves in my lower back. They wanted me to come back and get a shot in one nerve bundle so they could figure out which one was damaged..sciatic or sacroiliac…. I went home and did some research…started immediately doing the stretches for both.. within 2 weeks I was totally pain free…. I also started taking benfotiamine with thiamine, which is supposed to heal nerve sheaths. I was amazed how much better I felt, now when I get twinges I just do these stretches, some involve hamstring.. sad how many years I dealt with pain and how many docs just wanted to turn me into a cyborg.
Kindly mention what stretches helped you or put a link if possible, my is suffering from
Sciatica pain it’s severe she can barely walk or sit.
Your help is appreciated
@@khushinandwani3278 I actually watched several videos, and tried all the stretches. El Paso physical therapy was great. Just search you tube for sciatica exercises. I never found out if it was sciatica or sacroiliac, but stretching really worked. Every day I put my foot on a chair and lean forward, then I stand straight with foot on chair and push my knee outwards..stretching the inside, as long as I feel it down the back of my leg it works..whatever I do. Which is weird cause my pain was in my right front thigh..I swear I could feel the bone. But stretching my hamstrings helped. Also, before I get up..I pull my knees up and twist side to side some, keeping back flat. I think you will need to try different ones to see what works for you. But you tube has tons of good videos on that very thing. Good luck, try a lot. Hope she gets better.
Hello Dr Berg, I thank you for another great video.
I want to share my personal encounter with piriformis syndrome.
I have had piriformis pain in my buttock for almost 3.5 years.
I only started Nuerobion ( B3,B6,B12) about 9 months ago and it has been a great reliever of pain
I started keto diet ( meat + animal organs, eggs, cheese, butter, full cream milk, almonds, cashew nuts, vitamin k2+D3 supplement + Probiotic) on Aug 15. I completely cut down on sugar, refined carbs and highly processed food
Now, the pain is completely gone!
I am 1.75m, weighed 68kg, now I weigh 65Kg.
I have followed mostly your great food nutritional advice and it really works!
Thank you, Dr Berg!
I started taking Magne 5 magnesium from the Natural Heart Doctor last November. I had terrible leg cramps every night even if I was pushing electrolytes all day. Once I started Magne 5, I have not had one leg cramp at night. Almost 10 months. I take it at night which helps make me sleepy as well. Additionally, I started a B Complex along with Vitamin D since then. I’ve suffered off and on from sciatica from almost 20 years. All three of these supplements eased some of that pain too, but chiropractic therapy helped as well. At times, I had to crawl from my bed to the bathroom because pain was so bad. So what Dr. Berg is recommending here, with a comprehensive approach of vitamins and stretching, etc I can 100% vouch for.
A year ago I changed my diet and started taking 20,000 UI of d3 a day and not only did my psoriasis clear up just I haven’t had my sciatic nerve act up once since then. A very pleasant side effect. No more laying on the floor for 15 minutes before I can move
I don’t understand why scientists have to do research on diseases all they have to do is come to this man he has the answer for everything
How is it that every time I have an issue a NEW video pops up from Dr. Berg? Thanks for all you and your team do.